Adding Leveled Hero Abilities to Spellbook

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Level 3
Aug 17, 2008
So after being away from WC3 for awhile, I decided to try my hand at map-making again.

I was attempting to add level-able abilities to a spellbook for my heroes, but as it would turn out, you can't add hero abilities to the spellbook. I'm also using the Disable Ability command to hide the spellbook. The question is either, how can I add hero abilities to a spellbook, or how can I hide the levelable abilities on my hero?

Thankyou in advanced,

EDIT: The level able abilties I'm referring to are normal Hero Abilities the hero has that gain levels when the hero puts a skill point into them.
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Level 10
Mar 16, 2009
1.) create a dummy item
2.) trigger it in
- generic unit event - a unit obtains an item
- item comparision - item carried by hero equal (dummy item)
- hero - learn skill (the skill you want) for trigering unit
add multiple spells by copying and slightly modifying this trig

then create a trig to unlearn when droped

- generic unit event - a unit drops an item
- item comparision - item carried by hero notequal (dummy item)
- unit - remove skill (the skill you want) for trigering unit
add multiple spells by copying and slightly modifying this trig

Or do the same thing but have it so the item gives the spell lets say fire spell book(fake spell in other words another dummy with tooltip and name this time tho) to the unit and then use trigger:

- generic unit event - a unit starts the effect of an abillity
- item comparision - abillity being casted = to (your dummy spell that has tooltips and a name)
- hero - learn skill (the skill you want) for trigering unit
add multiple spells by copying and slightly modifying this trig
- wait 45 seconds
- use triggers in the other 1 to remove the spells

also create a cooldown longer then or = to the time it takes for the abillites to disapear.

Hope this helps :)
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Simple answer is that you CAN add abilities to disabled spellbooks.

You need your original spellbook and an additional spellbook containing to ability you wish to add. Make sure both these spellbooks have the same Base Order ID.

When you wish to add the new ability simply give the unit the new spellbook and it will be in all spellbooks on the unit that share the same Base Order ID
Level 3
Aug 17, 2008
Hope this helps :)
Thank you for your response, but the system you describe is different than what I'm looking for. I don't want the spell book to be an item, I'm using a disabled spell book set as a unit ability and given to my heroes to hide some passive effects.

More clearly, an example of what I'd like to be able to do is:
1) Hero levels up and gets his/her skill point.
2) Hero chooses to level up one of the skills he or she has.
3) The hero gets the skill, and acts as if it had the skill at the appropriate level, but the skill is hidden away in a disabled spell book.

If there is an easier cleaner way to do something like this that is intuitive to players, then I'm open to suggestions. I would prefer not to use the inventory, but I can if its required.

Simple answer is that you CAN add abilities to disabled spell books.

The problem is not adding "Abilities" to a disabled/hidden spell book, the problem is that Hero Abilities cannot be added to the spellbook ability in the Object Editor.
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Level 10
Mar 16, 2009
Event - A unit gains a level
Condition - Triggering unit is level 2
Action - If then else
Condition - hero has no abillities
Then - Display dialog(I think you know how to create dialog buttons so just create buttons labeled all the spells level 1)
Else -I f then else
Condition - hero has abillity1 level 2
Then - Display dialog(I think you know how to create dialog buttons so just create buttons labeled all the spells level 1 and abillity 1 level 2)

Then to make it check for all level 2s you have to copy the entire trigger and replace abillity 1 with abillity2 then copy the trigger again and replace abillity2 with abillity3 so on and branch the level 3s off of the coresponding level 2 triggers.

and add the trigger
event - a unit levels up
action remove 1 hero points from triggering unit

if you need help with the dialog buttons i can help you
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