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New kind of legion TD

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Hi, this thread will regard a new kind of legion TD that i have started on from scratch so it is not another remake of legion TD, only using some of its ideas :)
Legion TD features which will be in this map is:
- Your towers will turn into units which fights the creep waves.
- You have workers which harvest lumber which is used to upgrade your king or buy summons who attack your enemies and also increases your income.

New features:
- Each player has a hero. The three stats of the heroes are income, skill and magic. Each point in income increases your gold income after each wave is increased by 10%. each point in skill increases the amount of skill points you get each level by 1. Each point in magic increases mana and regeneration.
- Your heroes are not very strong themselves but through skill points you can improve their abilities, health and attack damage.
- You can not decide where to build your towers. Each player will have 10 circle of powers which can be upgraded to a tower. In late game you will then want to sell the weaker towers you built early game and build your stronger towers. Your towers will also not take any food space but your workers will.
- Will contain both 3v3 game and solo game.

Races so far:
- Prison Warden, brings both her prison guards and prisoners to the battlefield. A defensive race.
- Dragon Breeder, speaks for itself, a race with almost only dragons. Has strongest offense but highest gold costs.
- Corrupter, he roams the world, corrupting those who comes in his way. Now you will get a chance to use those against the enemy.

I can do most of this myself but will take quite some time.

Terrain Help:
There is not much terraining that need to be done. I want a doodad detailed Ashenvale or Felwood terrain. Either make a mystic/beautiful Ashenvale terrain or a tainted/scary Felwood terrain. If any terrainer is interrested let me know. Might be 1-2 days work on terraining. There are 10 lanes to put tiles and doodads on, so as I said, not much work.

Trigger Help:
What you will do as a Triggerer in this project is much MUI work.
- Creep Wave Spawning.
- With each Creep Wave Spawn, all players towers are turned into units (hide the towers and create a unit depending on the tower type) and when each wave has been defeated the surviving units are removed and towers unhided.
- Create a multiboard which shows Total Kills, Income, Amount of Workers, Total Time Played, How many Creeps are left to kill for each team.
- Create a second (just leaderboard perhaps?) which shows each teams Kings health.
- Trigger unit spells (will only be a few simple ones).

Oppinion/Ideas Help:
If you have any thoughts on this just let me know :)
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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Sorry for the messed up text. Wrote it on the mobile phone i will fix it once i get to my computer.

EDIT: Fixed
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Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
I can work as a triggerer, Peacehagen, but i have a couple of questions,
what is going to make this game different from legion td,

are you planning on adding, say force commands which order your towers to pull back, advance, etc.?
how will the players be divided, solo or team?
Have you thought about making instead of "lanes a pentagon with the thing you are supposed to defend at the middle.
How will the hero be controlled during battle?
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
I can work as a triggerer, Peacehagen, but i have a couple of questions,
what is going to make this game different from legion td,

are you planning on adding, say force commands which order your towers to pull back, advance, etc.?

Force commands is not something I would be able to do in trigger but if this is something you could make it is definately and interesting idea.

how will the players be divided, solo or team?

For beta it will be 3v3. But to make it different I also want to add a 6 player coop mode.

Have you thought about making instead of "lanes a pentagon with the thing you are supposed to defend at the middle.

Using a new setup of terrain is also a good idea you have. It is not something I have thought much about but would make a big difference between the maps. I will explore more into this.

How will the hero be controlled during battle?

My first idea was to make heroes targeted as "air" and put air blockers around so their movement would be limited. All units in the game would then be able to attack both air and ground units.

Between the waves your Hero wont be able to move at all. It will be teleported to building area and has its movement removed.

Once a wave starts the Hero is completely under the players control. A low mana pool and giving the player a choice to learn different abilities makes it crucial to use the right abilities at the right time and also use your Hero to tank and retreat when low health.

The Hero idea is not fully decided yet but it will not be an overpowered force (which means your towers will still be most of the damage & survival, your Hero is mainly there for its abilities).


Thanks for offering your help Narogog :) If you have more ideas/questions just let me know. This is only early beta, I have made a simple terrain and started on the units, Prison Warden race is almost fully done.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
Force commands is not something I would be able to do in trigger but if this is something you could make it is definately and interesting idea.
, it wouldn't be too hard for me, all I would do is have each units original position saved on the unit, so you could issue orders like, return to line, and then have orders like advance which orders them to attack move to the enemies spawn point, and hold position, etc... it would be pretty easy for me to do, I would want to have the "controller" be a hero preferably the players hero. And you could add more commands based off one of the players stats you could also make the hero be the builder.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
, it wouldn't be too hard for me, all I would do is have each units original position saved on the unit, so you could issue orders like, return to line, and then have orders like advance which orders them to attack move to the enemies spawn point, and hold position, etc... it would be pretty easy for me to do, I would want to have the "controller" be a hero preferably the players hero. And you could add more commands based off one of the players stats you could also make the hero be the builder.
the hero idea is not done yet so we can discuss how it Will work :) but commands for the units is à very nice idea :)
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
here is a demonstration of what the advance and retreat commands will do. basically they will need slight tweaking, but only in the part of it that defines what the "army" is.


  • Command System.w3x
    19.8 KB · Views: 88
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