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Footmen vs Grunts Remake [Ideas needed!]
I updated/added some ideas. Jump to it!
One of my favorite games to play is Footmen vs Grunts. With all the map chaos on battle.net and a bunch of noobish map-makers fueling the problem, it would be almost impossible to create a popular version because of pre-conceived ideas of what the map should be. On top of that, I have some major issues with the map layout and gameplay.
So I'd like to remake it. I have some ideas that I think could better the game, but it would be changed enough that it would be its own map.
I'd like any suggestions at all, but specifically I'd like help with ideas that will improve AND shorten gameplay without sacrificing depth.
I'm posting ideas I have for the game below, comments and suggestions are welcome.
I updated/added some ideas. Jump to it!
One of my favorite games to play is Footmen vs Grunts. With all the map chaos on battle.net and a bunch of noobish map-makers fueling the problem, it would be almost impossible to create a popular version because of pre-conceived ideas of what the map should be. On top of that, I have some major issues with the map layout and gameplay.
- It takes FOREVER to play. Even if you manage to overpower all the other heros quickly, a game rarely ends under an hour, and I mean rarely.
- It has a horrible layout. Think about it... if you were trying to protect something valuable, such as your heart, would you stick it out in the open, WAY in front of your armies? That's complete foolishness.
- All versions I've played have major coding troubles... your game will get very, very laggy if it goes for very long... and it's going to go on for a long, long time.
- Most units you have to choose from are not used. Some of them are really good units, too, but the gameplay has been brutally forced in the wrong direction for them to be of any use.
So I'd like to remake it. I have some ideas that I think could better the game, but it would be changed enough that it would be its own map.
I'd like any suggestions at all, but specifically I'd like help with ideas that will improve AND shorten gameplay without sacrificing depth.
I'm posting ideas I have for the game below, comments and suggestions are welcome.
So... a while back (over a year ago) I took the map and extracted the map and unit object files and poured over them, properly reconstructing everything. I basically made the map from scratch, but made only changes to the abilities that had inconsistencies. I got very busy, and I didn't finish everything I had planned. I had a new spawn system and I eliminated hundreds of triggers... and I mean hundreds literally.
But I didn't finish. Thinking back on it, I never even addressed problems 1, 2, and 4. Problem 3 was possibly the smallest concern! I put a lot of time into a project that's not worth reviving. It needs a massive overhaul.
I'm not in the "Project Recruitment" stage. I'd LOVE to head this up, but right now I am engaged in something that is very special to me. I haven't even opened up Warcraft (or any game) in 13 months, and likely won't get to open one for another 11. I'm mainly posting to see if there would be enough people interested in making a project happen.
So what say you?
But I didn't finish. Thinking back on it, I never even addressed problems 1, 2, and 4. Problem 3 was possibly the smallest concern! I put a lot of time into a project that's not worth reviving. It needs a massive overhaul.
I'm not in the "Project Recruitment" stage. I'd LOVE to head this up, but right now I am engaged in something that is very special to me. I haven't even opened up Warcraft (or any game) in 13 months, and likely won't get to open one for another 11. I'm mainly posting to see if there would be enough people interested in making a project happen.
So what say you?
Map Layout
- Shift the map to lay out diagonally, and make it slightly bigger to accomadate the change. I was thinking something loosely similar to DotA's layout, only using the top-left and bottom-right for bases.
- Stick the Hearts behind the troops.
- Use non-city terrain, perhaps use forest?
- Use a far more realistic base layout.
- Stick to doodads that actually help the aesthetics.
- Limit heroes to 1 per player.
- I was thinking about implementing a Critical Strike system so that every hero would have the ability, based loosely off of agility. Heroes that currently have critical strike abilities would get an added chance for a critical strike.
- Give each hero a fifth ability that compliments the character instead of 4 plus Attribute Bonus. I have an idea for each hero, but I am very open to suggestions. I'll post more details when I can.
- Add NPC heros with troops to defend the heart. That could add some more story-telling plus create a more unique Footmen vs Grunts style map.
- Use Arthas as paladin model for the Alliance, and for now use paladin abilities. Devotion aura would stack with other Paladins'.
- Use Chaos Grom model for Horde, and for now use blademaster abilities.
Human Spells and Abilities
- Paladin
- Add a passive ability that has a % to block some incoming damage, making him more defensive.
- Bloodmage
- Rework Banish to have a longer duration, but weaken the spell sensitivity.
- Add a new target/aoe spell, Lightning Strike, that, well, strikes a unit/area with lightning. I was thinking that it would look similar to Zues' Lightning Bolt from DotA, but it would do damage to the target area; the closer you are to the strike zone, the more damage you get.
Orc Spells and Abilities
- Far Seer
- New ability, spell evasion. It doesn't quite seem to fit. My thinking was that he is a seer, so he sees the spell coming and it misses? I don't know.
- Rework Far Sight somehow so that it is more usable.
- Blademaster
- Rework Mirror Image to make 1 image that gets progressively better. Images would have a reduced duration.
- Add a new ability, Illusional Mastery, that gives an additional image for each level of Illusional Mastery.
- Rework Critical Strike to work with the new system.
- Tauren Chieftain
- Add a new spell, Warcry/Battleshout, that grants nearby friendly units movement and attack speed bonuses.
- Shadow Hunter
- New ability that increases the number of Spirit Wards, and reduces mana cost of Hex. Unsure on this one.
- Rework Serpent Wards to make them invulnerable if not cast on enemy territory.
Undead Spells and Abilities
- Lich
- New ability that gives Frost Nova a chance to freeze the unit, immobilizing it. Also would apply damage over time.
- Rework Dark Conversion to work on any friendly, non-hero unit, but if the unit is living, less mana is regained.
- Death Knight
- New ability that gives the Death Knight a chance to gouge/maim the target, causing damage over time and reduced movement speed.
- Rework Death Pact to work on any friendly, non-hero unit, but if the unit is living, less health is regained.
- Temporarily eliminate all non-ladder units, except dragons, to give more emphasis to existing units. You would, of course, balance the existing units' attributes.
- Eliminate all sea warfare.
- Get rid of current items and add new items with recipes, but don't get too many; it will encourage more hero use.
- No Tomes!
- Change the item that the Flesh Golem drops from Bladebane Armor (which helps your attack more than anything) to something that adds, you know, armor. Or change the name to reflect what it drops.
- New items (Item Name: what it does; what is required if applicable):
- Stout Shield: +3 armor
- Amulet of Vitality: +50 HP, +3 HP/second regeneration
- Enchanted Buckler: +100HP, +3HP/second regeneration, +5 armor; Requires Stout Shield and Amulet of Vitality
- Circlet of Nobility: +3 to all stats
- Crown of Kings: +10 to all stats, +3 armor; Requires Circlet of Nobility
- Leather Shoes: +50 movement speed
- PF Flyers: +70 movement speed, +4 agility; Requires Leather Shoes
- Robe of the Magi: +3 intelligence
- Mantle of Intelligence: +6 intelligence, +50% mana regeneration
- Kael'thas' Cloak: +12 intelligence, +100% mana regeneration, +50 mana; Requires Robe of the Magi and Mantle of Intelligence
- Broadsword: +8 attack
- Mask of Death: 12% lifesteal
- Sadist's Razor: +14 attack, 18% lifesteal; Requires Broadsword, Mask of Death
- Holy Water: +3 strength, +3 intelligence
- Pendant of Agility: +3 agility
- Sword of Truth: +16 attack, +9 agility, +3 strength, + 3 intelligence; Requires Broadsword, Pendant of Agility, and Holy Water
- Irowood Branch: +1 to all stats
- Mithril Hammer: +12 attack
- Lightbringer's Hammer: +14 attack, +6 strength, +6 intelligence, a chance to Purify (purge) on attack; Requires Ironwood Branch, Mithril Hammer, and Holy Water
- Rename the map.
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