Unbalanced though.
Hehehe forti....Y u should try a steam engine or smth.Heard although that this is your dream after all.
A stand alone dbz game similar(?) to this project.
Also don't get offended by the "Unbalanced" thing.None of you is professional.Balance will never take place.
I would say though that is a quite nice map to spend some hours but beyond that...
Before you say anything , remember that even dota is not 100% balanced.
Anyway , as about the optimization.
You think that you can compress your whole project that is a work of years? U'll face and STACK to 8mb wall that blizzard have set soon or late.
U'll have to choose ( as u already are in that situation i bet ) what will you keep and work on , models , balance or triggers!?Even if u try all your best ( you and your "Crew") for nice triggers , + balance , i doubt that u'll ever succed (imo always

Before responsibilities knock your door and you dumb the project (unless you are rich) and since avarize is bothering with his own project and cannot reclaim the onwership i bet , you should try to make what ever you can to attempt a stand alone ( with steam engine always ) dbz.Even if you are not rich , that will mean that u're about to end your "relationship" with this project since u working already alot and uni or job or any kind of stuff will force you to "Flee" from it's leadership and while ( i repeat , in case u're not rich ) your forum have plenty of donations ( MORE than your ClanPomelo...Thingy bot requires ) you should with that money hire some "professionals" and make some better job in a stand alone format.
As long as you push this map to it's limits with any kind of optimization and stuff is another one time that you waste YOUR time.
A stand alone game cannot be easily forgotten ( in case also that it'll be even half of what we see at wc3 version ) but be sure that when you'll not be available any more on working to dbz (wc3 version) there won't be anyone to take your place ( and u'll always have the doubt if he'll be that good ( as u think that u are )) and the same people that now playing your game , when u give up , the same exactly people will playing green td , legion td and other bullshit. : )