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Trasmission doesn't display

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Level 2
Apr 29, 2020
Hello everyone! (This is my first post so please tell me if I miss something/do something wrong; also English is not my first language).

With the release of Reforged, I picked up again a short "movie" I made with the editor years ago.
It's a video with several scenes; before every scene, I set up a transmission with the place and time in which the scene takes place (i.e., "place X, a few days later").

When I try to run the video in game, the very first one of these transmission is displayed as expected, while all the others do not. I've tried to attach an audio file to one of these, and it plays, so the trigger does work, but for some reason the transmission itself doesn't appear.


This is the first trigger, the one that works (NB: the Cinematic Mode is turned on in another Initialization trigger).

And this is the second one; all the following are set up exactly the same as this one.

Does anyone know where is the problem?
Please note that the "Map Initialization" event fires at some specific point in time during the loading screen of the map. Your first transmission would only be displayed, if the game starts withing 2 seconds after that (according to your wait action). To avoid that, use "Elapsed Game Time = 2 seconds" as event.

Regarding your other transmissions, possible reasons for them not showing up:
  • Maybe your second trigger doesn't fire at all, because your unit "Caravella degli Umani" doesn't die (maybe you removed it from the game instead). Check, if it fires, by adding a screen message as first action. You mentioned that you have checked by adding a sound that actually plays, but I can't see that in your trigger, so I want to bring this up at least.
  • Cinematic Mode might be turned off 6.5 seconds after the second trigger fires. If so, the transmission will be displayed just like a normal screen message, which you might not have noticed in case.
  • You might have accidentally deleted the Playergroup "All players" in a wrong attempt to prevent memory leaks. More precise, if you have used the following custom script somewhere in your code, then all subsequent actions using "All players" wouldn't work anymore:
    • Example Trigger, don't ever do this ;)
      • Events
      • Conditions
      • Actions
        • Set VariableSet YourVariable = (All players)
        • -------- more actions --------
        • Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_YourVariable)

If your reason isn't among my wild guesses, please consider showing us more relevant triggers or attach your map to this thread :)

Best regards
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Level 2
Apr 29, 2020
The cinematic starts just fine, but I took notice, thank you! (consider that I'm goodish with basic triggers and actions, but I've never learned to set up variables, make custom scripts and the like).

For the transmission:
  • The trigger does fire (the "Caravella degli Umani" is set up to be killed in the previous trigger), it's just the text box and the portrait frame that do not appear. I noticed that, actually, the space where the portrait would be does get slightly darker, but that's it (regarding the voiceline, I tried it once, saw that it worked and then removed it)
  • The cinematic mode is started in the first trigger, and closed in the last one, and never turned off (overall, the whole cinematic runs correctly from start to end, with only this and a couple other problems along the way)
  • That can't be because every other transmission -i.e. regular unit dialogues- is displayed correctly (plus, I wouldn't be able to do that XD ).
The map is really huge, so I made some test with a very cut version (I removed everything starting from some point after the beginning of the second scene, and cut several things from the first one too). In this "version 1", the problem is still there (the second intro transmission still doesn't show up). I tried a "version 2" where I cut most of the first scene, leaving only intro and outro, and in this version the transmission works just fine. So there is something in the first scene trigger set that breaks it, but I can't figure out what. The firsto scene trigger set is quite messy, to be honest, maybe tidying it up a bit would solve it; I'm going to work on it, but meanwhile I'm attaching the reduced map, with both the "version 1" and "version 2" triggers. Thank you so much for the support!


  • Prove trasmissione.w3x
    111 KB · Views: 16
Level 2
Apr 29, 2020
I'm using Windows (10). Your screenshot comes from Classic Warcraft III, am I right? Because I'm using Reforged, could it be that?

(edit) ok, I checked with Classic and using that it works. It's something with Reforged :S
Last edited:
Level 2
Apr 29, 2020
That looks definitely like a bug, yeah :S
Oh well, I'll set up a narrator. Thank you for your time!
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