Help needed, neutral creeps wont stop chasing heroes.

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Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
Hi, guys, I have a problem regarding neutral creeps. In my map I use Neutral Hostile, Extra, Victim and Passive as creep players, and I added a pathing system for each of them.

There are no problems with the Neutral Extra, Passive and Victim creeps, however Neutral Hostile creeps chase the heroes non-stop until they die or the hero dies, and no amount of provocation from other units will stop them.

I'm thinking that this is something in the lines of the default neutral AI script that Blizzard implemented into the game. Is there anyway to disable this? Thanks in advance.
Level 5
Oct 3, 2008
did you by any chance modify creep guard distance or some other detail in gameplay constants? or do you have a trigger which orders neutrals to attack? or did you set your units to units cant flee?
Level 18
Oct 18, 2007
did you by any chance modify creep guard distance or some other detail in gameplay constants? or do you have a trigger which orders neutrals to attack? or did you set your units to units cant flee?

The flee check is not that they flee inn batte, but from the battle. Like peasant's run away if they are attacked because they have the check box checked "Can Flee[•]"
Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
Yes, I actually made a change in the Creep Guard Distance so that the creeps will keep pushing on their lane. But the real problem is the creeps focus on the player owned heroes on that lane instead of fighting other creeps. Is there any way to disable this?
Level 3
May 3, 2008
Hi, guys, I have a problem regarding neutral creeps. In my map I use Neutral Hostile, Extra, Victim and Passive as creep players, and I added a pathing system for each of them.

There are no problems with the Neutral Extra, Passive and Victim creeps, however Neutral Hostile creeps chase the heroes non-stop until they die or the hero dies, and no amount of provocation from other units will stop them.

I'm thinking that this is something in the lines of the default neutral AI script that Blizzard implemented into the game. Is there anyway to disable this? Thanks in advance.

I only had something similiar to this when i didnt delete the action Melee game - run AI scripts. Then if the creeps noticed a unit they wouldnt stop chasing unless they were attacked
Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
I only had something similiar to this when i didnt delete the action Melee game - run AI scripts. Then if the creeps noticed a unit they wouldnt stop chasing unless they were attacked

I've already disabled the Melee Game - Run AI script function, that doesn't help. And my creeps, for some unknown reason, keep chasing the hero even when they are attacked by other creeps/heroes.


Sparten1one7, Dyansti, your solutions make sense. I'm quite busy today so probably i'll try it out tomorrow and see if it works. Thanks for the advice though!
Level 5
Jan 6, 2006

Back again after a VERY busy month

Guys.. I need your help again. The previous two methods mentioned, they don't work. The Neutral Hostile Alliance creeps still won't stop chasing the heroes, while there is still no problem with the others. I even inserted a trigger that FORCES them to attack creeps and that didn't work either, as they switch their attention back to the hero immediately. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!!
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
Man just enable can flee, it does not do anything, except that if say a unit with no attack gets attacked, it will move a short distance away and then stop.
Anyways for your problem it is also good idea to reset the gameplay constants regarding creeps guard distance and stuff to defaults. If they are given a command through triggers say attack move to point, they will not return to their previous position, they will just follow the command to end and then stop.
Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
That works for Player Slots 1-12, but the problem is that I'm using Neutral Hostile as creeps right now. And resetting gameplay contestants doesn't help, it only makes the problem worse, as the creeps will just clump in front of the base doing nothing. Same goes for turning "Can Flee" on, the creeps will flee all the way back to the base before continuing pushing.

Thanks for the help but, too bad they doesn't work. :(
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
What trigger are you using to make them move?

I'm using neutral hostiles in one of my map and it works perfectly.
I have only return time set to 120 seconds, coz 120 seconds works for me since they die even a lot earlier than that. Thats the only thing i changed even before adding triggers so i have not tested them with return time lesser than that.

EDIT: And do neutral hostile spawn at some point or are they on the map initially?
EDIT2: okay so i went back checked my map and since i can't give you that map, i created a new one.
Neutral creeps attack other units.


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Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
Thanks for the map :)

Anyway, I've just found out the reason why the heroes keep getting attacked first. Since I'm using neutral for all my creeps, the Neutral Hostile's AI priority is to attack the player owned units first, before attacking the neutral units, even when they are attacked by them. And I've also notice that this thing happens to Neutral Hostile only, and not on the other players.

If there is any way to fix this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Yeah, and if there's any way to disable Neutral Hostile's predefined AI, I'd like to know about it too.
EDIT2: Fixed it, after 2 months upon opening this thread... finally. To fix it I used the "AI - Ignore Unit Guard Position" function, which, to my surprise, actually works, despite many world editor guides around the internet said differently. The only points to note is that the function has to be used BEFORE ordering the unit, and a few tweaks regarding creep guarding in the Gameplay Constants. So, thanks again for your help, which inspired me to fix this problem myself.
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