Theory: Alexstraszas Mortal Name

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Something that I've been asking myself since Mists of Pandaria is what are the mortal names of the Apsects? So far only one has been revealed to us, Kalec which is the mortal name of the newly appointed aspect of magic Kalecgos. but what are the mortal names of the other aspects, but your first question that I may have to answer is how do I know that they have any mortal names at all? Because of what Ysera said during a meeting between her, Alexstrasza, Nozdormu and Kalec:


While this doesn't exactly carve into stone that all three of the ancient aspects picked up nicknames it seems to strongly suggest that at least one, Ysera was planning to do so. So lets try to speculate if the Alexstrasza were to pick a mortal name which one would it be. Probably Alex crossed your mind alas there is nothing backing that.

But what do I have then that suggest that Alexstrasza has taken on any mortal name? The new 7.2.5 quest series, "the Many Deaths of Chromie":

In here we hear Chromie refer to Alexstrasza by a nickname, Allie. "So what" I hear you say, that could just be a nicknamed instigated by Chromie what is there to suggest Alexstrasza herself took it on, maybe Chromie just speaks in a very casual way to the Aspects? Actually no, at least not basing on past interactions, she in fact seems very formal when addressing the Aspects later on in Dawn of the Aspects:


With the mindset that Chromie appears formal and attempts to always keep herself postured around the Aspects it seems unlike her to just blurt out the nickname "Allie" for no reason, unless it was in truth the formal name for Alexstrasza in her mortal form. If not that is enough later on she also talks, to the green dragonflights ambassador who she refers to as Lord Itharius, keeping the tone very formal which seems to indicate that she regards rank as very important and Alexstraszas rank far outstretches that of Itharius so if there's anyone she'd be formal to it would probably be Alexstrasza.

So there you have it, do you agree with me that Alexstraszas mortal name is probably Allie or do you think I'm reading too much into this? Please share your thoughts on the matter below.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Chromie is not that formal. Look at Heroes of the Storm. She insults demon lords, beings far more powerful than her and critical to the timeline they come from, rather than respecting them. The fact she prefers to wonder around in the form of a small Gnome instead of an enormous dragon reflects her personality, she jokes around a bit. She probably created the nickname as a joke as well.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Chromie is not that formal. Look at Heroes of the Storm. She insults demon lords, beings far more powerful than her and critical to the timeline they come from, rather than respecting them. The fact she prefers to wonder around in the form of a small Gnome instead of an enormous dragon reflects her personality, she jokes around a bit. She probably created the nickname as a joke as well.

Even if we assume that Heroes of the Storm is canon, which would mean that Li-Li is on the same combat level as Arthas, Thrall or Nova do you truly think that Chromie would have respect for a demon lord? And yes we see her joke around quite a bit around mortals and when communicating with herself, that is part of her personality without a doubt but as far as we've seen when addressing other dragons of higher rank she appears very formal and postured. Just because you like to be informal and personal with peers and pals, that does not mean that you can't also act professionally, people can be multi-layered in their personality.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Even if we assume that Heroes of the Storm is canon
It is not canon as far as Warcraft lore, but the character personalities are cannon. The characters act, sound and think the same way in Heroes of the Storm as they do in the games they come from, just they end up doing stuff that makes no sense like Raynor fighting Mathael.

do you truly think that Chromie would have respect for a demon lord?
Yes seeing how they are not messing with time and have nothing to do with the world she comes from. It is like how Zeratul vaguely respects Arthas and Dehaka respects Diablo.

One must remember that some of the WoW lore writers have changed. It is possible that this change over reflects in the consistency of characters. It is also possible that they have changed her personality slightly, possibly during the creation of her Heroes of the Storm version, to be such.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The characters act, sound and think the same way in Heroes of the Storm as they do in the games they come from

I don't know if Cho'Gall ever in WoW though, "lets carry this horse that way I can run faster" but if you'd argue that's the way they acts in WoW then I'd question your level of seriousness. And speaking of jesting behaviour Sylvanas says several things like, "You have no idea how hard it is to do this in heels" or "Everybody knows the Undercity has the best Hallows End parties." And if you think I'm being selective there are a mountain of those, just listen here:

In HotS the Heroes do actions that are out of character fairly often because it's non-canon. And even if, yes they are all based at least somewhat on their origins that is most certainly true but they are still only an artists rendition of the actual character. I slightly doubt that the entire lore-team got togheter when making characters like Murky to make sure the behaviour of the character was as cannon as it could be. Not to mention that the team has always taken liberties when it comes to characters making their own characters that have no ties to WarCraft like Brightwing or Lunara.

One must remember that some of the WoW lore writers have changed. It is possible that this change over reflects in the consistency of characters. It is also possible that they have changed her personality slightly, possibly during the creation of her Heroes of the Storm version, to be such.

So I'm to presume nothing that happened prior to Legion is cannon, is this really an argument? But lets go with that argument, lore has changed, and Chromie has gotten a complete overhaul. If Chromie is not formal at all then why does she refer to her co-worker as "lord Itharius" if she really threw nicknames around willy-nilly how come she's acting up this formal around the green dragon.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
They do it because it is the same style of stuff they did in WC3 which is cannon. Think of the Dread Lord...

"This is not a dress, this is the standard Dread Lord uniform."

Fair enough but still that doesn't really address the main-bulk of my argument, you're basically just taking a tiny portion of it and then replying. Look if you wish to slap in HotS as an argument then fine and it may actually support your claim, but you need to back it up with some concrete lore and HotS is sadly, despite your desires not cannon. If I bring up an argument backed by lore from one of the actual lore-cannon source like a WarCraft game or a book and sadly crossover-games are not considered cannon by any source even if they are based on the actual games. If you were to present the exact same argument but it was backed by WarCraft III or any other WarCraft game/book I would submit defeat but you need a source that holds any validity in a lore discussion. Sadly crossover games such as Hearthstone or HotS or the RPG are all considered non-cannon. They are games that do not strictly follow the lore of the actual franchise and that's why we can see character like Brightwing or Lunara who doesn't actually exist in the WarCraft universe because at the end of the day it is an artists rendition of the different universes, the fact that the artist is hired by Blizzard does not necessarily make it cannon.
Level 9
Jun 21, 2011
Even Chromie's nickname doesn't match its original Chronormu like Kolec's and Kairoz's!If that's the case then it should be called Chro,
but you have to consider that their mortal names are somewhat similar to their Original names!i aways throught that Alexstrasza's name is Alex for some reason considering that Kalecgos is Kalec,Kairozdormu is just Kairoz!I orientate myself by searching for already existing names in
World of Warcraft like Alexander Calder which is a warlock trainer.What's the female equivalent to Alexander?Alexandra!But that's just my point of view!Allie could be just a miniature form of her mortal name,like how Chromie calls herself not like Kalec and Kairoz.If Chromie would have had named other aspects what would their name be like!Kairozie,Nozie,Kalecie,Alexie,Allie....wait???WHAT?Allie.HA!Do you see where i'm going?There are two names i can think of Alice or Allison!
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yeah it's quite possible it's just Chromie's nickname for Alexstrasza with that said though we don't know for certain that as you said "Chromie would have had named other aspects" But I don't know that I think that I agree. Not to mention, Chromie was not the first to take on a name which wasn't a perfect abbreviation of her true name, Korialstrasz for instance is not named Korial, but Krasus. Another example is Caelestrasz who took the mortal name of Calen. If these others could take slightly unrelated names why couldn't Alexstrasza?
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