- Joined
- Apr 1, 2010
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- 289
Hi I am working on making a system, that for advanced workers, ie something for city building games where you have jobs like farming, smithing, etc i have the movement triggers done, but the unit isn't moving, I have no clue clue why so any help would be appreciated
And here is the map
View attachment AdvancedworkerSystem.w3x
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit = udg_OrderedUnit
Custom script: local location udg_LocalPoint = udg_Pickup1
Custom script: local handle udg_LocalHandle = udg_Handle
Hashtable - Save True as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in (Last created hashtable)
Unit - Order LocalUnit to Move To LocalPoint
Wait until ((Distance between (Position of LocalUnit) and LocalPoint) Less than or equal to 30.00), checking every 1.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Give (Random item in (Region centered at LocalPoint with size (150.00, 150.00)) matching ((Item level of (Matching item)) Equal to 12)) to LocalUnit
Hashtable - Save False as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in (Last created hashtable)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_LocalPoint)
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit = udg_OrderedUnit
Custom script: local location udg_LocalPoint = udg_DropOff1
Custom script: local handle udg_LocalHandle = udg_Handle
Hashtable - Save True as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in WorkersWorking
Unit - Order LocalUnit to Move To LocalPoint
Wait until ((Distance between (Position of LocalUnit) and LocalPoint) Less than or equal to 30.00), checking every 1.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Drop the item from slot (Integer A) of LocalUnit
Hashtable - Save False as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in WorkersWorking
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_LocalPoint)
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit = udg_OrderedUnit
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit2 = udg_TargetUnit
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit3
Custom script: local location udg_LocalPoint
Custom script: local handle udg_LocalHandle = udg_Handle
Hashtable - Save True as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in WorkersWorking
Set LocalPoint = (Position of LocalUnit2)
Unit - Order LocalUnit to Move To LocalPoint
Wait until ((Distance between (Position of LocalUnit) and LocalPoint) Less than or equal to 30.00), checking every 1.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Drop the item from slot (Integer A) of LocalUnit
Hero - Give (Random item in (Region centered at LocalPoint with size (150.00, 150.00)) matching ((Item level of (Matching item)) Equal to 12)) to LocalUnit2
Unit - Create 1 Timer for (Owner of LocalUnit) at LocalPoint facing Default building facing degrees
Set LocalUnit3 = (Last created unit)
Unit - Add a 4.99 second Generic expiration timer to LocalUnit3
Wait until ((LocalUnit3 is dead) Equal to True), checking every 5.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set Item = (Item carried by LocalUnit2 in slot (Integer A))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item level of Item) Equal to 12
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of Item) Equal to Iron
Then - Actions
Hero - Create Forged Iron and give it to LocalUnit2
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Drop the item from slot (Integer A) of LocalUnit2
Hero - Give (Random item in (Region centered at LocalPoint with size (150.00, 150.00)) matching ((Item level of (Matching item)) Equal to 13)) to LocalUnit
Set LocalUnit = No unit
Set LocalUnit2 = No unit
Set LocalUnit3 = No unit
Hashtable - Save False as (Key busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in (Last created hashtable)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_LocalPoint)
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit = udg_OrderedUnit
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit2 = udg_TargetUnit2
Custom script: local unit udg_LocalUnit3
Custom script: local location udg_LocalPoint
Custom script: local handle udg_LocalHandle = udg_Handle
Hashtable - Save True as (Key Is busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in (Last created hashtable)
Set LocalPoint = (Position of LocalUnit2)
Unit - Order LocalUnit to Move To LocalPoint
Wait until ((Distance between (Position of LocalUnit) and LocalPoint) Less than or equal to 30.00), checking every 1.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Drop the item from slot (Integer A) of LocalUnit
Hero - Give (Random item in (Region centered at LocalPoint with size (150.00, 150.00)) matching ((Item level of (Matching item)) Equal to 12)) to LocalUnit2
Unit - Create 1 Timer for (Owner of LocalUnit) at LocalPoint facing Default building facing degrees
Set LocalUnit3 = (Last created unit)
Unit - Add a 4.99 second Generic expiration timer to LocalUnit3
Wait until ((LocalUnit3 is dead) Equal to True), checking every 5.00 seconds
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set Item = (Item carried by LocalUnit2 in slot (Integer A))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item level of Item) Equal to 12
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of Item) Equal to Forged Iron
Then - Actions
Hero - Create Iron Sword and give it to LocalUnit2
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Hero - Drop the item from slot (Integer A) of LocalUnit2
Hero - Give (Random item in (Region centered at LocalPoint with size (150.00, 150.00)) matching ((Item level of (Matching item)) Equal to 13)) to LocalUnit
Set LocalUnit = No unit
Set LocalUnit2 = No unit
Set LocalUnit3 = No unit
Hashtable - Save False as (Key Is busy) of (Key LocalHandle) in (Last created hashtable)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_LocalPoint)
Time - Every 2.50 seconds of game time
Set Workers = (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Citizen))
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Workers and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set HasJob = (Load (Key HasJob) of (Key (Picked unit)) from WorkersWorking)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
HasJob Equal to False
Then - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: ! worker has starte...
Else - Actions
Set Unitready = (Load (Key busy) of (Key (Picked unit)) from WorkersWorking)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Unitready Equal to True
Then - Actions
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: a worker has starte...
Set WorkersJob = (Load (Key Job) of (Key (Picked unit)) from WorkersWorking)
Set ResetAction = (Load (Key Steps) of (Key (Picked unit)) from WorkersWorking)
Set TargetUnit = (Load (Key target) of (Key (Picked unit)) in WorkersWorking)
Set Handle = (Picked unit)
Set TargetUnit2 = (Load (Key target2) of (Key (Picked unit)) in WorkersWorking)
Set Pickup1 = (Load (Key pickup1) of (Key (Picked unit)) in WorkersWorking)
Set DropOff1 = (Load (Key dropoff1) of (Key (Picked unit)) in WorkersWorking)
Trigger - Run (Load WorkersJob of (Key Handle) in WorkersWorking) (ignoring conditions)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
WorkersJob Equal to ResetAction
Then - Actions
Hashtable - Save 1 as (Key Job) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Else - Actions
Set WorkersJob = (WorkersJob + 1)
Hashtable - Save WorkersJob as (Key Job) of (Key (Picked unit)) in WorkersWorking
Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_Pickup1)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_DropOff1)
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Pickup point
Set Pickup1 = (Target point of ability being cast)
Hashtable - Save Handle OfPickup1 as (Key pickup1) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to DropOff
Set DropOff1 = (Target point of ability being cast)
Hashtable - Save Handle OfDropOff1 as (Key dropoff1) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Set Forge
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Target unit of ability being cast) as (Key target) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Set Anvil
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Target unit of ability being cast) as (Key target2) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Blacksmith
Set Unitready = True
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Unitready Equal to True
Then - Actions
Hashtable - Save True as (Key HasJob) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save 4 as (Key Steps) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save 1 as (Key Job) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save False as (Key busy) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save Handle OfPickup <gen> as 1 of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save Handle OfForge <gen> as 2 of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save Handle OfAnvil <gen> as 3 of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Hashtable - Save Handle OfDropoff <gen> as 4 of (Key (Triggering unit)) in WorkersWorking
Game - Display to (All players) the text: This unit has taken...
Else - Actions
Game - Display to (All players) the text: You need to set all...
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Group)
View attachment AdvancedworkerSystem.w3x