btw it increases armor and damage.. i think there's a damage tome but the armor?
maybe make dummy armor abilities (item armor ability based) in hidden spellbook (put to spellbook then disable the spellbook so unit got the pasive abilities from spellbook just cant see the spellbook icon)
examplke do 4 armor ability and all with lv10:
1. armor ability:lv1 = 0 armor, lv2 = 1 armor ....lv10 = 9 armor
2. armor ability:lv1 = 10 armor, lv2 = 20 armor ....lv10 = 90 armor
3. armor ability:lv1 = 100 armor, lv2 = 200 armor ....lv10 = 900 armor
4. armor ability:lv1 = 1000 armor, lv2 = 2000 armor ....lv10 = 9000 armor
(limit is 9999 armor if 4 ability and each got only lv10)
then set the abilities level to that much how much armor u want (exactly same with damage/attack speed etc, exclude hp/mp where have different trick)
lets say u need 2234 armor
then set 4th skill to lv2 (=+2000armor),3rd skill to 2(=+200armor), 2nd skill to lv3(=+30armor) and 1st skill to lv1(=+4armor)
easy to do it just keep tracking how much ur kill, example u killed 1250 creep so
(so look like kill_Count[player number of killing unit] = 1250)
//we use 2 integer for be more easy, this integer variable in my example is ''i'' and b
set b = kill_Count[player number of killing unit] // so we save how much killed to b
set killing unit armor4 ability level to
set i = b-((b/1000)*1000)/
100 //this is same than modulator (b,1000)
set killing unit armor3 ability level to (i)
set i = (i- ((i/100)*100))/
set killing unit armor2 ability level to (i)
set i =( i- ((i/10)*10))/
set killing unit armor1 ability level to (i)