Could I use a spellbook in place of the hero skills button and have abilities that level the skills I want? This could, theoretically, make a hero with more than 5 abilities, but I'm very new to spellbooks.
In my particular case, hero abilities don't actually exist. The abilities are unit abilities that get added by other means. However, hero skill points are used to increase attributes as you please. Basically, you get 2 skill points per level and you can level up strength, agility, or intelligence as you please.
Now I ran into as problem with hero skills already. I couldn't find a way to make it so you can level up a hero ability to a higher level than the hero level, so putting both points into strength each level is impossible. My workaround for this was to make it so learning the skills increases the stat with a trigger and the hero skill actually does nothing and then I made it so the ability gets set to level 1 again after you've learned it. The hero skills were dropped to 2 levels each, which was nice.
This led to 2 new problems lol. At level 1, you can't level up the same attribute twice, so it's weird at level 1. After you are level 2, it doesn't matter, but if you gain many levels all at once, it really messes up the number of skill points the hero has. It seems that WC3 sets the number of points back to how many the hero can spend before maxing all of their abilities. It messes up very badly when the hero gains multiple levels at once. I've since fixed that by making the abilities have 10 levels each, since you'd pretty much have to try to break it to go over 27 skill points to spend. The level 1 thing is still a problem, but you can always wait until level 2 or just get 2 different attributes at level 1.
I want to abandon the system I have since it is annoying to work with. I'm wondering if I can just make a spellbook and put in the strength, agility, and intelligence tome abilities into it. I'd need the spellbook to close and become disabled using triggers when all the skill points are spent. I'd also need some way to display how many skill points the play has to spend.
Can I make a spellbook that pretends to be the hero skill levelling button? I need the spellbook to close and disable when there are no points left to spend and I need a way to tell the player how many skill points they have to spend.
In my particular case, hero abilities don't actually exist. The abilities are unit abilities that get added by other means. However, hero skill points are used to increase attributes as you please. Basically, you get 2 skill points per level and you can level up strength, agility, or intelligence as you please.
Now I ran into as problem with hero skills already. I couldn't find a way to make it so you can level up a hero ability to a higher level than the hero level, so putting both points into strength each level is impossible. My workaround for this was to make it so learning the skills increases the stat with a trigger and the hero skill actually does nothing and then I made it so the ability gets set to level 1 again after you've learned it. The hero skills were dropped to 2 levels each, which was nice.
This led to 2 new problems lol. At level 1, you can't level up the same attribute twice, so it's weird at level 1. After you are level 2, it doesn't matter, but if you gain many levels all at once, it really messes up the number of skill points the hero has. It seems that WC3 sets the number of points back to how many the hero can spend before maxing all of their abilities. It messes up very badly when the hero gains multiple levels at once. I've since fixed that by making the abilities have 10 levels each, since you'd pretty much have to try to break it to go over 27 skill points to spend. The level 1 thing is still a problem, but you can always wait until level 2 or just get 2 different attributes at level 1.
I want to abandon the system I have since it is annoying to work with. I'm wondering if I can just make a spellbook and put in the strength, agility, and intelligence tome abilities into it. I'd need the spellbook to close and become disabled using triggers when all the skill points are spent. I'd also need some way to display how many skill points the play has to spend.
Can I make a spellbook that pretends to be the hero skill levelling button? I need the spellbook to close and disable when there are no points left to spend and I need a way to tell the player how many skill points they have to spend.