A castle fight style idea and gameplay.
- The aim of the game is to have your units destroy the opposing castle.
- You must buy structures which then spawn units each time the timer expires.
- AI is used in game, and changing their difficult does also affect their abilities in game.
- Gold earned by kills is given to you when the timer expires.
At the beginning of the game Player 1 (Red) may pick a game mode, this is a list of all the different game modes and what they mean.
Normal - Normal gameplay is used, no random twists or alike.
Gold Rush - Both players begin with 1000 gold rather than 500 gold, also gold earned by kills of your AI ally will be doubled when given to you.
Militia Wars - Only Militia will be able to be used, all towers in the map are removed from the game, this is a fast game mode.
Brave Worker - Each player is limited to be unable to create any other peasants from their starting peasant. This peasant will need to be defended well to make sure of its survival.
Trail and Error - If a player builds a structure their ability to create structures will be stopped until the timer expires. Meaning players will have to pick what they build wisely. Also the timer is reduced.
Tribe, Wars, Castle, Fight, Human, Castle