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Unreal Mercenaries 2 - Roleplay

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Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
((OOC: Opening thread with 4 player characters ready.))

((OOC Location: Front of Mike's Mercenaries' Base))

Mike was standing next to the front door of his base, leaning on the wall behind him. He checked the time.

"They should be here any minute."

It was a cloudy night, quite perfect for a first meetup for a mercenary squad. No one would pay attention, not that any civilian would want to cross paths with Mike in the first place.

Mike's base was located in a seemingly abandoned two-story building on the outskirts of a city. It didn't seem high tech at all from the outside, but if one were to see the inside, one would think that it's not the same building at all. The last mercenary group Mike had led were so kind as to let him keep his base and move out themselves.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
OOC Location: Road to the building.
IC: He can finally see the building, the meeting point. His new mercenary team. When was the last time he joined a mercenary team? Maybe 6 months ago or so. The last mission was pretty bad, it took almost his comrades and forced him to run a 30-day maintenance.
He can see a man leaning to the wall outside the building as he walks toward it, it must be Mike.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
((OOC: Near the gate of the city))
IC: Vayne is near the gate of the city,looking at all the people one by one closing their lights."Lights off...eh?"Vayne mumbered.{The rendevouz point should right around here.}He thought as he saw a person in front of the base.{Must be Mike}.Vayne walked in front of Mike and said "Yo.".
Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
((OOC Loc: Front of the base))

"G'night. You must be Vayne," Mike responded. He then stood fully up.
He then noticed Peper coming up to the building. "And that biomech coming from over there must be Peper."

"We're still one.. 'man' short. Let's wait for him."
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
((OOC Loc: Walking down a dimly lit Alleyway, opposite side of the way both Vayne and Peper came.))

CMT was late meeting with his new team leader, he had downloaded a map of the city from the ether net before leaving to find the meeting point, but as is come with such maps found on the ether net, it was more than 20 years out of date, and was inaccurate due to the state disrepair the section of the city was currently in.

Turning into a long alleyway, dimly lit my flaming barrels of trash and flickering street lamps. "I am 5.57 minutes behind schedule; I must make a log of the inaccuracy of this map file as to speed future trips to this waypoint." CMT thought to him, as began walking down the alley.

Several people where huddled around the barrels, trying to find warmth on the cold cloudy night. CMTs hulking frame and metal chassis drew strange looks from them, Liandri Robots where extremely uncommon in this section of city, but CMT ignored their stares, and pressed on.

Soon the alleyway opened up, into a large lot, which in the middle stood a two story factory, rough and shoddy looking from the outside, CMT subroutines did research on the building, concluding it must have once been a foundry of some kind.

Outside of the entrance stood three individuals, two humans and a bio mech, one of them must be the "B. Michael" CMT sought out. Walking up to the trio, CMT sensors did a facial scan of each, concluding the one closest to the building dressed in green was in fact "B. Michael".

Walking up to him CMT stopped and extending his left arm as it to shake hands; "B. Michael I presume?"
Level 7
May 3, 2011
((OOC: In front of Mike's base))
IC: "And I assume your CMT?"Vayne reaches out his hand.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
((Standing in the same place he was moments before))

CMT turned to greet the second human, who had held his hand out, greeting him with a firm, cold, metal handshake. "I am. Construction Management Techbot No. 2172. Honored."
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
OOC Location: In front of Mike's base.
IC: As soon as his sensors captured Vayne reaching out his head, he found out that was pretty amusing, since his computer described it simply as 'old school'.
Then when he saw the robot shaking Vayne's hand, his computer quickly recognized it. It is CMT-2172, who helped a bit at his old team.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
((OOC: In front of Mike's base))
IC: "And that must be Peper Schmitz,the Liandri bot."pointing in the robot's position."You can come here,no need to be shy."Vayne yelled.
Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
((OOC Loc: Same as before))

Mike turned to CMT and shook hands. "Yes, I am, although I'd prefer that you just call me Mike."

Mike swooped his vision across the three others.

"Alright, it seems that we're all present. Let us go in," Mike said.

He then turned to the door and opened it. Another, a much newer-looking door was behind it. You can hear a sound resembling power going back on after an outage.

A computer-controlled camera then came out of the wall. A female computer voice then bluntly said: "Identify yourself. Look at the camera for five seconds for a retinal scan."

Mike looked at the camera for a while. The computer then said: "Welcome back, Mike" and opened the door with a hissing, steamish sound.
Mike said: "Computer, I have three entities with me: two mechanical and one human. Report of any excesses."
"Roger. Bring your friends to the Examination Chamber for a retinal and appearance scan for the human and a system and appearance scan for the mechanicals. Please enter" the computer then stated.

"Follow me, the place ain't quite big but you can still get lost if you're new to the place" Mike said, gesturing the others to follow him in as he walked down the stairs to the entrance hall.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
((OOC: Inside Mike's base))
IC: "Ha!This place is not that big."Vayne said but hit onto a wall."I...did that....purposely..."Vayne mumberred as hit yet another wall."Dammit....Too much walls...."Vayne stood up and went to where the scan takes place."This is good."Vayne said.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
((OOC: Following Mike to the Scanning Area))

"Acknowledged B. Commander." Said CMT, following along towards the scanning area. “B. Commander, I wish to inquire something, does your system AI have a name for which I may address her?”
Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
((OOC: Now that I have a little break on a computer, lemme just point out that I couldn't post yesterday and can't post today. IRL drama.))
((OOC EDIT: That continued for WAY too long. Also to keep you posted, I have Exam Week right now, so expect to have at least a week's halt from here on. Terribly sorry!))
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Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
((OOC: We're back on track, and concentration on studies paid off! 9.67 average ftw!))

((OOC Loc: Scanning Area))

"Well, she doesn't have a name per se. I've just been calling her "Computer"."
"Alright, stand about two meters apart from each other and stay as still as you can for about 15 seconds," Mike said, opening a terminal on his right and entering the scan codes.

After about five seconds, the mercenaries were scanned with a tight laser grid and their appearances popped up on Mike's terminal screen. "Good... looks about right."

Almost instantaneously after that, the human's eye was scanned, much like Mike's was when they entered. The robots were scanned again, this time with a different scanner, and their system info was recorded into the base's systems.

"Alright, you're free to exit. The scan's a success," Mike exclaimed.
"The scanning area is the only room directly visible from the entrance hall. The other rooms are all sealed, due to strategic or physical importance. These would be the main terminal room, the planning room, the armory and the repairs and medical bay. We've got extremely limited supplies in the repair and medical bay, so try not to get your asses kicked too much," he continued.

"Get used to your surroundings, and see where the rooms are. I'll go and prep the planning room, meet me there in 30 minutes," Mike said while walking toward the planning room.

((OOC: I'll draw a map for the base soon enough.))
Level 7
May 3, 2011
((OOC: Right on! Let's keep this thread alive as long as possible!))
((OOC Loc: Scanning room.))

"Where IS the weapon storage?I'd like to check all the weapons you have!"Vayne said,hoping that he would find some proper equipment before starting the mission.
{A F300-SF would REALLY liven this whole thing up ! AND even an katana would fit!}Thought Vayne as he followed Peper Schmitz.

((OOC: Let me explain what's an F300-SF.Simple explanation is an upgraded Sniper Rifle with an scope twice as far as an normal scope and has deadly power of piercing through thick vests.Though it's very rare.))
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