I found this old model of mine dated 2005 (heh) listed in the "rejected" category, but with no explanation. It was uploaded before the Wc3sear.ch -> Hiveworkshop merge and had 2400 downloads with no report of bugs, so I'll just assume it was rejected by mistake and reupload it.
Now, as for the credit part, someone has given me a hand on it for sure, but it's been six years and I don't really remember who.
I'm almost positive that Afronight_76 has been so kind to help me with the texture. The base model was Akama, but this has one extra animation (spell channel) billboarded hero glow and particles, wich I could't have done myself back then, and there's a JG in the file name, I suppose that stands for Jigrael.
So the authors would be Afronight_76, Tarrasque and myself.
troll, horde, spellcaster, shaman, mask