TT - Would you play it?

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Level 17
Jul 15, 2009
The Renegades of Shiverwood

The Renegades of Shiverwood
Players: 8 (4v4)
Tileset: Village
Category: Roleplaying / Arena
Expected Duration: Around 45-60 minutes

Current Modes:
Arena Mode (200/100/50 Kills) - The first team that gains the selected amount of kills will be the victor!
Assassination Mode - A random player from each team will be selected as king, granting him a +25% armor aura. The team that kills the opposing team's king is the victor! (Non-King Heroes respawn normally)
Survival Mode - Heroes don't respawn. The first team that has no more heroes standing loses.
Statue Mode - The first team to destroy the opposing team's statue is the victor! (Heroes respawn normally)

Planned Modes:
Defense Mode - Both teams join arms and a statue spawns in the middle town, which the new formed alliance has to defend from waves of creatures!

"No insane stats
No insane skills
No massive creepspawns"

Unlike some other arenas, "The Renegades of Shiverwood" will be focussing on teamplay and hero synergies rather than insane 50k critcal hits and 15k hitpoints.

Your goal is set by Player 1 (read the modes above), after which you will be able to select your hero and start your adventure. Kill creeps for gold and items, assassinate legendary bosses to acquire Unique items and slay your enemies to win!


There will be a total of 9 heroes in the first release.
Every hero can be picked my multiple players.

Creeps will give 50% experience, while Heroes give 100% experience.
The maximum level will be the WC3 standard (10).

There will be approximately 10 quests for both teams,
and over 80 items.


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    Left Village.png
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Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Sounds nice,
sure I will play it ^^'
But, being orientated to Power/Magic..
If you want THAT kind, make tribe artifacts, Westrock has Power artifacts, and Eastcliff has Magic artifacts,
but there MUST be some shop somewhere in the map that sells all artifacts..To make it balanced.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
I'm back.
Well, another idea,
Will there be some kind of creep bosses?
1- If yes, make some shops selling End-game artifacts guarded by those bosses,
2- If yes, (second choice) the shops selling artifacts that are sold by one of the tribes, should be guarded by one of the bosses.
1- If not, End-game artifacts...?
And, will the creeps have item drops?
They should not drop something already sold in shops (besides potions), they should drop like...Centaurs : Centaur's axe/crossbow.

P.S: Two Tribes, Two attributes, Two talkers in thread.. Coincidences..
Level 17
Jul 15, 2009

Well for one, we think using 3 attributes gives more hero possibilities.
And as for the bosses, yes there will be bosses. And they're not guarding the shops but they drop boss items.

There will be items that drop from certain creatures, like your example (Centaur Axe/Crossbow). We just decided to create stuff like a Troll Axe and a Troll Leather Armor which combines into a Troll Fighter Set.

Also, if we're going through with the 'power' and 'magic' based camps is still unsure. It will be imbalanced.
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
First of all, thank you for not calling it "Two of the Tribes."

To answer your question, I would not. Basically what it seems like you want is a DOTA with different heroes. Besides having different heroes and theming one side more powerful in certain classes than the other (creating a situation where you will have people refuse to play the side that they join on, since their preferred style is nerfed), what else is unique about this? It is just one of many "Me toos".
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007

But did you even read the fucking thread?
Eventhough the concept changed alot, what is written here shows 1 spawn with a huge time between. Sorry to break it to you but this concept is NOTHING like DotA. Bring your addiction elsewhere. Thanks

No, I did not read that particular thread. I am not interested with any topic that has nothing to do with gameplay. What i DID read, however, was your request for information on if I would play your game.

As for your claim that the concept changed alot, show me how. It's DotA at a slower pace, and setup so that the two sides are not identical, and not even similar, but instead two separate play styles.

Basically from what I can tell, this is Taking DOTA, ripping out everything that makes it played so much, and then claiming that it is unique.

You reject the claim that it is even similar (while I make the claim this is blatant "me too"ism) and use profanity to try to shift the view off of what your map is. Instead of telling me to "GTFO" because you didn't like the response to your request for information, why don't you refute my claims instead.

Show me why
this concept is NOTHING like DotA
It seems to me like it is almost identical in gameplay. What are you doing to it that is all that unique? Slower gameplay? Is that what you consider unique?

My answer is still the same, I will still not play it.
Level 17
Jul 15, 2009
... What makes it different from dota?
Let's see.

1). The fact it is not a AoS
2). The fact there are no lanes
3). The fact there are no creepwaves
4). The fact not every map in warcraft 3 is DotA.

Seriously, the only thing it has in common with DotA is the fact players only control heroes.

And I don't need profanity to proof my point.
I'm just tired of random people thinking everything they see is a ripoff from DotA. This isn't even the same genre.
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
Not the same!

1). The fact it is not a AoS
Category: Roleplaying / Arena / Hero Defense / Aeon of Strife

2). The fact there are no lanes
See, this is interesting. There are no lanes. So how do your spawns work to attack the enemy? I'd be interested to learn this. (Not sarcastic. This could be a serious difference that would be something "Unique". Elaborate on how this works.)

3). The fact there are no creepwaves
While every 3 minutes a wave of orcs attack
Thank goodness we only have wave of orc attacks, instead of creepwaves. I'm gonna have to concede that this is nothing like DOTA now!

4). The fact not every map in warcraft 3 is DotA.
I'll grant you this one. Not every map in warcraft 3 is DotA, so clearly your map can't be an uninspired clone of it! Wait a second, yes it could...

Seriously, the only thing it has in common with DotA is the fact players only control heroes.

And I don't need profanity to proof my point.
I'm just tired of random people thinking everything they see is a ripoff from DotA. This isn't even the same genre.

Naro said:
Your goal is to destroy your opponent team's Stronghold, but it is heavily guarded.
DotA Allstars Map said:
'Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is the product of a map maker that goes by the name of 'IceFrog'. In the map your aim is to destroy the other team's 'main building' (I.E The Tree of Life/The Frozen Throne) and defeat the other team of heroes in the process.
Yep, An entirely different Genre.

I believe you have either failed to understand what you have proposed to make, or have two maps under production and are confusing the two. Either way, READ YOUR OWN DAMN PROPOSAL BEFORE YOU REPLY TO MY REPLY!
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
You might want to edit your first post as you update the idea, just cause that is what everyone reads. I am a little confused as what the new idea is now. I understand it is like an rpg/arena, which is a cool idea, i mean you have custom hero arena which is the only arena that is out there but is still just rush to endgame for items but this does seem fun. let me know when you updated the first post.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Riptokus : The perfect human in Earth


See, this is interesting. There are no lanes. So how do your spawns work to attack the enemy? I'd be interested to learn this. (Not sarcastic. This could be a serious difference that would be something "Unique". Elaborate on how this works.)

Thank goodness we only have wave of orc attacks, instead of creepwaves. I'm gonna have to concede that this is nothing like DOTA now!

I'll grant you this one. Not every map in warcraft 3 is DotA, so clearly your map can't be an uninspired clone of it! Wait a second, yes it could...

Yep, An entirely different Genre.

I believe you have either failed to understand what you have proposed to make, or have two maps under production and are confusing the two. Either way, READ YOUR OWN DAMN PROPOSAL BEFORE YOU REPLY TO MY REPLY!
blablabla..blabla! BLABLABLABLA!! Is that a joke, man?

Riptokus, read the thread, please.
An AoS with the same goal than DotA is NOT DotA. Or did you ever play some AoS besides DotA? Probably not, since you are complaining about it being an Aeon Of Strife. Also, let's compare DotA with Aeon Of Strife (the map in SC) ... DotA is an AoS. AoS is a map in SC.
DotA is not unique.

TT is an AoS. AoS is a map in SC. DotA has multi spawns, that spawn every minute or so, and you need to destroy all towers to destroy the stronghold. For TT, it is not the same thing.
Two Tribes not EQUAL TO DotA. :hohum:
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Sounds good but please update the first post with the changes (easier to see what is going on) since some doesn't seem to get that the plans has changed (it's obvious that they have just by reading post #4) I my self am quite unsure of what the changes are and would love to have it clarified.

To continue on the "Dota or not Dota" discussion.
This sounds more like a rpg with pvp than a aos.. I would suggest that you would make the make have plenty of quests (for both sides) that would be rewarded with exp and gold.

The final goal would ofcourse be to destroy the base of the opposing team. But to do this you would need to be well equiped and have a higher level since there should be some guards patroling the bases, the guards should also scout right outside of the bases to alert of random raids by centaurs or whatever that comes in close proximity of the bases while randomly patroling areas.
Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
hey naro, i really like this idea better, it seems like a complete thought already, although one thing i would add. creeps dont need to give 50% just give them a little less then a heros but my suggestion is that everyone get X exp reguardless of how many are around. so this will allow co-op game play more then the one rogue running off for that solo exp. and divide up the gold as well so we all are not trying to last hit him =P
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
Riptokus, read the thread, please.

Now that you guys have actually changed the thread, I can give you a view based on your -CURRENT- Idea.

Don't knock someone for giving you feedback on an old idea IF THE OLD IDEA IS THE ONLY THING YOU PRESENT!

An AoS with the same goal than DotA is NOT DotA. Or did you ever play some AoS besides DotA?

Probably not, since you are complaining about it being an Aeon Of Strife. Also, let's compare DotA with Aeon Of Strife (the map in SC) ... DotA is an AoS. AoS is a map in SC.
The two are quite different. There is quite a vast difference in the gameplay, as there is between DOTA and Spellcraft AOS mode. The idea I was ripping on didn't really show much changed gameplay from DOTA though. It would be comparing DOTA to, well I can't think of the name, but another DotA clone with the only thing changed is the names of units, a few models and what abilities the heroes have. You have since changed the topic describing your gameplay, and my opinions of that will be addressed after I am done dealing with this.

TT is an AoS.
... What makes it different from dota?
Let's see.

1). The fact it is not a AoS
I don't really need to say more than that, do I? You reply without reading the arguments made by Naro, and wonder why I am ripping you guys so hard?
You accuse ME of not reading? Honestly.

AoS is a map in SC. DotA has multi spawns, that spawn every minute or so, and you need to destroy all towers to destroy the stronghold. For TT, it is not the same thing.
Two Tribes not EQUAL TO DotA. :hohum:
Yes, as Naro described, TT spawns them every three minutes. But the idea changed, so let's stop beating the dead horse, shall we? We have a brand new horse to beat instead.

First of all, the new name isn't bad, as long as you NEVER abbreviate it (make sure when you talk about it, you don't call it Tros, call it "Renegades" instead, and you'll separate yourself from a lot of future nastiness). I also like the new Game modes, these start taking you further away from DotA. Having not played very many hero arenas and having no idea how much of the AoS elements you have subtracted, I can't say if it's a unique idea or not, but I do believe you all have made great strides, and as it was described in post 1 on 02-19-2010 at 11:20 PM, I would give it at least one try.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Let's stop beating the dead horse?
*Naro posts a thread*
*Few days after, Riptokus replies and starts saying IDK WHAT!*
*I come, notice it, and start saying that Riptokus says IDK WHAT!*
*Naro changed the idea*
*Riptokus was still saying IDK WHAT!*
*Riptokus told ME to beat the dead horse?*
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