You have green icons. They appear when you for example hit f9 or f10 for menu.
This tutorial so see how to remove it.
You should add more space to prevent
You can also be creative for example maybe decrease the health of units of increase damage.
Add some pathing blockers near the town centre to prevent
You should also improve it's "selection scale" in the world editor a bit.
Cloud Strife suggestions:
-> Cloud Strife's abilties don't really fit the moddel. . at all.
-> Thundaga is so overpowered and not really fitting for him, it also causes severe lag later.
-> He also has 2 passives, which compiles to bordom. A hero should have no more than 1 passive IMO.
-> His "Furious Slash" ability only has an effect from where he teleports from, another behind the enemy would look pretty neat.
-> Omnislash is very pointless on him, since it only attacks 1 enemy. I don't mean to advertise, but using my
Omnislash may be a lot more productive as the current one is better for example AoS style maps.
Overall suggestions:
-> I quickly skimmed over all your triggers and they leak a lot and not really effecient. Read
This to get the codes to an approvable standard. I played for about 10 minutes and started to lag quite badly.
With some polishing this could be a pretty neat map.