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Transport is Full Condition?

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Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
Transport is Full Condition? URGENT. Impossible?

Is there a condition that checks if a transport is full, and if so where would I find it under? I tried looking under Integers and Booleans, but no luck. If there isn't one, is there any way to make groups or something that would check?
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Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
I don't know how I could make that work. I'll explain in more detail.

I have lots Venus fly-trap style buildings that pick up units that walk near them, but part of the way it picks the unit up is by casting charm on it first and then loading it into itself regardless of the previous owner. This works fine until the transport is full, because then even though I have triggers that return the unit when it is not loaded, they're somewhat broken, so I'm trying to set up a condition that it doesn't fire charm at all only if it is full. But I have so many of this unit, I don't know how to set up a group array that would be able to check properly if -THAT- one trap had two guys in it or not. I'd use Devour but the two problems with it are that it can only hold a single unit, and while devouring it becomes visible, loosing it's permanent invisibility. Also more traps can be built at any time, so they need to dynamically added or lost.

All I really need is a:
  • If - (Triggering Unit) is full Equals to True
Type condition, but I can't find one or anything that could simulate one over a large number of buildings.

The only way I could see it done without this kind of condition would be to add units to a unit group every time one is loaded, and then check the size of the unit group when you try to add more guys. The only problem here is I don't know how to impliment this beyond a single unit loading troops. Traps are buildable, so I can't have a million variables, one for each and every trap storing exactly how many units have been loaded into that exact trap. I just don't know how to set up that kind of table or array or whatever it's called.
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Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
I thought this would be easy, but then I struck me that some units can occupy more than one slot in the transporting unit...you'd need to keep track on what monster types are loaded into the trasporting unit, and adjust the unit's custom value accordingly for example. Refer to it with event response - transporting unit for example so you don't need variables necessarily.

If I come up with something I'll let you know. But now I'm kind of busy with my own project :)
Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
Alright thanks, in the mean time Ill beat my face off it some more. So far no luck with this problem and I might have to remove the unit/ability all together, which I don't want to do at all.

EDIT: Still no progress, still interested in ideas if anyone has any. I don't want to scrap the unit but the problem right now is no matter what it will charm, order to enter itself, and then return the unit as they come by, even if there is no room. Doing this causes all orders and AI to screw up royally, so I need to make it not charm and not order ONLY when the thing is full.
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