In my map Zombie Tag, I have to deal with the flocculation of units quite often.
Players in Zombie Team spawn creeps by buying them in Zombie Citadel. Units are sent by buying like in Tropical Tower War, HeroLineWar or Stronghold maps but you can control them to move anywhere you want to rape the survivors. B'cuz the mobs are sent that way, I have to use set rally as to let the players place the flag at where they want the mobs come to.
Apart from the set rally,
Problem is when you have a lot of them on map, the mobs get stucked and any order of you to move them won't work any more.
My settings are working for all mobs:
I hope to make it work smoothly, no units get stuck anyway.
How to solve this?
Players in Zombie Team spawn creeps by buying them in Zombie Citadel. Units are sent by buying like in Tropical Tower War, HeroLineWar or Stronghold maps but you can control them to move anywhere you want to rape the survivors. B'cuz the mobs are sent that way, I have to use set rally as to let the players place the flag at where they want the mobs come to.
scope rally initializer Rally
private function Rally_Cond takes nothing returns boolean
local real x
local real y
if GetUnitTypeId(GetSellingUnit())=='uaod' then
set x=GetLocationX(GetUnitRallyPoint(GetSellingUnit()))
set y=GetLocationY(GetUnitRallyPoint(GetSellingUnit()))
call IssuePointOrder(GetSoldUnit(),"smart",x,y)
return false
private function Rally takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
local integer i=7
exitwhen i>11
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL,null)
set i=i+1
call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Rally_Cond))
set t=null
Apart from the set rally,
Problem is when you have a lot of them on map, the mobs get stucked and any order of you to move them won't work any more.
My settings are working for all mobs:
collision size = 0.00 , movement type : hover
but still the flocculation of the mobs occasionally occurs in the game.I hope to make it work smoothly, no units get stuck anyway.
How to solve this?
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