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[Cinematic] To have or not to have. Interesting discussion.

Do you think it is necessary to have escape function ?

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Level 31
May 3, 2008
Recently I have seen lot's of people discuss and debate the escape function for cinematic style map.

Some said it is necessary to have it since it would make it much convenient to the user to logout without exist warcraft 3 while some disagree about it because the audience might accidentally click ESC while watching it and the mapper have the right not to add the function.

I also been told that it is compulsory to have this function at warcraft 3 campaign site or else it would never been approve. But, this rules does not apply at here as far as I know.

Some said "Why not let the THW community decide about it ?" which eventually lead me to create this thread

This probably would end this hot debate as well and let the majority speaks it out loud.

Please keep this discussion healthy from any flame/troll or spam such as "Oh my gosh, cinematic without ESC are for idiot only" and etc etc. I do not hesitate to -rep any user who violate the rules at this thread as you have been warned about it.

This is just for discussion and to know what the community of hive thinks about it.

For me, I vote yes cause I do not see any harm in having it. But I do not think it is soo important for a cinematic map not to have it till the map could be rejected or given low rating for it.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Of course yes.

Example: If you download 5 cinematic. Then you want to watch them in row. But when you are bored with one cinematic, you want to watch another one, it would be "pain in the ass" to quit whole wc3, start it again, and after all that watch the next cinematic.

It would be a lot easier, press "ESC" and then just click the next cinematic and watch it.

And, the creator just need this trigger, and it's GG. I wonder what's so hard to make such a trigger?

  • Quit
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) skips a cinematic sequence
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game - Victory Player 1 (Red) (Skip dialogs, Skip scores)
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I disagree with cinematic skip triggers in cinematics that last more then 15 minutes because it is more likely that a person will hit escape in the middle of this 35 minute cinematic then a person who actually wants this trigger. If the person who wants the trigger presses Alt+F4 he will lose 30 seconds to restart his warcraft(if not less). A person who hits escape by mistake will lose however many minutes he needs to get back to this point.

If you two fingers you can simply Alt+F4 and waste 15 seconds getting back in warcraft. Although, I admit, if you have 1 finger or no fingers it might get a bit tricky.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
CMarket said:
I disagree with cinematic skip triggers in cinematics that last more then 15 minutes because it is more likely that a person will hit escape in the middle of this 35 minute cinematic then a person who actually wants this trigger. If the person who wants the trigger presses Alt+F4 he will lose 30 seconds to restart his warcraft(if not less).
Everyone does not have fast computer. Also, by pressing ESC you actually save more time than restarting whole program again.

CMarket said:
A person who hits escape by mistake will lose however many minutes he needs to get back to this point.
Who the hell would hit escape by mistake? And even if that happens, what then? It's your own fault that you are lying on your keyboard while watching a cinematic.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Everyone does not have a fast computer? This is warcraft. Everything made after Clinton can run warcraft smoothly. It took me 10 seconds to get from Alt+F4 to the map list using a mouse. 4 of those 10 seconds were spent leaving the map, the same time it would take a person to leave a map if he exited it regularly.

This being said it takes me 6 seconds more to reopen warcraft instead of the assumed 15 I said above. 6 seconds. Even if 10 people want this trigger, that's 60 seconds wasted. If 1 person hits escape by accident after the first 20 minutes that's 1200 seconds wasted. Think about that.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Stop arguing. You are wrong and that's it. I don't have time to argue with stupid things like this one. If you do a cinematic, you always give player a chance to quit.

Everyone even does not know about "ALT + F4".

Aeroblyctos, please keep the discussion clean from troll & flame. After all, this thread is to discuss about this matter.

Okay, so you hit the button without any reason during a cinematic, thats sound just as strange :/

Well, some people might press ESC because they think the script is boring and they want to skip to the next dialog without the acknowledge of the consequences.

That happen to me once, luckily the cinematic is just 8 minutes.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Gee, it would be better if they vote it along with a reason. Voting like this doesn't seems to be fair.

I was wondering if there is any loose nut making multiple account to vote for this poll. Which I redeem it as, useless.

This poll is more like voicing out opinion, rather than nothing.

To Aeroblyctos & CMarket : Please cutdown the tunes, read the 1st post. Don't try to spark another drama at here, keep the discussion healthy by not adding sinister remark.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
In my opinion, some loose nut probably would do that.

Still, it would be nice to vote it with reason. Voting without reason make the entire thread pointless.

To CMarket : I already warn you to cut down the tune and keep the discussion healthy. Doing it again and I would not hesitate to -rep you for it. Please follow the moderator instruction for the good of everybody.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
CMarket said:
What I love the most is that Aero thinks I actually give a shit if I win or lose in this o-so-useless poll that really won't change anything to me.
This means you are not actually listening to the ones who actually wants to help you by improving your cinematics. Your all cinematics lack with this function, which is a bad side. I wonder how did you actually have such a big fan group around you if you aren't listening to them.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Hmm.. the interesting concept and reason we have right now is possibly like this.


1) Fast & efficient compare to alt+f4
2) Because the trigger ain't that hard to make
3) Doesn't need to log out of warcraft 3.


1) User might accidentally hit escape button without the acknowledge.
2) Waste time to watch the cinematic again if such a incident occur.
3) Item fall and hit ESC button.

Soo far, this is probably the best 3 reason that ever came out from both side. Does anybody have more reason for it to support or against it ?

I was wondering if we can set up a alternate escape function that would not cause such a incident to occur.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Septimus said:
1) User might accidentally hit escape button without the acknowledge.
How this is even possible? Does "ESC" always mean something like "quitting" in every program/game?

Septimus said:
2) Waste time to watch the cinematic again if such a incident occur.
Oooooooooooooooooown fault.

Septimus said:
3) Item fall and hit ESC button.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Does someone really live in a cave with some dripstones?

Actually, all those three means same + not really argument. :D

1) Fast & efficient compare to alt+f4
2) Because the trigger ain't that hard to make
3) Doesn't need to log out of warcraft 3.


1) User might accidentally hit escape button without the acknowledge.
2) Waste time to watch the cinematic again if such a incident occur.
3) Item fall and hit ESC button.
I think the viewers should be watching the cinematic instead of throwing stuff on their keyboards.
Level 9
May 27, 2006
Well, you could always do a slightly more complex trigger that pauses the game and cinematic, shows up a dialog button if you want to go out or just cancel. This would be both fast and secure solution.

Another is to completely change the form the cinematics are viewed in... Like, save a replay? I dont know if replays can record cinematic sequences, never tried that and cant check it right now, i just got that idea right now and thought it would be kinda interesting to discuss it.

Anyway, i agree for the esc button leave thingy, as its very useful and the probability you will accidently push it is really low.
Level 8
Jul 22, 2008
I skip cinematic only when I've watched it lot of times.
I mean why are you playing if you don't know the story?...
but I hate when I want to skip it i can't.
So I think that it would be the best to have ESC function.
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