Tournament Playable Footmen vs Grunts

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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
If you didn't know, Hive workshop has a League that I want to play sum gamez in.

However, I don't respect many games quite like I respect Footmen vs Grunts

What I'd like to do is to change the game so it can be played in a Tornament

Updated with two types of mass army movement,
Different Gui spawn system

And Started with two types of units
1) Footmen
2) Upgrade for Archers

-Paladin with Mass Movement Abilities
-Lord Garithos (Strength; 21 (+5), 5 (+1), 5 (+1))
--Shackles-No damage, Cooldown decreases with each level (Both target and Garithos are stunned. Meant to be effective especially for Canceling out enemies channeling moves and for those that focus fire their Archers)
--Dark Ritual (Regain Mana at the expense of your units)
--Mirror Image (Confuse opponents, Most effective when you don't attack, and meant to give your enemies enough confusion so they'll make bad choices and you can go in for...)
--Ultimate-Kaboom (Sacrifice self to tremendous damage to units around you (Ally and Enemy)

Garithos is meant to be a prime tool for micro managing. I still haven't decided to put in a health regen aura or Dark Ritual. However, I'm liking Dark ritual more Just because THe player will have to sacrifice to make sure GArithos does his duty.

I still need to figure out More Units I should put in


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Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
Well. I'm going to agree that, at one time, Footmen v. Grunts was once one of the best games out there. However, that was only the original version I liked. I don't know the version of it that doesn't have the ohemgee cheat in it, so I don't host it anymore.

I don't like the trend of people to start thinking that heroes are unnecessary and take away strategy from the game. Heroes add a lot of strategy. You have to know how to coordinate them with your army, take out other heroes, and develop a winning strategy. So here's my suggestion. With the help of many people, scrap ALL the heroes and develop at least 24 completely new, yet different ones. Do extensive testing to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each hero, and put some sort of tag on their descriptions that says the difficulty of play for that hero.

I've voiced this opinion on many forums. I don't like mass attackers. They ruin micro and take away strategy from a game.

Making a builder hero or an only aura hero is ridiculous and not fun, don't do it.

Frankly, I don't like how everything is set into one specific "class" and how you want to have the same units on both sides. It just makes the game boring. It takes away people saying "oh i like grunts better" or "i think footmen are the best", which is a good way to build popularity for a map.

I sort of oppose upgrading maps that aren't clearly unbalanced in general. I was heartbroken when some map-maker updated it with unbalanced heroes and messed up items. It broke my heart that nobody hosted the old version anymore. So if you do this, make sure it's absolutely perfect, but also fun to the average user.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Well. I'm going to agree that, at one time, Footmen v. Grunts was once one of the best games out there. However, that was only the original version I liked. I don't know the version of it that doesn't have the ohemgee cheat in it, so I don't host it anymore.

I don't like the trend of people to start thinking that heroes are unnecessary and take away strategy from the game. Heroes add a lot of strategy. You have to know how to coordinate them with your army, take out other heroes, and develop a winning strategy. So here's my suggestion. With the help of many people, scrap ALL the heroes and develop at least 24 completely new, yet different ones. Do extensive testing to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each hero, and put some sort of tag on their descriptions that says the difficulty of play for that hero.

I've voiced this opinion on many forums. I don't like mass attackers. They ruin micro and take away strategy from a game.

Making a builder hero or an only aura hero is ridiculous and not fun, don't do it.

Frankly, I don't like how everything is set into one specific "class" and how you want to have the same units on both sides. It just makes the game boring. It takes away people saying "oh i like grunts better" or "i think footmen are the best", which is a good way to build popularity for a map.

I sort of oppose upgrading maps that aren't clearly unbalanced in general. I was heartbroken when some map-maker updated it with unbalanced heroes and messed up items. It broke my heart that nobody hosted the old version anymore. So if you do this, make sure it's absolutely perfect, but also fun to the average user.

I'll do what I can to make this the best map possible

personally, I still Micro manage, especially with Archers in the game even with Mass attack.
Also, With tanks like Knights, your able to trap them which involves micromanage. THough the initial assault is not as effective

I also find, theres a certain Technique to mass attacking in open feilds (Golems from Starcraft is a good teacher of this), where if you spread out your units before attacking, they will end covering less attacking area (My forum explains this, see tactics)

Mass Attacking in general is just easier to use though. Its a nice feature.

I want to make sure that both sides are exactly the same just because If they weren't there would be potential Balancing issues which I would rather avoid all togethor. Also, I don't want a specific Technique only available on one side or another (One example is a Focus firing heroes from long distance with bows, which Trolls can't do well : /) I want people to be able to do their best n both sides.

Now that doen't mean I can't change the themes of one side or another. Its just I wouldn't want to imbalance on side or another by trying to keep things different.

With Heroes this is what I'm thinking
1) Passive
2) Aura
3) Active Personal-(Like Windwalk/Divine Sheild)
4) Active Army-(Like scroll of the beast) it would be activated auras
5) Target Personal (instant, non homing)
6) Target Army (channeling)
7) Target Ward
8) Summon Unit Types- Bear, Factory and Lavaspawn (Low hp/armor lava, high attack)
9) Summon Spellcaster-Pretty Much Just Micromanaging

I Totally Agree, Heroes have become OP in Footmen and grunts. Thats why I just don't want to deal with them.
ANd if I were to do what I wanted to do.... ugh...

Thats why I'd rather just make the heros items auras and summons/building spell
Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
Well we'll see how it comes out I guess. I can help if you ever need it. I don't suggest naming heroes "The Ward Hero" or any of that crap. Don't openly state it like that.

And I know all about mass attacking tactics from Evolves in Starcraft, but I think it's still less than micromanaging.

My biggest concern is that if you standardize everything like that, the game will be too boring.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Well we'll see how it comes out I guess. I can help if you ever need it. I don't suggest naming heroes "The Ward Hero" or any of that crap. Don't openly state it like that.

And I know all about mass attacking tactics from Evolves in Starcraft, but I think it's still less than micromanaging.

I agree,
I'm going to try to make sure that people that Micromanage have an advantage though
1) Paying attention to damaged units-Healing Wards will not keep your units alive longer (thinking on giving negative Armor) But, If you micromanage, then you can keep every unit alive in each attack.
2) Focus fire on important units-Healing Wards, heroes
3) Active Spells-Healing Ward, Taunt

Though, you won't have to select 12 units and order them to attack, you can still do things in the heat of battle. Which I think is the true important part

Right now, I really need help choosing my initial units for the first version.
I don't know what to choose : /

THe Units I'm thinking of putting in are the Following
1) Mountain Giant-Massive size
2) Something with evasion

3) Rifleman-Slow Rate of fire, high Projectile speed, no splash (Meant for perfect focus firing kills when you keep enough'
4) Trolls-High Rate of Fire, Projectile is medium, lo (Meant for anti air)
5) Mortar-Slow Rate of Fire, Projectile is Slow, medium Splash Damage, High range

6) Troll Witchdoctor

7) Some sort of Flying Unit (I'm thinking for Anti Archers)
8) Anti Building

After that I'm gunna need help with heroes an figuring out the best possible heroes I can

I got triggers already set up, I just need to Copy and Paste and Customize
After tHat I need to think up some Creative terrain....
And Figure out a goal that is worth doing.... (Maybe CtF? Or I could keep it oldschool....)

Then I'm going to get something to eat right now
I need to Make sure that everythings as good as possible though : /
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