How to share vision with Neutral Player Slot

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Level 6
Jun 20, 2005
In my map I'm using the Neutral Extra and Neutral Victim to control attacking creeps (it's a hero survival), and there are some waves with invisible creeps. The problem is that Neutral Player slots can't share vision with other players.

Is there a way to work around that and make players allied to the Neutral Extra be able to see their units?

Thanks in advance.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
i think you can if you share units with him

u can add ward classification if you don't want a player to control the natural units,or

you can also do this
add a dummy spell book to each natural unit
add rally for each dummy unit (no control 100% than)

than make spell book key - X
every 0.02 sec of game
if unit owned by natural player is selected by triggering player
-force triggering player to press a key -X

anyway it would be better if you add a ward classification
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