(Closed) Undead Challenge - Finished!

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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
The 2-Player Campaign

The celebrate the release of the Undead Campaign, I set up a competition to challenge the players. The competition was opened on the 24th of June and will close on the 31st of August. (2010)
The challenge is to score the best possible time for a 'Perfect Score' on Undead Chapter 1 with your companion.
The 2 winners will have an easter egg of their choice added to the next custom level! (Undead 9)

- Play the level on insane difficulty
- Find every bonus on the level
- Avoid detection from all 10 guard groups
- Send a REPLAY of your game as proof.

Note: It is likely that I have already found a winner for this chapter, as I have already had a successful entry with an astounding time. But don't let that put you off trying!
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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Yes xP, I think its time I closed the competition.
The winner is McQvaBlood and his partner Baltazar.
He and his friend will be featured as optional bosses in the custom chapter U9!

If you want to watch his stunning replay, completed in 14mins 34secs
Download the 2 files attached and put them in these locations:

- 2PUndead01.w3x goes to:
C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Download\2P Undead Campaign
(You may need to create some folders)

- Undead_01_Contest.w3q goes to:
C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\replay

Well done!


  • Undead 01 Contest.w3g
    83.8 KB · Views: 162
  • 2P Undead01.w3x
    630.7 KB · Views: 157
Level 3
Mar 5, 2010
Darn. I was hoping it would attract some more competition xP. Btw, is there going to be a challenge for the Orc campaign?
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Okay, here is a quick idea that could be done for Undead 08.
After the 30 minutes have passed, you are shown that you have completed the main quest.
However, you do not win and a "bonus" timer is started.
Your main quest is to survive until Kel'thuzad is reduced to 1 health.
A trigger is made for Kel'thuzad with the event that he takes damage after the "Summoning of Archimonde" is complete and it detects if an attack would bring him to 0 and makes him invulnerable immediately and finishes the map.

Since the bases are "emptied" for a final push, they wouldn't resume production. Instead, every thirty seconds or so an army made of several Footmen, Riflemen, Priests, Knights, Mortar Teams and Sorceresses are spawned and attack you. As time passes, the number of units spawned are increased, until they eventually overwhelm you, either through sheer numbers you cannot defend against at once, (And they break through to Kel'thuzad) or by simply dragging out the game long enough for you to run out of gold completely.

The players who produce the best "bonus" time are the winners.
You could alternatively type -finish or something, if you do not wish to participate in this event, or you would have to type -insane and then -challange for this to work.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Or you could alternatively show a green summoning effect when Kel'thuzad is done with the summoning and then give control of Kel'thuzad and you would retreat to your base where you defend until you lose everything. At that final point, the summoning effect is gone and Archimonde is quickly summoned. He speaks his first line in the game, (Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world.) and then a shiny effect of randomness is shown killing all the humans. Then the normal dialogue proceeds.

You know on second thoughts, I don't think this is such a great idea either. Under the Burning Skies is a great victory for the Scourge (That is, until Archimonde's plans are revealed, of course.) and I don't want to turn it into a "whole Scourge is wiped out but Archimonde saves the day".

However, this idea could be saved for Twilight of the Gods. Archimonde does not attack at 44:15 and the waves proceed as though nothing happened. You're given the quest to fight until you have nothing remaining. Then Archimonde gloats: "Come you, night elves, where is the fire and the passion with which you fought so long ago?" The cinematic commences and then the bonus timer is displayed.
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