UD08 Difficulty

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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
(Confirmed) UD08 Item Bug

I have two codes:
-load G89R-F7hG-jKQC-CcAR-VRKv-iglb-BofD-SAl1-vbSE-PIkX-Nkdh-NMu5-TDsK-W
-load G89R-Fpqx-pIa2-1XdN-WeXm-DKWr-VySM-8DQl-Be6u-sXJx-qo8U-dpYv-hm55-y
Both of them correctly learn my skills for me. (3 Coil, 3 Pact, 1 Aura & Ultimate)
However, neither of them grant me or the second player any items.

For some reason I also cannot skip the cinematic in the beginning.

EDIT: Okay, I know what's going on. Several lines in some crucial triggers have been disabled for some reason.
The item bug is caused by two missing lines. The line "Create TempItemType and give it to Hero 1" and "Create TempItemType and give it to Hero 2" is missing.

EDIT 2: Okay, I was manually able to correct these mistakes and I played the map with a friend.

I will now upload my version. I will remove it once TheSpoon corrects these two bugs.

There are also a few bugs while playing:
  • Kel'Thuzad is level 7. I remember the other player leveling him to 8.
  • Player 9 (Gray) can train heroes from the Altar of Darkness.
  • Player 11 (Dark Green) uses Dragonhawk Riders. I don't know if this qualifies as a bug, though. I really liked the addition of Dragonhawks. I suggest keeping this change and modifying the Dragonhawk model into the High Elf Dragonhawk. (You can keep the spells, though. Aerial Shackles was deadly against Frost Wyrms.)
EDIT 1: I've removed the attached version as it no longer serves any purpose.
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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
I'll fix all these quickly before I go to bed, nothing difficult.

The item load stuff, well done for solving them for me : >
And oh yes I forgot to add the cinematic skip stuff, I better add them.
And.. yes you're right Kel should be level 8
And.. yes I better remove those other heroes from the Altar
But no, I added the Dragonhawks purposely, I thought they'd be a good edition to the air-waves

(Marked as confirmed for the moment)

How did you find the difficulty?
And did the AI successfully perform a 'killer-wave' at the end?
And did the Archmages use their new spells?

EDIT: Looking at my triggers it would appear that insane mode may not have loaded properly for you, the effects will be that the next level will load on NORMAL difficulty, the enemies were not given the techtree upgrades, and the gnolls were not upgraded. I may need to make you a special edition that will load the next level on insane difficulty regardless like I did before.

EDIT2: I've updated the map with the fixes, but I've left the thread open for your response
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Now this can be strange.
I enabled the disabled lines for running Setup Insane everywhere, but...
I don't know.

No upgrades were given to the AI. (I can only remember that Riflemen did not have any attack or armor upgrades, but I suppose noone else had anything.)

On the other hand, the Archmages did have new spells and they did use them. (I can particularly remember Mana Burn. That's a pain in the ass, we lost on our first try at 11 seconds remaining, because the final killer wave's Archmages burnt all 805 points of mana from my Arthas and I couldn't Coil Kel'thuzad.)

That also answers your other question, yes, the final killer wave was executed properly. It was astounding, because we managed to quickly capture all four mines and quickly got Frost Wyrms and thought we were safe. The enemy first attacked from the right with a big army so we naturally used all our abilities to quickly finish them off.
In the meantime, the other forces rushed in from the north and we had nothing remaining.
It was a very effective last wave.

Next time (when I play it with my brother) I will just spend the last 20 seconds sitting at the fountain.
Btw, what should I do if I want to play the insane difficulty properly on UD08?
What code should I use or can you upload a version which will properly give the AI upgrades? Or is the map already updated and does that?

EDIT: It appears UD08 was rejected by a moderator because of Blizzard's memory leaks.
EDIT 2: Okay, it seems I managed to quickly solve this problem. But it's a good point, nonetheless, Blizzard triggers do leak. Though it would be an immense work to go through all the leaks of all the maps.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Okay, I've just managed to play this map yet again with W4nderer.
There are still a few problems:
  • Water Behemots can be possessed. They can also be contolled by a Staff of Control. (Dropped by the Magic Vault in the top right.)
  • The enemy still has no armor or attack upgrades.
  • When player 9 votes for a cinematic skip, it says "Kel'thuzad wishes to skip this cinematic."
  • When doing the final killer wave, Peasents are included in this final wave. They come attacking you with their pickaxes which is quite funny. You could perhaps convert them into Militia permanently? That would make sense and give an extra feel to this final killer wave. It would show that they're throwing everything at you.

Apart from these, the map is generally too easy.
I'll try to describe why.

- No upgrades seriously hurt any chance at beating you.
- Casters do not stand a chance against you. This is especially true for Archmages. You've added Mana Shield, but that's just not enough, because Fel Stalkers will simply burn all of their mana away. Combined with Death Coil and Falric's disable, no caster can stand a chance against you.
Fel Stalkers are also overpowered and you receive too much of them and too often.
- Another thing is the two Gold Mines you can easily and quickly expand to. I do not say you should remove Gold Mines. Perhaps you could just move either of them to a much more vulnerable location.
Right now, you can just swarm the high ground with Spirit Towers. No attack can threaten your mining operations and the income of four Gold Mines will allow you to mass Frost Wyrms by the tenth minute. You feel no urge to train lower tier units because the attacks can easily be handled by two powerful heroes with powerful items and abilities.
- Falric's Call of the Departed is very powerful. It can deal 75*6 = 450 damage over 6 seconds to a large area of mostly fragile units. (Rifleman, Priests, Sorceress) It also greatly slows all others. Basically, one cast can eliminate a whole wave. That's a huge asset. Giving a higher cooldown will not work. We only used it twice and that was more than enough.

Now, I believe you should not touch Falric or the Fel Stalkers yet.
You should really add 3-3 attack-armor upgrades, all caster upgrades and unit upgrades. Move one Gold Mine near the lane where the blue player attacks from. Don't put it in the way. Remove some trees or something and put it there. You won't be able to defend it there so easily. Remove both Halls of the Dead and give both players a Necropolis start. You can also remove all Temples of the Damned and Slaughterhouses.
This way, you won't have access to powerful units until after 12 minutes or so. This will force you to train units to defend and so you won't be able to spend that much resources on attack and armor upgrades. (We had all armor and attack upgrades. This seriously shouldn't be allowed. This is a clear sign that the AI is performing poorly.)

EDIT: All in all, I think what currently is the insane mode should be the normal mode. :D
I also noticed that you tried to add attack and armor upgrades. I have no clue why they didn't work. (I did download 1.1.)
Level 2
Oct 29, 2007
Undead level 8 too easy

Undead level 8 is too easy. Insane mode didnt give challenge. Why enemys didnt have armor/damage upgrades, like earlie maps? Undead level 6 mcqvablood edition was very hard and i like it. It was bit too hard, but we made it with friend. Im very disappointed level 8. :sad:
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I think before we end up making the map too difficulty, we should really check if the 3-3 armor and attack upgrades and the Necropolis start and no Temples and Slaughters make it difficult enough.
Do not underestimate the power of upgrades. The seemingly small difference of an extra 150 hit points or 5-6 extra armor can really make a difference. This is especially true for casters, who start with 200 or so hit points and you can make that a 400 with two upgrades, effectively doubling them. Also, some spells will really make it harder for you, like Polymorph and Inner Fire.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Since both Undead level 8 too easy started by Shadowknight and UD08 Item Bug started by me have become a discussion over the difficulty of Under the Burning Skies, I've decided to merge these two threads and rename it to UD08 Difficulty.

This topic has been inactive for over twenty days, so I'm closing this.
Since U08 has been changed in accordance to suggestions made in this topic, I'm marking this as Resolved.
If you wish to discuss the new difficulty of U08, feel free to open a new topic for that purpose.
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