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undead buildings

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Level 2
Jul 3, 2007
how can i let the undead buildings be build like human buildings , so when i say an undead worker needs to build the structure it is going to build it in the human way , now the buildings build itself i dont want that , any idea how to change that , thanks :)
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Race of Building ??? Isnt it Race of Builder
Well try both :D cuz I may be wrong with %60
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
whatever they both are undead in my games :D
And Help me in Why Units Stuck tread pls Im in a desperate situation here



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
You have to create a custom Human Peasant and turn it into an Acolyte. This due to that Peasants build structures, they do not summon them. There's a difference between every race's constructors.
  • Human: The Peasant builds the structure and can be attacked. More peasants may also help with the construction.
  • Orc: The worker "enters" the building and starts constructing. The Peon cannot be attacked during the process, but if the structure is destroyed while building, the Peon will be vulnerable and appear.
    After the work is complete, the peon will appear, ready to answer more calls.
  • Undead: Instead of building, the Acolytes summon the structures into being. After the summoning has started, the Acolyte can move to complete other tasks.
  • Night Elf: Like the Orc Peon, yet Night Elves create their structures. However, Wisps will vanish if the building has classification "Ancient". This also applies if the ancient is destroyed while being created (therefore it's better if you cancel the process in case an enemy attacks the ancient-in-creation)
As much I know locust is a passive abilty that hasn't got any value. Also its a basic ability in wc3, every map has it. Other abilities can be remade and/or removed ( Because they have values ).

With unhiding those "Build - *Race" abilities you would be able to change build command, as well as the data of it. wc3 engine needs to have those 4 basic abilities for each worker with that values, else it will crash with fatal error.
( Syntax check with build values - Yes the engine was not very good made ).

Locust is also passive with nonchangeable values, build is active with many values to build ( I think start hp, hp for each second it builds, etc. ) :grin:

Btw, I may be wrong with this but I think it isn't.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
the "attack" ability isn't in the object editor either, while it doesn't have any "values" either since any change to damage or speed are applied on the unit...

the hp for each second it builds and so are also applied in the object editor afaik: just change the construction speed of the unit and the structure will be build faster. Basically: HP for each second it builds = total HP / construction time... Since those last 2 values depend on the actual building, the "build" ability has no values either.

But then again: it's exactly that reason why they didn't put it in the object editor: if it has no customization options, why bother putting it into an editor...
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
As much I know locust is a passive abilty that hasn't got any value. Also its a basic ability in wc3, every map has it. Other abilities can be remade and/or removed ( Because they have values ).

With unhiding those "Build - *Race" abilities you would be able to change build command, as well as the data of it. wc3 engine needs to have those 4 basic abilities for each worker with that values, else it will crash with fatal error.
( Syntax check with build values - Yes the engine was not very good made ).

Locust is also passive with nonchangeable values, build is active with many values to build ( I think start hp, hp for each second it builds, etc. )

Btw, I may be wrong with this but I think it isn't.
You can't even find Locust in the ability editor. I highly doubt they'd be hard-pressed to do the same for the build abilities -.-

Also, why would the build ones have any special values?

But then again: it's exactly that reason why they didn't put it in the object editor: if it has no customization options, why bother putting it into an editor...
It would be nice not to have to switch the races of units to switch their build type, in my opinion anyways.
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