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Twisten TD

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Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
Project name
Twsten TD


Development Team Members
Terrain: Joel_Nukem
Trigges: Joel_Nukem
Objects and units: Joel_Nukem

- Upgrades up to 100 Levels
- 30 waves of monsters that are either flying, ground, magic imune, mechanical or bosses (actualy 24 right now might still do 30)
- 100 spawns a wave (spawned in groups in hopes to keep lag down)
- 100 lives (that wont be mutch considering you have 100 spawns each wave)
- Offencive Spells to use Against your friend a kind of "Global spells"
- Towers till upgrade from 1 tower so if you build an Arrow tower it can then upgrade in to 1 of 4 Tier 2 towers Etc Etc.
- A Semi Advanced Money System were you build some what of a small town with realy small buildings each building making some money over time (MOT) and Maybe Lumber that will be used for special tech and or towers or hero towers not quite sure how this will work out but should be interesting when im done ^.^
- Anything my twisted little mind can come up with :grin:


Terrain 100% (only an alpha so terrain will be better in final version)
Triggers 70%
Upgrades 100%
Towers 100%
Monsters 90%

Well this is my first project I plan on releasing. I've made one othere map but it was more of a project to teach me how to make a map. that and that map Lags on some P4 pc's :eekani: so ya lol this is my first actual project. let me try to put a Pic of the map it isnt mutch to look at then agen I'm planning on redoing all of the terrain and use a bigger map size in later versions and its only 3 ppl right now. But with how I make maps ill make it more players later mainly because im afrade It might turn out to lag for most people. So start out small and grow later In hopes that I dont go buck wild and turn it in to a spam-fest exploding blood bath with sprinkles and a cherry on top.

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Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
so far Ive finished a few towers about 5 in total. The idea is that this td is about the upgrades and not the bigger tower you'll have to have meny types of towers to win. But you wont be able to use there special abilitys till you one build the upgrade buildings and get the actual upgrades.

another idea im playing with is having to build a sort of town that will have its own upgrades to make you money. say a small farm makes .5 gold every 2 seconds so 2 farms would make 1 gold every 2 seconds. now say you have 5 small farms so you can now make a small city witch would make 5 gold every 3 seconds. now after you have 2 small citys you could combined them and then into a meduim city and make 12 gold every 3 seconds and on and on and on.
but im only playing with that idea havent realy got a clue how im going to work that out :eekani: Im not the gratest with triggers but im not horrible either lol so we'll see.

main plan is to make a tower defence were the idea is to realy think about how you are going to spend your gold and make it. 50 towers with no upgrades would be bad because each tower would only do 1 damage. but 1 tower with 50 upgrades would be no good either because each tower uses different upgrades. all that said you will also be dealing with the fact that at eny time you could be hit with a global spell that could stun/kill your builder making you have to build a new one.

hmmm after reading over what I said I kinda wonna play it now ....... :sad: oh well back to work going to try to get the towers 40% done today.
Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
the terrain ? like the terrain in my map or a map called the terrain ?? :S

the terrain in my map is just alpha and might not change till late beta of the map. :/

but if your talking about a map called the terrain I never knew there was one :S
Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
Also, if lets say...teal built a tower at bottom of his section, he could kill some of Purps enemies...unless your doing an alliance - enemy system?
so like this:

Red - Green
Purp - Pink
Teal - Blue

and ally Red with pink and blue, Purp with green and blue, teal with green and pink, if you see where im going, therefore red cant kill purps kills and purp cant kill teals and teal cant kill purps so forth...
Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
To: Mini-Me

what I'm doing is I own 3 pc's ones a amd amd athlon 64 3800 socket 939, amd athlon 64 3500 socket am2 and the 3rd is a 2.8 gig celeron. load times arnt like omg horrible. but they are bad for lower pc's I host lots of lan 10-15 ppl lan partys at my place lol we do it like 2-4 times a month. so my map gets tested on all makes of pc's. I might lower the upgrades down to 300 just because its hard to balance 1000 with how the td works.

100 spawns to mutch na lol. it seems just right might have to lower it for more plays though >.< to make less lag. Might not thought line tower wars can have 1000+ monsters on the map at some points so im kind banking on that right now.

To: operator

As of right now 1 wave lasts 100 seconds ( 1 sec a spawn ) and I have a 40 second delay with waves. so each wave lasts about 140 seconds. 24 waves at 140 seconds a wave = 56 mins from start to finish and 24 waves seems ok for now. even less then the 30 I planed for I might just add in the extra 6 waves but that will make the game an hour and 8 mins. This is only alpha so expect 6-8 plays in the beta. Right now I have 15 towers done I have plans for a nothere 15-20 towers. But like most TD's me otheres from the lan have made I can see me tossing out a few towers just because I cant get them to work the way i wont.

To: ArchWorm

Ya there will be terrain done :grin: just not yet cuz this map is just to make all my triggers work and balance stuff out and keep the game to a small size for me to work with. I work better with small maps then big maps. lol the cliffs are bugging me working with it.... but i dont wonna do 2 terrains one for the small test version and one for the big 6 maybe 8 player version.

To: Shadowz123

Ya they do FF a bit but I'm playing with the idea of being able to take out othere ppls towers as a form of Offence and builders to. Just playing with that idea though. right now you can stun some ones builder or kill there builder you can even stun some ones tower you can steal ppls creeps also.
but im trying to work out a new way to make money in a TD. mainly how im working it is based off of a C&C Generals. the hacker unit for the chines sets up his labtop and hacks and makes you money in that game. the more hackers you have the more money you make. Im trying to make a new money system for my game were you buy tiny buildings that make money for you.
The plan is to have 3 wase for a player to make money but not give a player to mutch money. to stick to the idea that you have to balance your money for towers as well as tech. most towers will be fairly cheap and easy to get.
but when you get a tower it wont have all its abilitys you have to research thoughs. I also plan to put more space betwean players in the final version.

I hope I answered every ones questions didnt wonna make 4 posts to answered every one >.< so I did it in one. that and I didnt wonna Leave eny one out who took the time to ask a question :grin: .
Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
lol glad your honest ^.^ do you have an idea on how I could make it better ?

eny input or advice is welcome plus it'll help me make my map better.
Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
K well after some editor trouble.... and some crashing of the editor.... oh and cant for get the hole the editor is trying to kill me bit lol. Ive switched editors from WEU to just the normal one and then changed the upgrades from 1000 to 100. so no more 1000 upgrades. on the bright side it loads a fair bit faster on all the pc's I've tested it on. so thats a good thing for all you people who have older pc's. on a Nothere note some of the abilitys are unbalanced. But that was expected ^.^ so its all good should have an alpha up and ready for play in about 2 or 3 days. from witch after I get some feed back about it ill then start work on porting every thing over to a 6 or 8 player map (havent made up my mind yet) and thats when I'll start looking over what ever one thought about the alpha and make alot of changes to hopfuly make it more enjoyable for all to play.
Level 2
Dec 6, 2006
Evil turky of ultimate doom

well I wonted to get a version out for people to play :sad: by 18th at the latest. but then it was close to X-mas and I didnt even go to the mall to get all the X-mas gifts. well I started my mall Blitz like a mad granny on PCP. so with boxing up all the gifts and wraping them. that took me well till 20th. 21 I had my first turky dinner at my brothers house. then 22nd I had my 2nd turky dinner at my place. 23rd (witch is today) i had turky dinner at my moms. 24th. I get no turky dinner witch is a good thing. bad thing is I get Turky left overs. Finaly the 25 I get turky dinner at my grand mothers. In with all that I had work and school. so Late nights for mapping have just been out of the question. so ill have a playable version out soon after xmas :grin: and for all you people who understand my pain with 4 turky dinners in 5 days theres still hope. just remmber its only once a year :grin: so we might get lucky and not see turky till the end of next year.
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