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[Aeon of Strife] Treasure Wars

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Level 15
Mar 25, 2016

Treasure Wars is a 10 player MOBA map. Two teams of up to 5 players fight against each other, trying to destroy the enemy castle first.

Custom Stat System
Each hero has 10 stats that increase individually, when the hero levels up and can be boosted by items and abilities.
  • Strength: increases attack damage and the power of some abilities
  • Willpower: reduces incoming magic damage and reduces the duration of most negative buffs
  • Intelligence: increases the power of some abilities
  • Armor: reduces incmoing physical damage
  • Attack Speed
  • Hit Points
  • Hit Point Regeneration
  • Mana Points
  • Mana Point Regeneration
Ability Scaling
Most abilities scale with either Strength or Intelligence, allowing all heroes to become more powerful over time. This is not limited to damage, but can also increase the duration of a stun, affect how much you slow the enemy or increase the amount of bonus armor your spell gives.

Buy the right items to improve your hero and counter the enemy heroes. Cheaper items can be combined to more expensive ones, allowing you to gradually increase the power of your hero.

Utilize your Base
Send additional troops to help you siege the enemy, use teleporters to quickly move over the map or research upgrades to gain a big advantage in the long run.
Click on the buildings in your base to see, how you can use them to your advantage.

Strategical Siege
At the same time this means that taking down the enemy's infrastructure can give you a strategical advantage. Destroying the workshop for example will greatly reduce the enemy's damage output against buildings.

Fight for the Hydras
Killing a Hydra gives your team an advantage for the rest of the game, but fighting against a hydra is a dangerous endeavor, as the enemy team can use this opportunity to win a team fight.

Play against the AI
Individual AI behaviours for every hero create diverse fights against the computer.





Fighting against a Hydra:

Using a teleporter:

Guarding a siege engine on its way to destroy the enemy base:



The map is still being developed. At this point most of the basic systems are done, so the current focus is to add new heroes, improve balance and fix bugs.

Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions, as it is vital for me in order to improve the map.
If you come across a bug, please report it in the thread.

The map is written in wurst and the source code can be found on GitHub.

1920x1080 Loading Screen by Softmints
Anduin Lothar by Tauer
Gul'dan by Tauer
Zul'jin by Tauer
BladeStorm by JetFangInferno
Python Warriores without Crawling animations by Tarrasque
Deadeye by Tarrasque
Drillmo(By Callahan) by Callahan
Fatal Wound by cotd333
Fear Effect by stan0033
Fish by MiniMage
GreatElderHydraAcidSpewV.153 by kellym0
HeroGlow by assasin_lord
HydraCorrosiveGroundEffectV054 by kellym0
Icecrown Seer by -Grendel
InfernalWheeledWarrior by Freddyk
Mur'gul Warlock by Direfury, KILLCIDE
Sea Druid by Freddyk

BTNAmulet by -Berz-
BTNNaturesWrath by -Berz-
BTNNetherBolt by -Berz-
BTNSkull by -Berz-
BTNSkullSpirits by -Berz-
BTNThrowingAxe by -Berz-
BlackArrowsNew (Blizz) by (Blizzard Entertainment), Darkfang
BTNBook by ~Nightmare
BTNVisionWand by ~Nightmare
Grim Rupture by ~Nightmare
BTNFierySoul by 4eNNightmare
BTNMeteor by 67chrome
BTNBracerOfAbjuration by Apheraz Lucent
BTNScarabusEdgeV2 by Apheraz Lucent
BTNGreenViper by BLazeKraze
BTNStrengthofNature by BLazeKraze
GuardianOfTheSea by BLazeKraze
Sea Druid by BLazeKraze
Sea Druidism by BLazeKraze
BTNAbility_Warrior_ShieldBash by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNAngelicShield by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Axe_09 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Axe_15 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Axe_18 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Chest_Chain_14 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Chest_Plate07 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Chest_Plate09 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Chest_Plate11 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Hammer_10 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Hammer_15 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Helmet_21 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Jewelry_Ring_10 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Jewelry_Ring_15 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Misc_Gem_Sapphire_02 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Misc_StoneTablet_05 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_ThrowingKnife_04 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Wand_09 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Wand_12 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Frost_ChillingArmor by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Nature_ResistNature by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNZandalariVoodooDoll by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNRunestoneBreastplate by Blood Raven
BTNScepterOfTheTides by Blood Raven
ChaosOrb by Darkfang
Poison Blades Icon by Darkfang
BTNEntnagle by Hiruty
BTNAncientAmulet by Infinitynexus
BTNSoulBurn by Infinitynexus
BTNDireGrowth by Kimbo
BTNLightningblade by kola
BTNRavenSword by kola
BTNNoxiousFumes by Lelling
BTNGoblinRocketBoots by LoDown
BTNDeepseaMurloc by M0rbid
BTNspookyhood by Mad
BTNLugubriousMask by Marcos DAB
BTNRedCrystal by Marcos DAB
BTNHolyArmor by Mc !
BTNBattlemageArmor by NFWar
BTNBoneDagger by NFWar
BTNGoldenWoodBow by NFWar
BTNHelmetOfDefender by NFWar
BTNLeatherArmor by NFWar
BTNLeatherGloves by NFWar
BTNManagloves by NFWar
BTNMechanism by NFWar
BTNPlatedGauntlet by NFWar
BTNPlatedGauntlet2 by NFWar
BTNRuinedShield by NFWar
BTNSlowSpellGreen by NFWar
BTNStickStaff by NFWar
BTNSuperiorMageRobe by NFWar
BTNWizardsHat by NFWar
BTNHorn by Palaslayer
BTNAdept003 by PeeKay
BTNAdept01 by PeeKay
BTNArcanumProtector by PeeKay
BTNBarbarianBrutalSlasher by PeeKay
BTNBless by PeeKay
BTNBloodStinger by PeeKay
BTNColdFireRing by PeeKay
BTNEmptyAmulet by PeeKay
BTNGobletOfVampires by PeeKay
BTNGoldenShieldHoly by PeeKay
BTNHalfArmorOfDarkness by PeeKay
BTNHeavyBoots by PeeKay
BTNHolyBan by PeeKay
BTNInfernalbow by PeeKay
BTNJewelofDarkness by PeeKay
BTNmonsterbook2 by PeeKay
BTNNatureSlippers by PeeKay
BTNPlateGauntlet by PeeKay
BTNSeaHeavyArmor by PeeKay
BTNSpikedArmor by PeeKay
BTNtier4sword by PeeKay
BTNTribalDrumofWar by PeeKay
BTNWalkersofDarkness by PeeKay
BTNTitansGrip by Serbianbeast
BTNMaceStrikeGlowless by Sin'dorei300
BTNFistofFire by Solu9
BTNTikiMaskAIcon001 by Solu9
BTNEnchantWeaponGreen by StaberFire

This map requires 1.30.


  • (10)TreasureWars0.6.7.w3x
    10.5 MB · Views: 229
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Only tried it singleplayer.
-Killing minons is really tough, as your attacks deal a lot less damage than your minions.
-Minions and towers are targeting enemies at random, which can be really irritating when you are pushing a tower and being attacked all of a sudden.
-The outer towers with arrows are too weak. Maybe this is due to me playing singleplayer, as I was able to build big minionwaves.
-The double set of towers in the base entrance were too strong.
-The base entrance is really narrow, making melee heroes immobilized as they are getting trapped between the masses of minions.
-I find it strange to have two hydras, as if one team is going for one hydra, the other team can just go for the other witout risking anything. Mayby they shoud have different effects.
-The description of the reward that you got from slaying a hydra was vague. I'd like to know exactly what I gained.
-A personal preference is to have one shop instead of many. Click the "overshop", and then select categories. Makes things very structurized and simple.
-Items didn't really feel strong. I was still just a minion in the wave with some special capabilities.
-Ability scaling was underwhelming at times, but that might be beacasue the items were weak.
-Abilities often had a pretty long windup time, which made skillshots frustrating to use.
--Same thing with basic attacks. They have a long windup so that last hitting enemies (the low damage doesn't help eeither) is really hard. I'd recommend to set the windup to something around 0.100 s.
-Not sure wether or not it was intended, but I had mortarteams in the sidelanes at all times, not just after destroying a factory.
-Some kind of time indicator for when barracks and factories respawn could be nice. Maybe set their health to 1, and let them respawn when they are at 100% again?
-Hero selection size was pretty small, which makes their helath and mana bars small too. For clarity, I think that a bit bigger healthbars would be nice.
-Some hero ability effects are pretty underwhelming, such as the Infernal Machines E and Death Snipers Q. More eyecandy would be nice.
-Upgrading an item removes a valuable effect most of the time, which is annoying.
-The enemy "shop zone" was guarded by a powerful turret, but it's range was not made clear at all, and it killed a few minions attacking the castle, which feels strange.

That's all I could think of now. Hope it will be of use to you! :)
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
-Killing minons is really tough, as your attacks deal a lot less damage than your minions.
I can increase the base strength of all heroes, to make last hitting easier. Reducing the damage of minions against minions might help as well.

-Minions and towers are targeting enemies at random, which can be really irritating when you are pushing a tower and being attacked all of a sudden.
For minions I don't think this is a problem, but towers should not attack randomly. I will think about it.

-The outer towers with arrows are too weak. Maybe this is due to me playing singleplayer, as I was able to build big minionwaves.
-The double set of towers in the base entrance were too strong.
I wasn't able to test the map with big teams yet. The test I did were 1v1 and the games were quite long, so I would prefer weaker towers, so taking them down does not take that long.

-The base entrance is really narrow, making melee heroes immobilized as they are getting trapped between the masses of minions.
I will make them wider.

-I find it strange to have two hydras, as if one team is going for one hydra, the other team can just go for the other witout risking anything. Mayby they shoud have different effects.
I could add an Sea Giant or something. Though in general if a team knows, that the other team is fighting a hydra it is better to try to fight them, as they will have a good chance of winning that fight.

-The description of the reward that you got from slaying a hydra was vague. I'd like to know exactly what I gained.
Kinda difficult without writing a lot. You basically get the same stats as if you would buy every stat from the altar 3 times.
I guess I could write "3 stat upgrades for every stat" or something like that.

-A personal preference is to have one shop instead of many. Click the "overshop", and then select categories. Makes things very structurized and simple.
I don't think this will make it easier. Especially once you know what the shops are about this would just slow it down.

-Items didn't really feel strong. I was still just a minion in the wave with some special capabilities.
-Ability scaling was underwhelming at times, but that might be beacasue the items were weak.
I actually feel like the opposite is the case and heroes get really strong with good items. Obviously buying cheap items does not make much difference, but the expensive ones are very powerful.

-Abilities often had a pretty long windup time, which made skillshots frustrating to use.
--Same thing with basic attacks. They have a long windup so that last hitting enemies (the low damage doesn't help eeither) is really hard. I'd recommend to set the windup to something around 0.100 s.
These things are mostly limited by animations. The attack/cast time has to line up with the animation of the model, otherwise it looks weird. For attacks I think I could speed up the animation by a little bit, but if I speed it up too much, it would not look good anymore.

-Not sure wether or not it was intended, but I had mortarteams in the sidelanes at all times, not just after destroying a factory.
The mortar teams only spawn as long as your own workshop exists.

-Some kind of time indicator for when barracks and factories respawn could be nice. Maybe set their health to 1, and let them respawn when they are at 100% again?
Good idea!

-Hero selection size was pretty small, which makes their helath and mana bars small too. For clarity, I think that a bit bigger healthbars would be nice.
Will take a look at it. You are talking about the selection circle, right? The collison boxes are good?

-Some hero ability effects are pretty underwhelming, such as the Infernal Machines E and Death Snipers Q. More eyecandy would be nice.
Death Sniper's Q is probably not that good looking. Not sure what to improve on Inernal Machine's E though.
Maybe add a some kind of effect on the ground?

-Upgrading an item removes a valuable effect most of the time, which is annoying.
In most cases I try to keep them, or I replace them by similar but better effects. For example instead of life regeneration I add a life steal effect. If I would carry over all effects it would either limit the number of items I can use as requirement for a big item or it would massively increase the number of effects a big item has.
I am also not too happy, that some effects get lost, but I don't know how to best handle this.

-The enemy "shop zone" was guarded by a powerful turret, but it's range was not made clear at all, and it killed a few minions attacking the castle, which feels strange.
Also something I am not too happy about. Ideally I'd want an area that can only be entered by one team, so there is no need for that tower.

Thank you for this detailed review!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
You are talking about the selection circle, right? The collison boxes are good?
Don't know how good the collision boxes are though. It is hard to notice in single player I think.
Maybe add a some kind of effect on the ground?
Something like that. Right now, the area of effect was much bigger tahn the special effect.
I am also not too happy, that some effects get lost, but I don't know how to best handle this.
Making items is really tough. I've always struggled with them in past maps.

More stuff:
-Really good-looking map. Clean and well-made terrain. Not as cluttery and confusing as many other mobas I've seen. Good temple details.
-Mostly interesting hero kits. Everything is not perfect yet, but it is certainly a really solid start.
-Are all the houses and stuff in the bases neccesary? They feel like they are nothing but cannon fodder, that is in the way until destroyed.
-Didn't see the teleports, but I also didn't read into what to do with them.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
A few more things:
-In the loading screen "created" is written with a small c.
-The map is for 10 players, yet it appears like it is for 8 players in the game list.
-The latest patch allows you to change tooltips! It'd be awesome that instead of seeing the intelligence ratio on spells, you could see the current extra damage gained from intelligence! :)
-Maybe pan the camera to the hero when it respawns, or notify the player in some way.
-The freezer has really insane mana costs. His passive, gaining mana per attack doesn't relly feel that powerful.
-The Gold, Lumber, Food, Upkeep and Time of Day tooltips display standard melee tooltips, most of which doesn't apply to this map, such as: "Gold is mined from gold mines". Nope, it is gained periodically and from killing stuff.
--Tooltips might not be a priority, but it certainly makes the map feel more polished.
-The heroes has autoattack damage such as 72-82. I think it should be one value, to take away some of the luck. This can also be frustrating with last hitting, because you can get unlucky to deal a little to little damage and miss a minion kill because you were unlucky, not unskilled.
-The castle has the call to arms ability, but no valid patrons are nearby. Maybe they are at some point?
-Maybe give thero full mana when it respawns?
-There are no health or mana potions. Don't know if you want them though.
-I love that you can buy an item directly without having to find its recipe items first!!
-Newbie tips could be nice! If a player si new to the game, he can enter "-tips" as a chat message and then get textmessages about the game objectives and features?
-AI works fine.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
-The latest patch allows you to change tooltips! It'd be awesome that instead of seeing the intelligence ratio on spells, you could see the current extra damage gained from intelligence! :)
Something I already was thinking about, but it is probably more work so I did not do it now, because I wanted to get an update out. It will come at some point.

-The castle has the call to arms ability, but no valid patrons are nearby. Maybe they are at some point?
You need a hero nearby in order to use it. The way it works is, that it is actually a shop selling tomes. I can't use a normal ability, because abilities can only be used by the controlling player. If someone knows of another way to use buttons on allied buildings, please tell me.

-AI works fine.
Nice to hear, I spent a lot of time on it.
-I love that you can buy an item directly without having to find its recipe items first!!
Also nice to hear. This also considers items you already bought. So if you want to buy item A, which requires B and C, and you already have B, you can buy A and item B will automatically used and you only have to pay A and C. It's the same if you buy a tier 3 item and you already have tier 1 requirements of tier 2 items needed for that tier 3 item.

-The freezer has really insane mana costs. His passive, gaining mana per attack doesn't relly feel that powerful.
I could extend the passive to also work for the frost wyrm. There are also a few items that are really important for mana dependant heroes. The Blessed Goblet for example is great for regenerating mana.

-The map is for 10 players, yet it appears like it is for 8 players in the game list.
I think that is a wurst bug. I will ask Frotty to see there is something I can do about it.

Regarding the points I did not comment on, I will address them at some time.

Thank you for the feedback.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Ah yes, finally tried this map. It seems like the heroes are good and not many bugs so far. Love the idea of on-hit effects actually happened on-hit and not applied before the auto attack.

You need to add more heroes (but since they are complicated so take your time) and add creep camps, because you can't make a good AoS without creep camps.

PS: Really love the Freezer guy, split pushing with him and the Wyrm is so fun.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
Glad you like it.
More heroes will be added, once I have addressed most of the points of the feedback I get here.
I feel like the current map layout is too small to add creep camps to it. I think I will increase the map size to get the necessary space for creep camps.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Nice map, i like it. The Ai is quite impressive, everything is very well worked, it's a well polished map.

I found a bug and I really do not know how it occurs. The heroes turn on their position when they are surrounded by several units, they slide on position in very strange form.
I can't explain it well but once it happened to me. I think it has to do with:

call SetUnitPropWindow()

if you are using this to disable the turn of units, maybe that's the problem.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
Updated to 0.6.3:
  • New map layout with 7 creep camps per side
  • Creeps have passive abilities. Killing the big creep gives the hero the passive abiltiy for a limited duration.
  • Replaced the bottom Hydra with a Dragon Turtle that is easier to kill, but only gives gold for the team.
  • Hero attack damage is no longer random
  • Abiltiy tooltips update to show the bonus depending on the hero's current stats
  • New hero War Beetle
  • New hero Elemental Mage
Next steps:
  • Add more heroes
  • Improve performance of hero initialization
  • Improve AI behaviour
  • Make Dragon Turtle more interesting
  • Update tooltips and map information
I am always open for suggestions. If you have ideas, please tell me!

Nice map, i like it. The Ai is quite impressive, everything is very well worked, it's a well polished map.
Thank you.

I found a bug and I really do not know how it occurs. The heroes turn on their position when they are surrounded by several units, they slide on position in very strange form.
I can't explain it well but once it happened to me. I think it has to do with:
Thanks for the hint. Yes I am using SetUnitPropWindow() to disable movement of some heroes.

I did some testing and it seems to be it. If you set the prop window of a unit in the object editor to 180 (default max value), you get this weird behaviour. Units are not turning on their current position, but move while they are turing, so they effectively move in the wrong direction, before they finished turing.
I intended to revert the prop window using SetUnitPropWindow(GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(unit)), however they are not using the same unit.
function GetUnitPropWindowBJ takes unit whichUnit returns real
    return GetUnitPropWindow(whichUnit) * bj_RADTODEG

function GetUnitDefaultPropWindowBJ takes unit whichUnit returns real
    return GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(whichUnit)
These two GUI functions return the value in degrees. As you can see GetUnitPropWindow is converted to degrees, but GetUnitDefaultPropWindow is not. This means the native functions GetUnitDefaultPropWindow actually returns the value in degrees. I assumed it would always be radians as it is usual in native functions.

Thanks again. I could not have fixed it without your help.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I see great potential here. From the description, it's remind me to The Great Strategy map (upgrading your units, also that sunken themed) and Vainglory game (ability scaling (not just damage) and armor/willpower). And having willpower affecting negative buff duration...whoa, never thought of it o.o
Gonna try it soon :D

edit d Really antes to try it but i cant update my warcraft :(
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Looks promising. Going to test it

Edited: I played with the Freezer hero. Here's my first impression:

Terrain: 3/5 (symmetrically balanced but about how it looks, it could use some more work. There are a lot of custom tilesets and doodads that you can use to make it look a bit more appealing)
Creep waves and last hitting : kinda hard if you ask me, I can hardly last hit in this AoS and the giant wave of creeps isn't such a good thing. I suggest you go on this method: 3 melee creeps, 2 ranged creeps, 1 stronger creep (tankish like). 3/5
Heroes: The Freezer hero that I played was cool, I love his ultimate, I saw that you modified the attribute bonuses into something different. I mainly support that kind of method. 5/5
Items: A lot, you can have various builds, that's a good thing in an AoS. 5/5

Overall, it has great potential. You need to work a bit more on it though. :)
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
I'm playing this eventually, and the only thing that bothers me is, why did you deactivate the color filter option?
for a blind man like me, see the minimap is too harder.
I suggest that changes this to default behavior.

Continue updating this, i'm waiting for the next update.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
Updated to 0.6.4:
  • Voodoo Archer and Detroyer added
  • Gates are further away from each other to avoid gate towers attacking units from other lanes.
  • Brown units use bandit skins.
  • Heroes healing at the altar are now invulnerable. This also prevents them from luring units into the base.
  • AI improvements
  • AI players on normal get small advantage and bigger advantage on insane
  • Allow ally color filtering
  • General optimizations: Map runs better now. Especially the lag when choosing a hero should be gone.
  • Several Bugfixes

I've been working for a long time on this update. Got busy in the meantime, so it was delayed longer than I wanted. This update has quite a lot of content, so there will probably be some bugs as well. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible, if you find one.

Terrain: 3/5 (symmetrically balanced but about how it looks, it could use some more work. There are a lot of custom tilesets and doodads that you can use to make it look a bit more appealing)
I am not that good at terraining, so I don't know if and how well I can improve the map visually.
Creep waves and last hitting : kinda hard if you ask me, I can hardly last hit in this AoS and the giant wave of creeps isn't such a good thing. I suggest you go on this method: 3 melee creeps, 2 ranged creeps, 1 stronger creep (tankish like). 3/5
That's a problem I had from the start of the map. At first I increased base damage of heroes. I followed your suggestion and reduced creep count a bit. I don't think this is enough, so I will try to find a way to improve it further.
Heroes: The Freezer hero that I played was cool, I love his ultimate, I saw that you modified the attribute bonuses into something different. I mainly support that kind of method. 5/5
I mainly wanted that all attributes have only one effect. This way I can have a unit with high hp, but low hp regen and the other way around. With the default strength attribute those would be coupled.
Items: A lot, you can have various builds, that's a good thing in an AoS. 5/5

Overall, it has great potential. You need to work a bit more on it though. :)
Thanks, I will keep working on it.

I'm playing this eventually, and the only thing that bothers me is, why did you deactivate the color filter option?
for a blind man like me, see the minimap is too harder.
I suggest that changes this to default behavior.
I originally disabled it, because it interfered with the special effect color of a certain skill. It's back to normal now and the special effect shows in the correct color.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
Updated to 0.6.5.

The map is now playable in 1.30. It took me quite some time to get the map to work in 1.30. Some natives that previously worked no longer do so in 1.30.
There are not many new features, this is just a compatibility update for the most part.

Hit points of the wave units have been tuned down and together with changes to armor and attack types it should now be a lot easier to last hit them.
There are a few balance changes and bugfixes.

I wanted to get this update out quickly, so the map is playable on the current patch again. New features will be added in the next update.
Level 15
Mar 25, 2016
New in 0.6.7:
  • new fullscreen shop user interface:
  • more informative hero selection: tooltip contains descriptions of the 5 skills of a hero
  • new items: added basic potions
  • special creep camps have a unique minimap icon: Revenant camps, Hydra and Turtle
  • AI improvements: the AI will also buy upgrades at the two blacksmiths
  • new hero added: Troll Headhunter
  • bug fixes & balance changes
  • and many more things
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