Things that lag?

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Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
I know that leaks ang lag is different : when u spam something even if its do not leak its can lag due to over effect!!

Does using integer a all over the map will make the games lag ?

if integer a is used like 20 time at the same time will it cause lag ?

is there other function that can cause lag if over use ? i got insane lag in my map sometimes and its killing my map. i must remake the whole script i guess :/

i have added a vjass leak remover but still also removed my own leaks
some time fps drop to 8 O_O when i got a regular fps for 45-60
Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
To big loops and BJs (GUI) will mostly make the map laggy.

this is what i thought :/................ i got HUGE script to optimize........ i hope after optimizing it it will lag less :/.......... i hate gui so much

btw when u say big loops u mean big like what ?

here is an loop exemple This loop is use liek 3 time in each spell...... hero have 3 spell each x 12 hero imagin this kind of loop running so often O_O

  • set bj_forLoopAIndex=1
    • set bj_forLoopAIndexEnd=7
    • loop
      • exitwhen bj_forLoopAIndex>bj_forLoopAIndexEnd
      • set udg_location09=PolarProjectionBJ(udg_location07,(I2R(bj_forLoopAIndex)*150.00),AngleBetweenPoints(udg_location07,udg_location08))
      • call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'h031',GetTriggerPlayer(),udg_location09,AngleBetweenPoints(udg_location07,udg_location08))
      • set udg_group05=GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(200.00,udg_location09,Condition(function Trig_Death_Beam_Func012Func003002003))
      • call ForGroupBJ(udg_group05,function Trig_Death_Beam_Func012Func004A)
      • call DestroyGroup(udg_group05)
      • call RemoveLocation(udg_location09)
      • set bj_forLoopAIndex=bj_forLoopAIndex+1
    • endloop
i removed also all weather effect and some doodads that was taking huge memory o_O also removed spammed effect........ now this.... hope it will rid off some lag :/
Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
If you hate GUI then learn vJASS :D
It will greatly improve the efficiency of your spells and systems. It will also make it a lot easier to change or configure.

well..... i totally agree i was learning vjass .... also made some spell in vjass O-o and was learning strutcs but..... im going on sc2 so i only want my map to be no less lagy if i can get a 45 fps drop max it would be awsome since now its drop to 7 fps XD.

the script im editing dont really need vjass its only need to rid off bj's......buts its liek 10 page of script even more XD......

so you can understand i only want a quick fix so it can be smooth :/

Thx for help
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