Dota refree system

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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
short question for the most of the hive users "how to prevent neutral hostile fleeing from towers when their health gets low"

My question for the experienced hive users

i have a questions about the dota refree system

which slots reserved for the refrees?

if you say "same as the sentinel and scourge" why creeps can see invisible units

if you say "one of the player slots" how can you transfer player slot to netural victim and extra (at least they're still at the same slot with sentinel and scourge"

if you say "neutral victim and extra" why their creeps doesn't flee from towers?

and idea?

I understand i should change ownership of the creeps for the 2 teams as neutral victim and extra but my problem starts from here

i need to solution just 1 of them

1-) Disable creeps seeing invisible units when they're controlled by slots (1-12)
2-) Disable creeps fleeing from towers if their healths gets low when they're controlled by neutral victim or extra slots

edit: i see most of the users doesn't understand the question
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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Neutral victim and extra are additional players and NOT SLOTS.
I don't understand what you want, there are no slots reserved for refrees, that's in advanced options of a map set by someone(in or LAN).
I know. If i'll set player 1 and player 7 for the refree, their creeps can see invisible units
If i'll change ownership of the creeps to neutral victim and extra my main problem is solving BUT they're fleeing from towers when their healths gets low

i need to solution just 1 of them

1-) Disable creeps seeing invisible units when they're controlled by slots
2-) Disable creeps fleeing from towers if their healths gets low when they're controlled by neutral victim or extra slots
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Dota uses neutral victim and extra for creeps if there is an observer in game.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Neutral extra flees from towers, victim doesn't. So use extra? What is your main question? "Why creeps from sentinel and scourge don't flee"?

it doesn't matter i need a solution for one of them

1-) Disable creeps seeing invisible units when they're controlled by slots
(player1 to 12)
2-) Disable creeps fleeing from towers if their healths gets low when they're controlled by neutral victim or extra slots
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Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
It's not that hivers don't have the idea about whatnot. It's just that you are not able to give your problem properly. You are not able to give any remotely useful information for us to understand your question. If there is any question that is.

So pls. Ask something a little bit more intelligent. Thank you.

No offense. :)
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
i'm asking "how to prevent neutral hostile fleeing from towers" but forget it no problem please someone close or delete this topic because i'm bored everyday listening "make towers as units or go to the object editor and set flee as false bla bla bla bla"

please delete or close this topic
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Turn "can flee" off in object editor.
Make return time and distance extremely high. (constants)

It should work. If it doesn't then tell us what goes wrong.

Why so much drama?

Everyone says "turn can flee off" ok open the empty map, place the tower and create unit for neutral hostile and tell us if it works...

He thinks it's our problem that we can't understand what he says, but the truth is that he can't ask us the question with proper offense, but I really can't understand.

i'm asking "how to prevent neutral hostile fleeing from towers"

ok let me explain more and i'm sorry about my non-proper grammar

how to prevent (disable, i don't want) neutral hostile (neutral hostile, victim, passive and extra are other slots, you can find this slots under the players tab) fleeing (fleeing means running away. If the neutral unit (passive, victim, extra) hit point getting low they're starting to running away) from towers (towers are units but you can see they're in the building category (another words, go to the object editor and you'll see "is a building equal to true))

if someone needs better explanation i'm sure i can do but as ceday's said, problem is solved you can continue from here.
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