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Trouble in Hellfire.

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Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
I'm bored, and as you can guess Hellfire Peninsula is my favourite zone in all of Warcraft :)

Chapter One: Meeting the Heroes

Stranglethorn Vale, indeed I admired this place, it was a beauty, it kept its tranquility and pride, the beasts may be savage but that shouldn't really be a new thing. Soaring over the sky I noticed a troll, I swooped down, getting a better view of his plans.

''Dis time...'' the troll growled, I sharply glared at him. ''I will kill dem all! Azeroth shall be mine!'' he stammered. ''Thats what they all say...'' I mumbled, changing my form into a Night Elf, I ran all the way to Booty Bay. Whilst on my way I had some strange looks by some trolls, eventually I reached the place. I entered into the tunnel and ran out, looking down at the citizens, the goblins, and many other travellers looked at me like I was new or something like that. I noticed a draenei I must've met before.

I watched her run to a mailbox, sure I must admit I was pretty when I changed my form, but they looked at me like I was an alien! Five minutes went by... they were still staring at me! I also noticed two gryphons come and a wyvern, another draenei and a human priest walked upto the draenei who had wrote a letter, I also saw an orc with them. ''Who.. Who wants to go Outland?'' I asked. The four raised their hands, it was decided, I nodded and they followed me upto the flight master, the priest and the two draenei, along with me headed to Nethergarde Keep, the orc headed to Stonard, we was going to meet at the Dark Portal.

Chapter Two: Return to the Bloodcraze.

I waited patiently at the portal, the draenei shaman arrived. ''May I know your name?'' I asked. ''Artania.'' she told me. ''Incase you don't know me I'm Yzzarian.'' I told her, she looked amazed and the human priest came. ''I didn't get to present myself, Im Sheeva.'' she quickly told me, I understood her, don't think anyone could though, then the other draenei came with the orc. ''Im Tesius, this is Thung.'' Tesius told me. ''Greetings all, I'm Yzzarian.'' I simply said.

We then walked into the Dark Portal, I wasn't at all shocked by Outland's features, they was. ''I didn't expect my homeworld to be this shattered...'' Thung mumbled. ''Tesius, Sheeva and Artania, go Honor Hold, Thung go Thrallmar, if you need me shout to me.'' I told them, they nodded and headed off. I then let out a whistle for my nether drake, he obeyed and came, I mounted him, we then took to the skies.

''Well, I'll be damned.'' I mumbled. Just then a train like roar was heard, people began to scream, a giant abomination stamped into the ground, throwing its hands everywhere at unlucky victims, the ground shook rapidly, I looked down at the madness, the monster machine was quicker than its victims, it had the upper chance, many were lucky and fled from its terror but alot... wasn't, the mechanical beast let out its train-like roar again, like a laugh and ran back into Thung's direction! Me and my nether drake pursued it, by now the monster machine was gone, I couldn't feel the presence of the orcish warrior.

I had no idea what was about to happen, but I couldn't feel comftable with all this, I tried to find his presence, eventually I did... in the broken wastes of Netherstorm. I loosened my nether drake's reins alittle, he heeded and flew in the direction of the shattered scarred land of Netherstorm.

Sorry if its not good.
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
Chapter Three: Bloodcraze Revived

(Thungs Point of View)

I woke up, my head pounding, not knowing where I was, I stared into the face of a dreadlord, I looked around my surroundings, everything was purple! Gross! I looked up into the sky, I saw planets, and strange purple clouds, I saw a purple unending rift of void, what was it? the Twisting Nether? No, I remember the Twisting Nether being yellow coloured, like in Hellfire Peninsula... ''Sir, your capture has awoken.'' a voice of a felguard told another demon. ''Very well..'' a sinister voice spoke, then this demon walked upto me, it was a Dreadlord. I looked upto the beast, I glared angrily at it, what did he want from me?! I then felt an excruciating pain sear up in me, I wanted to yell, nothing came out.

(Artania's Point of View)

I rode on my gryphon, looking around at my surroundings, why was everything an ugly coloured purple? Just then a loud bang was heard near me, I jumped in shock, what was that? I thought to myself, pondering at what just boomed, I heard many more powerful bangs. ''Im scared..'' I weakly mumbled, I then saw an onyx-coloured nether drake with no rider. ''I wonder whos Nether Drake that is..'' I mumbled, eyeing it up and down, my grphon came to a turn and fastened as it landed.

I mounted off my ride, looking at Area 52, it was so like Gadgetzan, but only this was purple-coloured like, AGAIN! I walked in, a beam of light surrounded me as I entered, that beam of light I did not see did not erase my memory. I looked around. ''So your the one they sent?'' a goblin asked, I turned around. ''Junior 3rd Grade Artania, pleasure to meet you!'' he told me, I waved back.

(Aleihza's Point of View)

I arrived at the site Thung was, I got my nether drake to land. I felt extremely odd showing my true form in Outland, and especially around Demons, but I either had to... or

Then an idea struck me, I changed my form into a night elven cat form, I found the best shade to prowl, and so I did, I stealthly walked around the scene, what was this foul smell? My question was then awnsered, a pool of red blood that bubbled. What are they thinking of? I thought, I didn't hesitate though, I jumped out of the shadows and struck down every Demon in site, I couldn't tell how Thung felt about me showing, but Culuthas stopped torturing the young Orc, then I felt something large hit me, my vision went black.

(Thung's Point of View)

I felt extremely annoyed about Culuthas knocking out Yzzarian, I tried to get myself free. I continued to struggle whilst Culuthas readied a dark drink, he then walked upto my face, I began growling. ''Drink.'' the demon said simply, a felguard then opened my mouth, the blood was poured into my mouth, I couldn't struggle, I swallowed the burning blood.

The Demons let out a laugh, I felt more empowered, I felt tainted, I felt strangely new, I looked at my hands, they was red, what have I become? I thought. You are my pawn... a voice boomed in my head. The voice.. felt extremely familiar. The reason you lived through many chaotic battles was fate, fate brought you here, this is your destiny now. the voice cackled in my mind. I had to fight it! I felt myself being grabbed, and feeling the demon's embrace left, Yzzarian! I looked at her, I was in her draconic paws, she had turned herself into her real form, a green drake. ''Finally..'' I mumbled, and then. Watch me as I blast this wretch out of the sky. the voice yelled.

I looked at Yzzarian, she roared in pain and dropped me, the demon continued to cackle in my mind, I looked at her fall. ''NO!'' I roared. ''NO! YZZARIAN! NO!'' I continued to roar, I then ran. I will be here... wherever you run! YOU ARE MINE! the voice yelled, I felt slow, the wretch in my mind had slown me, I felt myself being lifted into the sky, I soon looked as the landscape changed, I was back in Hellfire Peninsula, I gave into the demon, I had lost everything now. I will never serve you! I thought to myself, the demon simply replied. That'll all change...

Edited: I thought I'd do other charatcer's PoV's because I didn't like it being all Yzzarian and stuff.
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
Chapter Four: Battle at the Stairs of Destiny

(Sheeva's PoV)

I had enough of this place! Battles were too complicated for me, or maybe I was inexperienced, or under equipped, but whatever, these helboars hit hard, I returned to Honor Hold, battle-worn. ''Oh my, this is what has become of the Alliance heroes?! YOUR WEAK!'' a voice yelled at me, I turned my attention to an angry human. ''GET OUT THERE AND DEAL WITH THOSE DEMONS!'' he roared, I didn't hesitate, I got onto my horse and ran off.

Fire was shooting everywhere, I looked at dreadlords, infernals and groups of imps, I jumped off my horse and began inflicting the shadow word of Pain upon the lesser imps, but even they was stronger than me!. ''What the hell!'' I yelled, finishing off the remaining imp of one group. I then kicked a rock, and underneath that rock was a Cursed Scarab which began attacking me, after alot of mind blasts and other shadow spells, the scarab fell dead. ''Even the rocks turn on you!'' I sighed.

After many hours of doing this one mission I finally accomplished it, and headed back into Honor Hold, I got my prize, a staff, I did all that just for another damned staff!

(Tesius' PoV)

I watched the green drake fly around in circles, I did feel anew after gaining my new armour pieces and better weapons, but what was with Yzzarian? She had been flying around in circles yelling random crap for some time now. Her nether drake landed beside me. ''Hmmm..'' the drake mumbled. ''You can talk?!'' I asked, shocked, the drake looked at me, nodding. ''Before I became a damned mount, my name was Ambienraku, and now my name has became Nether Drake.'' the drake simply said. ''You can communicate with Yzz, so why don't you tell her your name?'' I asked. ''Because she hardly goes into Outland.'' he sighed.

''Well shes abit buisy most of the time, right?'' I asked, the drake nodded.

(Thung's PoV)

I was flying over Straholme. That green drake doesen't want to save you, she wants to kill you for sheer pleasure. the demon told me, that green drake wanted to kill me? I couldn't believe it... And the one you loved dearly also wants you dead.. I didn't want to hear anymore, I've been betrayed...

I finally found the tauren, I swooped down. ''What the...'' was all the poor tauren could say before being struck down, I looked down at baby Sabrina. We'll go to Balnazzar. He'll make that daughter of yours powerful, and you powerful too. the demon told me. Balnazzar? Wasn't he killed? No, he is still alive. I then was tooken over by the force of the Demon, I eventually found Balnazzar.

''Greetings Thung.'' the dreadlord greeted me. I don't have the time for conversations, you should know why where here! the demon scowled at Balnazzar, the dreadlord nodded, casting a spell upon me and Sabrina, I no longer saw the youngling but now she was by my side... as a Dreadlord! I was shocked at first, but I became use to it, I also felt a new power rise in me. We will go Outland., I then closed my eyes and reopened them, I stood at the Dark Portal, Sabrina next to me. Us two walked into the Dark Portal, I found Tesius.. and that Nether Drake scum, and also the nether drake. Have a little example of your power. Its enough to destroy those three who have betrayed you all together!, I grinned as Yzzarian came to a land, Tesius and the nether drake alerted of my presence. ''Thung--.'' Tesius growled, and was stopped.

Yzzarian charged first, I dodged her attacks, she breathed her acid breath everywhere, me and Sabrina still managed to dodge. I and Sabrina then raised our hands to the sky, our hands eminated a dark circle, the green drake was chained, Tesius and the nether drake stunned as a red beam of light slammed into the drake, she began roaring in pain as she was struck down. ''DIE!'' I and Sabrina yelled when suddenly..


We lowered our arms, the beam faded away as we looked at the Forsaken on his nether drake, smoke coming from his rifle. ''Oy oy, the Stairs of Destiny isn't a battleground, its already got a battle at the steps' end, go leave!'' the voice yelled, I noticed that voice! Yzzarian got herself up, I looked as Tesius mounted upon the nether drake. Sabrina was annoyed. ''Why you!'' she yelled, throwing shadow bolts at the rider, but his nether drake dodged all of the bolts, I looked as the shadow bolts collided with eachother, Sabrina threw a large shadow bolt at the rider but the nether drake moved with speed, flying past Sabrina, barely missing her, the shadow bolt however hit into Sabrina, she yelped a little.

''WHY YOU!'' the dreadlord yelled, I stopped her though. ''Hes a dangerous rogue, and that nether drake of his is dangerous too, forget it, we're going Shadowmoon.'' I told her, she nodded and we set off. Yzzarian and Tesius on the nether drake had left too.
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