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Undead 03 Difficulty

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Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
I'm back. =P

Ok, we started the Undead campaign all over again in version 2.1 and I will maintain everything I said, until the chapter 3. We stopped at chapter 3.

That chapter in special was a lot easier with 2 players and we found a bug, the first cinematic cannot be skipped.

Here is the replay showing everything. Enjoy.

One more thing, update the Undead Campaign Pack, it's completely out of date. It's a pain to download all the maps one by one.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Okay, so I watched your replay. (Spoon cannot play/watch Warcraft until the middle of October.)

The difficulty was the same for us, when we played it.
You had an army of 20+ Necromancers and 8+ Wagons and a sum of 90 supply.
Do you really want the mission to require an even larger army to beat?

The main problem is not with the difficulty of the resistance, but the fact that you're left in the woods with nobody attacking you until you decide to open one of the paths and by then you'll have a great army.

Perhaps on insane, the trees could be removed so Sylvanas can attack from the very start.
Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
There is no need to increase the resistance, but since the begining, Sylvanas base was completely idle, only after we destroyed the first base, she did something, but then we already had a great army and lots of resources.

And again, the Priests don't use dispel. Our strategy was the cheapest and without so many skeletons, it would be a lot more challenging. I'm not asking to make it so hard that you need a larger army.

Make Sylvanas attack more frequently, and as you said, remove the trees at the start. Of course that everything I'm saying is about insane difficulty.

BTW, what happened to TheSpoon? '-'
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
He's here, but he cannot edit his maps for a while. More on this here.

Yeah, Sylvanas' base is idle until you destory the first few trees. Then she will attack.
It's just not 'insane', that it's up to the player to decide when the enemy attacks, so here's my idea: If Spoon likes this, we could do a quick test with trees removed after Sylvanas' first, triggered attack fails. This would perhaps make it a bit harder to amass a huge army and then run over the enemy bases in 10 minutes.

We could also make some extra effect for this. For example, the Trees are turned into Treants who then attack your base.
Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
Wow, nice ideia. Some Treants to stop the skeletons sounds interesting. Would be more epic.

In one point, Kel'Thuzad mention that the creatures of the forest are resisting the invasion, or something like that, maybe some attacks from those creeps may help.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Here's a test map with the trees removed two minutes after the first attack fails. There's also a timer window currently for testing reasons, if we agree on using this idea, the timer window will be removed.

There are also a few bugs.
  • Light Blue gets no upgrades. (Light Blue is a preplaced force that guards the entrance of Blue. In-game their color is changed to blue.)
  • Max Upkeep is called High Upkeep 2 in this map for some reason.
  • The Return Lumber Necropolis Dummy grants 10 food. (So, if you and your ally both build a Necropolis, you'll both have 20 food, even though you should only have 10.)
    This bug may appear on other maps. I will confirm this shortly.
  • The trigger for creating stronger replacements for neutral units is included in the loop for integer A in Setup Insane. (The loop integer A is used for upgrading the AI players.) This increases the amount of Rock Golems from the supposed 3 to 5 and also places some extra Gnolls.
If TheSpoon wishes me to, I will fix the bugs listed above. Note that these bugs have already been fixed in the unofficial version I'm going to post in a few minutes.

EDIT1: The map is now available.

I am sorry to inform you that this bug appears on every map where you can build a base. So basically U02-U08.
  • The Return Lumber Necropolis Dummy grants 10 food. (So, if you and your ally both build a Necropolis, you'll both have 20 food, even though you should only have 10.)


  • UD03 Unofficial.w3x
    746.2 KB · Views: 2,647
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Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
Wow, thank you, guys, for taking my feedback so serious. ^^

I already downloaded the map, but unfortunately, my friend can only play on weekends, so you will have to wait a few days. Sorry. =(


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Ok, finally got around to this.
I'm using McQva's version (I made the changes to remove the timer window and description stuff already)

And I'm working through removing all of the food produced on the dummies on all the maps.

However I was unable to identify/fix the bug in the skip cinematic, and I wasn't able to check which starting cinematic it affected because the replay seems to have disappeared.
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