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Unholy Invasion v2.2b


Unholy Invasion is a unique co-op Hero Survival map where 1 to 3 Players defend against hordes of zombies with various customized weapons and gear.

Here are some of the features of this map, for those who didn't see this map before;

--Highly customized manual attack system; you can attack with a single weapon and bash with a shield, a two-handed weapon, a bow combined with a special arrow of your choice or with dual weapons. Each attack style have it's own attack animations, attack sounds, stats, abilities and more.
-Fast-paced combat with gore.
-A unique and easy equip system.
-22 Melee Weapons, 4 Special Arrows which can be combined with 7 Ranged Weapons, 8 Body Armors, 9 Helmets and 7 Shields, each with their own item models, stats and abilities.
-A knockback system which fits perfectly for a map of this kind. (Thanks to Paladon)
-A simple, yet nice custom stat system.
-Each equipped item shows on character and fitting perfectly, even quivers. (Hail to their respective owners!).
-Supports 1 to 3 Players and 3 Difficulties.
-Zombie numbers are proportional with Players. When a Player leaves, lesser zombies spawn.
-3 Specializations to choose from.
-12 Feats to further improve your playstyle.
-Lag free triggering.
-Much, much more to see!

Latest Updates;

-Dexterity now reduces attack cooldown (With a 50% cap). Combat is now faster.
-Added a new elite helmet; Helm of the Duelist.
-Added a new elite helmet; Assassin's Headguard.
-Prevented selection of enemies or other players in combat rounds.
-Boss now takes 25% reduced damage from critical hits.-Buffed Taunt passive.
-Nerfed Artifical Heart.
-Fixed some bugs.
-Changed some armor stat requirements.

-Added new attack cooldown bars.
A bar that indicates the cooldown of your attack appears on your hero.
-Melee attacks now cannot be performed unless an enemy is in your weapon range. This prevents accidental misses.
-Removed camera lock command. Instead, players can now lock/unlock camera instantly by pressing "Q" in combat.
-Added a new health bar and a new selection circle.
-Some tooltip fixes.

-Equipment that normally have a stun ability now shatter enemy defense instead.
Shatter means enemy defense is temporarily reduced by 3.
-Added a new basic armor; Fiend Armor.
-Added a new elite armor; Deepwater Armor.
-Added a new elite ranged weapon; Arbalet.
-Removed generic "error" sound.
-Replaced "Runner" with a new feat; Initiator.
-Corrected the duration of Taunt armor reduction effect.
-Zombie Rally aura no longer effects Players.

-Added a new base ability for Players; Charge.
Charge is a short-range dash which can be used to escape, knockback or damage enemies.
-Charge damage scales with Energy Stat.
-All Armors now modify Charge damage and knockback.
-All Special Abilities now have a passive effect.
-Remade Taunt ability.
-Remade Stamina system.
Moving now drains Stamina, while standing still restores it faster than before.
-Added a new elite two-handed weapon; Sulfuras.
-Significantly increased attack/use ability animation speeds of the Hero.
-Attacks and Charge ability now briefly shakes camera. Critical Hits shakes more.
-Strength now increases knockback, including ranged weapon attacks and Charge.
-Added a new combat music from Dragon Age.
-New ambient for combat rounds.
-Harder Boss.
-Right-clicking an enemy first time now makes your Hero face that enemy
-Greater Creeps now have Ensnare ability.
-Reworked Hard Hitter Feat and fixed knockback bug.
-Reworked Magic Quiver Feat and renamed it; Thrifty.
-Reworked Specialized Feat.
-Replaced Resistant with a new Feat; Cunning.
-Skull Cap, Horned Helm, Berserker's Helm and Avenger Helm now have new bonuses.
-Prevented resource trade.
-Fixed a bug when trying to shot with no arrows left.
-Significantly reduced Hero movespeed.
-Restoration Potions' triggered abilities are now more responsive.
-Improved Creep/Boss AI.
-Players now cannot attack/use abilities for 1.5 seconds after equipping a new weapon.
-Added Minimap terrain image.
-Reworked Artifical Heart.
-Added an equip/unequip sound.
-Prevented Patrol, which causes some bugs with the new Stamina system.
-New swing sounds for melee attacks.
-Nerfed ranged weapons and arrows.
-Modified critical chances of melee weapons.
-Overall balance changes.

Some examples of how the equipment looks like on our hero are below. Please note that some of the screenshots are old, but they'll give you an idea about the equipment system.

New Demon Armor Shoulders! 28 May 2011

New Full Plate Shoulders! 28 May 2011

Only a quarterstaff equipped.

Leather armor, skull cap, saber on main-hand and war mace on off-hand.

Full plate mail, grand crown, emerald flamberge and a quiver of arrows

Demon Armor, Bone Helm, Elven Bow and a quiver of arrows.

Royal Armor, Berserker's Helm, Holy Shield, Vampire Sword and a quiver of arrows.

Forum Link


*This map is protected.
*Loading a saved game causes the game to crash. There is no defeat condition however, you dont need to save and load your game, if you die, you can try as much as you want.
*In some widescreen resolutions, there are some missing texts in text boxes (usually "required stats" for some items). I recommend you to use a 4:3 resolution.

defense, hero defense, survival, zombie, unholy, unholy invasion, invasion, item, equipment, equip, attachment

Unholy Invasion v2.2b (Map)

Date: 23:30:41 30-Nov-11 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 5/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Useful Links: If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource...
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
.......... OK


Lovely! Great attack system (manual swings offhand/mainhand), beautiful and multiple item models (yes, your sword will show), and TONS of items to go with that, so the models range soo much! This map reminded me of Dark Lineage Owen (my fav ORPG of all time). It had so much in common, custom weapon/armor models, and even an ESC menu. You wouldn't have happened to have anything to do with that map, would u? Lol. But once again, a type of game that's not particularly my style but i fall in love. If you make a save/load RPG with that attack system, and these models, i will send you a wedding cake to be delivered to Hawaii if u say 'I do'. With your skills and what you already have developed, it can't be that hard :X. Great map 5/5 all the way
Level 2
May 27, 2008
It's a good map but I don't really like kill zombies, kill zombies, kill zombies... Can you use other caracters, like murlocs zombies ( in the "skins" menu)

Good job.
Level 11
Jul 27, 2008
Cool map it shows that u have some map makeing talent but its boring zombies zombies zombies... boss on the end is kinda cool, stamina after u get ur energy above 20 is nearly always full u shoud add something like maybe bigger map or something else. Ur talented map maker but not enaff fun 4/5
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I'm home!! Thanks for the comments. In first version, my aim was to show my combat/equip system. Well I see the fun part is not good enough. In next version, I will add new types of creatures and items like goblin land mines or serpent wards.
About making a RPG, well I don't know but it takes really huge time my friend. I really don't know how to make that save/load systems (I don't know jass, i use GUI). But I may make a single player RPG game..
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Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Save/load system can be downloaded here at hive, right? I will be happy to be a tester and even help in any way I can :]. I have a few friends who can help test too. Singleplayer seems a bit wasteful :{
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review
1) Terrain - Good (4)
2) Trigger -
3) Minor Error - Excellent (5)
4) Major Error - Excellent (5)
5) Replay Value - Bad (2)
6) Fun factor/gameplay - Bad (2)
7) Use of imported material - Excellent (5)
8) Single player - Excellent (5)
9) AI support -
10) Camera -
11) Originality -
12) File Size - Good (4)
13) Internet/LAN Friendly -
14) Balancing -
15) Packaging - Good (4)
16) Credits - Excellent (5)
17) Storyline -
18) Theme -
19) Protection - Horrible (1)
20) Quality - Average (3)
21) Description/Information/Detail - Good (4)
22) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Average (3)
23) Game Mode - Average (3)
24) Function - Excellent (5)
25) Unit Placement -

Total Accumulation Point : 60/80 * 100 + (-26) (Review) = 49

[+] - This map have difficulty mode.
[+] - All hotkey work well.
[!] -
[-] - Map protected and never mention.
[-] - Echo sound is very annoying.

Review : Ok, the terrain at this map look quite good and the game play is fun.

Unfortunately, there is 1 thing the author of this map should have never set it up and that is a echo sound. The echo sound is extremely annoying and a real kill joy of this map, it certainly make people headache if we listening to the sound.

In addition, no statement indicate this map is protected.

Another -26 point for this map.

Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 49/100
Rating - 2/5
Condition - Average
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 2
Apr 14, 2008
I was Dissapointed with the Actual Game and found it Fairly Boring Slaying more and more zombies however I Really Liked the Combat System and the fact that Items Display on your Hero So Overall I would Rate this 4/5
me and my brother dl this game and we were like "MUHAHA we has two swords each" then we were like "KILL THE MOTHERF***ERS!!!" and then we were like "MUHAHAHAHA i mob kill". that was normally followed by "NOOO! tehy GANKING! F**k i died!!".
hahaha good times. this game was really fun (for us anyways). we never got past the 9 level tho. i was too agro and always got killed(^_^;) leaving my brother to deal with like a hundred zombies

one thing i might add is some sort of trigger or a spell so your guy faces the nearest zombie. it will help with aiming.
and when you have a shield, give some sort of defend ability like footman, on top of the defence stats. or an ability to push zombies out of the way with your shield.

+I rep you!\(^o^)/
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
thanks for your comment, but I don't think the game is hard, at least for easy and normal :). If I have time, I will work on this map again, currently I was busy with my 2 other maps.

Edit: by the way, facing the nearest zombie with an ability is an interesting idea I'll think about this
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
nooooo nooooo, not defend ability, but manual block, like in Jedi arena ^^. Conlan what is this 2nd map u speak of?

But anyway, i think people with shields should upgrade dex for armor, or mana for block or something, just not str. Reason? Zombies are pretty much locked onto the person with the lowest hp, so it would help with tanking to be focused on the hits :p. That or reconsider some zombie behavhior. As of now, too many things are STR based, just in general, needs more diversity in builds, but this is just suggestions for the future
Level 3
May 3, 2007
Great map!

Me and my cousin was playing Wc3, and suddenly I found this map in my map folder. We tried it and it was really fun to play. He tried dual-wielding, but he died 1/6 of the rounds leaving me to kill about 70-100 zombies with first the sabre and a weak shield, then the katana. It was quite easy by using hit-and-run tactics to get rid of the zombies. We did it on easy just for trying it out and we enjoyed it. Frostmourne should have a little more power, and maybe different models on the hero to choose from.
Ranged? Mage? Maybe that would be a bit difficult to play.
Replay could be interesting even though you just kill zombies, it is fun trying to use different weapon-combinations and with more/less players participating.
I think you deserve 4.6/5 for for this.

Keep up the good work.
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Thnak you for your comment. This map needs some work, it is bug-free but needs some fun elements. This first version was mainly for showing my equip&combat system.
If I have free time, I'll work on it, and probably add additional types of zombies and bosses.
Level 3
May 3, 2007
I just got an idea for your map, the mace/sword/axe weapons we can use should have different ways of "working". Like swords deal less damage but have high attack speed, and axes deal medium damage and have medium attack speed, and maces have high attack and low speed and perhaps a stun chance? I just thought of your map while playing "Overlord" and got the idea, maybe you could use it or maybe not. I still find i fun to replay your map with different people although dual-wielding isn't as powerful as one would think. I'm looking forward to the next update!
Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
Like Pyramidhe@d, I played this map on closed LAN with my brother. I disagree with those who say that the fun isn't there. I found this obscenely fun. :)

If you're still working on the map, then adding different kinds of enemies could be interesting. (This was suggested already.)

THE ECHO SOUND. I didn't notice it when I was playing it with my brother at my parents' house, but on my computer the echo effect is blaringly strong and I could absolutely not stand it. I'm not sure what it is, because I've never seen anything like it before, but it's definitely there. Make it go away. :'(

Once the echo thing is fixed, I give this map a perfect rating. I'll keep an eye out for updates. :)
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Thanks for comment. I REALLY dont have a slightest idea about this echo sound thing and because of this (JUST THIS), all my work rated only 2/5 by Septimus... I made many maps since 2002 and got no idea about an echo sound, I dont have any..

I was busy with my collage projects and will be in the future, with my free time, I had worked hard on my Jedi Arena map. But I promise when I got the time, I will update this map too. I had plans about it (of course I'll add new enemies)
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I liked this map alot. The attack system was ridiculously enjoyable, refreshing, and fun. You've put lots of effort into this map, which I can clearly see. Unfortunately, I suffer the same problem as everyone else- the echoes. I've only experienced this one time before, so I think it IS your map. Regardless, this is a fun map. I'm giving it a 5/5 since you did just promise to update it.

Edit: I beat the game! I've attached three pictures proving that I did so. By the way, the Plate Armor looked awesome! It resembles the platemail from Fable.


  • Unholyinvasion1.JPG
    169.6 KB · Views: 373
  • Unholyinvasion2.JPG
    144.3 KB · Views: 309
  • Unholyinvasion3.JPG
    153.4 KB · Views: 341
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Level 2
Dec 17, 2008
Hi. I just played through this map (took me a whole day -.-).
It's great. Simply fantastic.

The fighting System is almost perfect.
The map at all doesn't provide much variation expect trying different equips.

I got a load of ideas while playing the map:
Perhaps add some (buyable) special Abilities which make it possible to define the charakters role (especially in team play).
What about some 'active' items like a throwable bunch of meat that attracts the zombies for a moment.
Would like to see some more "Bosses", which eventually require some team interaction (there is more than one player).

Difficulty level is good but it's far too easy to kill those zombies by hit and run (run until you recovered enough health to hit again).
With a good Shild you can kill 30-40 zombies up to wave 12-14 alone using the starting saber.
On the other hand you can't do team tactics like having one take the damage and others do the damage.

Whow, I'm talking to much. Map is fun (and could become as great as your Jedi map), with a little more variation.
If you'd like me to make out some of my ideas in detail, just tell me.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Hi. I just played through this map (took me a whole day -.-).
It's great. Simply fantastic.

The fighting System is almost perfect.
The map at all doesn't provide much variation expect trying different equips.

I got a load of ideas while playing the map:
Perhaps add some (buyable) special Abilities which make it possible to define the charakters role (especially in team play).
What about some 'active' items like a throwable bunch of meat that attracts the zombies for a moment.
Would like to see some more "Bosses", which eventually require some team interaction (there is more than one player).

Difficulty level is good but it's far too easy to kill those zombies by hit and run (run until you recovered enough health to hit again).
With a good Shild you can kill 30-40 zombies up to wave 12-14 alone using the starting saber.
On the other hand you can't do team tactics like having one take the damage and others do the damage.

Whow, I'm talking to much. Map is fun (and could become as great as your Jedi map), with a little more variation.
If you'd like me to make out some of my ideas in detail, just tell me.

i agree with this. except the throwable meat... lol. But anyway, get some bosses, and some special zombies. Ya know, like left 4 dead, has witches, tanks, etc. Things to spice up a zombie wave ;)
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Thanks for the comments. nowadays I'm too busy with my colalge projects and some other works. And you know, map making takes incredible time :), when I have the chance, I'll resume working on this map.
Ah and at least, I think my Jedi Arena is done, and does not need an update for a long time.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Thanks for comment. I REALLY dont have a slightest idea about this echo sound thing and because of this (JUST THIS), all my work rated only 2/5 by Septimus... I made many maps since 2002 and got no idea about an echo sound, I dont have any..

The echo sound is since you changed the sound enivornment in the map to fix it go to the Scenario->Map Options->Custom Sound Environment. Edit it back to original or at least to something to not OMG i wanna stop my ears from bleeding.
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I see a lack of credits in this map.

Sorry kitabatake, since there are too many models, I forgot all of their creators. But i see most of them are your's, I'll credit you in next version.

Edit: I'm actually finished a very useful update, except a stupid non-sense bug. When I found a way to fix it, I'll submit new version.
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Level 6
Feb 21, 2008
Thanks for your comments. New enemies are in my plan, but currently I'm working on ranged weapons. Hope I'll success.

Good luck on that!

As said before 10 times over, there arent much variety. Another spell for blocking with a shield would be cool, and some abilities you get right from the start, like sprint or something would be awesome.

Keep working on the map! Its great! ( Dunno what echho sound they are talking about though)
Level 9
Jun 4, 2007
I think this is a great map, I and two friends had really good fun with it, but, only normal and greater zombies make the game boring after a few rounds, a few suggestions :

-Add new abilities to the hero, or magic that can be bought
-Ranged weapons
-Maybe a few more types of zombies, or creatures
-If you attack with offhand and have a shield, you should attemp to shield-bash the enemy, stunning etc
-When the game ends, you could add a cinematic showing something about the village or zombies, it's just unpleasant to stay a hour slashing zombies to just receive a Congratulations message

I'll add more later
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
thanky you juliano.
Yes I know the map lacks variation of creature types, magic and events to make some fun.
I hope all of them will come by time. I'm currently working on ranged weapons, and it goes really well for now, gonna satisfy people i think.
My next plan is to add new creatures.
standard zombies will remain, but elite zombies will change every five level (I'm thinking about like poison zombies, exploding zombies and the like.) And each 5 level, there should be a boss.
If everything work fine, I'll try to add some skill or spell system.
But you know, it takes huge time my friend..

Level 9
Jun 4, 2007
I don't know about any echo...maybe because I dlled a later version...If you are gonna add more creatures and bosses I might have some Ideas, maybe for a first boss a necromancer that revives the nearby zombies into skeletons or something like that, than goes ghost for a while, where u can only attack with magic...
Something with knockback would give a great feeling to this map, what do you think of buyable spells, like from a basic fireball that burns and explodes, knocking back, to a huge meteor that completelly obliterate the zombies?
Holy stuff could be nice, a holy water item, that you throw on the ground and it burns hahaha, or basic paladin stuff, protection etc
Bah a long time ago I saw a human model with a death alternate animation that he is decapitated, that could be nice to have a attack with small chance to de-head the enemy...if I find it I'll tell u.

EDIT : I think the autor of that arthas model is Garn'agol, I saw that model on Isles at War RPG and the credit list says that it's from him, I dont know if its only the skin, otherwise, the model is from shadow1500 i guess
Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
Hi and thank you for this mini-fun-great-etc.. map :wink:
We play on LAN your map in cyber-café.

More creep, bosses etc.. ranged weapons are great project, we approve it.

we want make war between us with this great combat system, you can add a gameplay mode for PvP (between waves or after each boss) and why not add some slot of player because 3 players is not enough.

What do you think about it ?

PS: no echo with our WC3, (in audio settings, 3D sound isn't ticked)
Level 3
May 3, 2007
Hi, just downloaded the new version and was eager to test it, but when we were more than one person the other one just got disconnected right away. This great map can not be destroyed in version 1.1. I hope you can fix this.


Just noticed that when we tried some other maps the same thing happened, so it looks like your map is innocent.
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Hi and thank you for this mini-fun-great-etc.. map :wink:
We play on LAN your map in cyber-café.

More creep, bosses etc.. ranged weapons are great project, we approve it.

we want make war between us with this great combat system, you can add a gameplay mode for PvP (between waves or after each boss) and why not add some slot of player because 3 players is not enough.

What do you think about it ?

PS: no echo with our WC3, (in audio settings, 3D sound isn't ticked)

Thanks. Yeah I know a PvP system would be fun. AFter each wave for example, a player may challange another in a duel. But I'm not sure, since the weapon abilities are made to kill lots of enemies at the same time, instead of one target.
I made this 3 Player because i was thinking that me and my 2 close friends will play this on LAN. Actually they never played.
But more than 3 Player means lots of extra zombies and it may cause lag.
But I'll think about it.
Currently I made a nice multiboard, and a ranged weapon system with ammunitions (needs a few fixes). I'm gonna finish this first.

Edit: After hours of damn work, ranged weapon system seems completed (except one little problem, gonna fix it). Ranged attacks (actually Bows) will have point-target attack (otherwise it would be almost impossible to hit) and will use different kinds of ammunitions (Arrows). Since it will be too hard and boring to kill zombies one by one, each arrow will have a area or line effect damage; like piercing arrow or exploding arrow... Arrows can be equipped simply by clicking on them, and they stuck when equipped (up to 100). Everything works fine by now.
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Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
Thanks. Yeah I know a PvP system would be fun. AFter each wave for example, a player may challange another in a duel. But I'm not sure, since the weapon abilities are made to kill lots of enemies at the same time, instead of one target.
I made this 3 Player because i was thinking that me and my 2 close friends will play this on LAN. Actually they never played.
But more than 3 Player means lots of extra zombies and it may cause lag.
But I'll think about it.
Currently I made a nice multiboard, and a ranged weapon system with ammunitions (needs a few fixes). I'm gonna finish this first.

Edit: After hours of damn work, ranged weapon system seems completed (except one little problem, gonna fix it). Ranged attacks (actually Bows) will have point-target attack (otherwise it would be almost impossible to hit) and will use different kinds of ammunitions (Arrows). Since it will be too hard and boring to kill zombies one by one, each arrow will have a area or line effect damage; like piercing arrow or exploding arrow... Arrows can be equipped simply by clicking on them, and they stuck when equipped (up to 100). Everything works fine by now.

nice :) hope to test it earlier !
Level 4
Dec 16, 2003
You said like 10 days ago that the ranged system was almost completed but you haven't uploaded it yet =( mabey you're looking for models or something, i dunno, never the less. I'm very eager to try it ^_^
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Sorry for delay. But don't worry i'm gonna finish it in a few days. I just need to complete my poison arrow (encountered some problem) and check for balance.

I believe you're gonna like ranged weapons. There are 6 bows and 4 arrows(with highly triggered specials) which means 24 combinations.
Let me give some information about ranged weapons:
-Bows do not have their own damage, critical chance or special abilities, instead, they all have their damage and critical MODIFIER (like +10 damage or -2% crit chance) and also they determine the arrows range
-Arrows actually have damage and crit chance and they are not unlimited. You can have up to 100 arrows of same type equipped at the same time. Both Bows and your Quiver shows on your character when equipped.
-All arrows have different specials with their own advantages and disadvantages. You can use the initial-type arrow at the end of the game.
-Dexterity increases your ranged damage.
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