aw akrima u beat me to the invuln glitch :*(
projectiles of water are hard to see b/c of the whole water gushing everwhere lol, but if your fire its super easy to avoid n cast n keep going not sure about tanks and how they fair tho
and the felguard summon is supposed to happen every 40seconds i believe, they die after that time, and you can kill them easy with the towers too
on invuln glitch im not sure but im pretty sure spell does dmg, then it runs you to the unit, so maybe have it hit unit, stun then dmg? not sure
good map btw
edit: i dont know if this is right but i equiped shadow stalker (demon warrior) set blade and armor, then got ring, then i got another ring b/c i had space and it said i equiped the set again, not sure if it gives +40 hp steal and +60 dmg?
edit2: also you know that repick doesnt work right? it does not sense first hero pick, and doesnt give food, second gives food but does not allow repick due to having to select hero
edit3: also the orc god stays at his pentacle spawn location but the troll god moves away from his triangle, perhaps make where troll god stands the triangle spawn as well?
edit4: btw y doesnt bandit area respawn, everything but them does, i mean i personaly wouldnt go out of my way for those items, but someone might
edit5: btw ive nver seen revenant do his monsoon, ever and he starts with 0 mana
edit6: zul'bane assassin is a pain, he isnt attacked by units, but heros attacking him can get attacked by units due to pathing (especialy mystic with his far reaching fire)
edit7: woa there are game modes, lol maybe put in a short hint about those so blue has a chance to put them in?
edit8: demon warrior has low hp boost and moderate spell i believe. i do not get that, hes totaly a tanking class why give him low hp? on second thought, perhaps just raise his starting hp a little or raise it a lot and compensate it in HP growth, b/c he has bad starting hp, but later on he is decent, hard to solo sometimes but thats good
edit9: im not sure how to put this but, why is it easy to get kills (wood) form basic creeps but it takes a crapload for higher, i mean once i max out and get all the elemental items and best boots and the ghost item i might as well just go to furbolgs or satyrs and get 5k kills so i can get good wood, i dont know how to fix but maybe give more wood for harder things, b/c otherwise its just not time effective to help allies get items once you have yours
edit10: perhaps add some hp to bosses or skills b/c as is i can solo them all which makes it pretty easy, not a bad thing, but group play ftw right?
edit11: i believe u wanted a list of ten things
woot woot lol
Question: are there some charms that just dont fuse b/c all of pali's and a few creeps im not finding a fuser for
Quesiton2: should i keep editing if no one posts or can i start a new one if i have a new list? (i dont, but i plan on playing it for a bit today so i might find stuff; and people might not post)?
Question3: why do some classes get class specific tier five items where others get general caster/fighter?