Ultimate Dragonball V5.2b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Map Description
Ultimate DragonBall, a map where you, along with up to 11 other players take the role of one of your favorite DragonBall characters with the objective of wiping out the enemy team.
In order to do this you'll have to make use of all the tools available. As the powers or transformations of your characters, the dragonballs or the exra boost in power obtained from killing "Sagas", hostile NPC's representing the main story arcs from DBZ and the 13 movies.

Avarize, for creating the map and entrusting Clan PMLO with it since v5.0

Orgrim, Jarri, Fantoche, Hubcool, BZRebornmaker's Friend, kkqqpp, Tatsuma.
robot-dude. Valkemerie, DerReaper2, DoomArchDemon,AlienAtSystem, Trollschnitzel.
Chilla_killa, Scythy Dervish, lowpoly-workshop, paradise.engineering, sPy, reek39, EbonyStallion, Soul Life, alltigoobadmajor, Avarize, ESF\ECX team.

important and supporting people:
Endear, Sorairoday, Paradise.engineering, Prillin, Darth_jhan, SoulEater, Koryuha,Siamky, Shako.

Map Forum
The official forum of the map is www.DBZUlt.co.nr
In the forums you'll find all the information relevant to the map. This includes Guides, changelogs, and information concerning the new caretakers of the map.

Map Screenshots


Dragon, Ball, Dragonball, Ultimate, UltimateDragonball,

Ultimate Dragonball V5.2b (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Jan/14 13:08:31 Reasons: Your map contains ripped-off models from other games, which is against the rules. The disabled versions of custom icons are not imported. Other: Check out the tutorials...




Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2012/Jan/14 13:08:31

Your map contains ripped-off models from other games, which is against the rules.
The disabled versions of custom icons are not imported.

Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: I'm sorry, but I can't approve this map with ripped anime models. Oh and a lot of the disabled versions of custom icons are not imported.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 3
Mar 19, 2010
I believe some of the models come from ESF, but I don't know for sure since I don't have a detailed list of which models where made by whom. All I can provide is the list of the models authors, but not which model they made.
Level 1
Jan 17, 2012
Hello, i'm from argentina, am new this it... The game is great, I think the best you provide on warcraft ... but I have a question: As I become ssj4 with goku and Vegeta? I do not read English and I understand many things complicated! But that's my problem ... why ask for help here, if I may say! thanks:)