Train Units

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Level 7
Apr 3, 2007
How can I make a unit able to train 9 other units? There isnt enough space in the command menu. I want the commanders able to hire other units, I tried doing:
  • Events-A unit begins casting an ability
  • Conditions- Ability equal to Train Units
  • Action- Select Mercenary Camp
It worked but I dont want players to be able to see building or be able to click on the avatar and move to it. Any way to make that happen, or another way for the commander to train 9 units?
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
If you use the spellbook, you can make with triggers the cost. If player trains a unit take X gold and X wood from him.

EDIT: Saw triggers, there is only Add gold, not take... but maybe if you use -X it will work.
Wait a sec, I'll test it.

EDIT 2: It works. Download.

(Btw, trigger is just if unit is trained, take gold from player. Nothing else.)
Level 7
Apr 3, 2007
I cant use spells to summon units because there are 9 different units I want able to be trained. You have to use a different spell for each unit or else when you use a spell it will active all the spells that originated from that 1. example: If you use Summon Bear, to summon a bandit, then copy that spell and paste it and make the new one summon a footman, when u cast any one of those two spells it will summon a footman AND a bandit, not just the 1 u want it to.
And there arent enough original summon spells for 9 units.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
Summon Water Elemental, Phoenix, Feral Spirit, Serpent Ward, Carrion Beetles, Inferno, Force of Nature, Pocket Factory (it still summons stuff), Rain of Chaos, Dark Portal, Summon Bear, Summon Hawk, Summon Quillbeast, Summon Prawns, Summon Lava Spawns.

That's 15 so far, and they're only Hero abilities. And if you make the unit summon abilities into Hero abilities, you'll get even more.
Level 10
Feb 22, 2008
Create a new unit and make the pathability 0 and in the Model File go to custom and put in something like "NONE" then turn it's movement off and make it able to train the units you want. To make it so that it can always be selected make it always in the line of sight of another one of your units and to make so selection circle make it inside a unit or right ontop of another unit with the same size selection circle. Now for triggers
  • Events
  • Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit
  • Conditions
  • (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to [The unit you want the trained unit to appear at]
  • Actions
  • Unit - Move (Trained unit) instantly to (Position of [The unit you want the trained unit to appear at] <gen>)
  • Selection - Select ([The unit you want the trained unit to appear at]) for (Owner of ([The unit you want the trained unit to appear at])
Yea, that should work... That's all I've got...
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
press shift+enter on art-model file of your building and type _

on that way players cannot select the building

if you want players to see the building you could create special effect (building) at position of building

and second way is

EVENT-player select a unit
CONDITIONS-triggering unit equal to <you building>
ACTION-clear selection for triggering player

use ability crow form to turn into another unit that will train other units,or you can disable training of <first units> and available training of <other units> when unit uses ability (called "Train Other Units" (Orc-War Stomp) for owner of unit (casting unit)
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