Who's the strongest aspect?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
As many of you are aware the most powerful entities housed on Azeroth are the Dragon Aspects, at least as long as the Old Gods are imprisoned. But debating whom of the Old Gods would be theories without support so today I want to ask you whom you think is the most powerful of the original five aspects. (Or if any of you truly believe it's Kalecgos I'd like to hear the claims for that theory. :D)

First we have Nozdormu who could be argued to be the strongest as he has Azeroth as his 4-dimensional doll house and no one else can use the forth dimension. However as stated in War of the Ancients by Alexstrasza, one can not be in the same time period without also becoming extremely weakened as she told Korialstrasz when he traveled back 10 000 years in time. This is probably why we could so easily defeat Moruzond in the End Time instance as Nozdormu also was in that timeline.

We have Ysera and really the only thing backing her up is the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing refereed to her as the most cunning of his foes, at least until her sister showed up. That she's more cunning than Nozdormu seems to be pretty much beyond dispute and she's also more cunning than Malygos, at least after the War of the Ancients.

Alexstrasza is the second most likely characters in my opinion, when she fought against Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands she was winning up until the Old Gods intervened and helped Deathwing out. In addition we have the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing has to flee because of her as her powers were too strong for him to deal with. What she did was she poured all her sorrow and grief over the children and her three consorts who had died into Deathwing. This emotional turmoil proved way to much for Deathwing who was forced to the retreat. She was also appointed the queen of all dragons so she must be doing something right, in addition she was the one who helped Malygos to lead whenever he found the burden too much during their time as proto-drakes.

Now for Neltharion, I don't quite know what to say about this guy to possibly justify calling him the mightiest dragon. Yes in 4.3 it took all four of the aspects and 25 players and Thrall to take him down but two things must be taken into account. First the aspects had all poured their powers into the Dragon Soul which left them incredibly weak in comparison. Second Deathwing was not fighting alone but he had N'Zoth backing him up. Do you really think it was a coincidence that Deathwing flew towards the Maelstrom. He wanted to get there because N'Zoth was imprisoned in the Rift of Aln so the Maelstrom is where Deathwing was as most powerful.

Malygos, my favorite character in all of the WarCraft lore and yes the one I believe to be the most powerful. Malygos was not only depicted in Day of the Dragon as the most powerful of the Aspects he also led the attack on Galakrond and it was his swift thinking that brought down the leviathan. Even Neltharion obeyed Malygos to the letter and Neltharion at the time only respected strength. And yes his brilliant mind suffered vastly in War of the Ancients but in addition he was also the one who survived the full blast of the dragon soul. All the powers of the dragon soul was fixated on him the powers of all the dragons including Alexstrasza, Ysera, Soridormi and his own powers all came charging towards him. Yet despite being rammed in by something vastly more powerful than himself his magical barriers kept him alive and I honestly doubt any other dragon would have survived that an attack that defied the laws of time and with the powers of the other dimension of the Emerald Dreams. Not persuaded? Malygos was the one who had dominion over Focusing Iris an object even more powerful than the other aspects combined. Not even with their powers put together the other aspects (including Kalecgos) could converge the magical matrix within the dragon soul yet the focusing Iris did that on its own. Through the Focusing Iris Malygos also had a gateway to the Twisting Neather. And you might very reasonably say "we don't know if he was the one who created it". To which I'll respond no but he could use it without limits, he alone could use it to destroy the world ten times over while all the spell casters of the Horde combined could only use it to blow up one city. So yes I do believe beyond any doubt that Malygos is the most powerful of the dragons and I believe had he fought Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands he would not only have defeated Deathwing but also defeated him after he got the aid of N'Zoth.

So this is my list:

1. Malygos
2. Alexstrasza
3. Ysera
4. Neltharion
5. Nozdormu
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well in order to defeat Azeroth we needed the help from heroes of Horde and Alliance + green jesus and all dragon aspects so i would say that Deathwing is the strongest.

Well if you by Deathwing mean Deathwing on Old God steroids I could agree with you but on his own I don't think he's that strong. As seen in the Twilight Highlands Deathwing is getting his @$$ handed to him by Alexstrasza up until N'Zoth intervened. That's not to say he's not cunning as the Well of Eternity depicted him as very strong minded. But considering that Alexstrasza was more than capable of dealing with Deathwing despite the fact that he tried to cheat by using his twilight dragons I wouldn't guess he's the strongest by any means.

Still had Deathwing with his Old God buddy faced Malygos with the Focusing Iris I think he would have gotten wrecked.
Level 3
Sep 20, 2014
Not sure if you mean only aspects or full dragonflight, so I will say both.

Ysera- don't know much about her strenght. I would say she is really powerfull since she tought Cenarius about druidism which is probably very powerfull. You said Deathwing considered her as the most cunning of his foes. Her flight seems very powerfull. Green dragons look powerfull and beside that, she has fey dragons and Chimerias that are bound to Emerald dream and nature. I hope novel Stormrage will tell more about her.

Nozdormu- weakest of them. He has one job at that is to make sure no one !@#$ with timeway. He calls mortals to solve the problems that he is actually sopouse to do because it's his job. Apperently he is not in control of timeway since half of his dragonflight is corrupted and leader is future him which is the reson why I think his dragonflight is weak.

Alexstraza- She is very powerfull. It looks like she is on par sometimes with Deathwing, but has no one to watch her back. She was able to defeat Malygos with help of Dalaran and gave real problems to the Alliance during 2nd war, but her dragons couldn't touch Quel'thalas because of Sunwell. I would say that Green dragonflight looks little more powerfull because of druidism, but Alexstraza has more power.

Malygos- Very strong. Arcane is very powerfull and because he and his dragons know it so well, he can prove to be more powerfull then everyone else. He also has Focusing ires which we saw only fraction of it's power on Theramore by mortals. It's probably far more powerfull in the hands of someone who actually knows what he is doing. However his dragonflight looks weak. Not because they are pathetic like bronze one, but because they were nearly all killed 10.000 years ago and still can't recover after that. But even that, it's still very powerfull dragonflight. Small, but powerfull.

Deathwing- Most powerfull with no doubt. Unlike others, it looks like he is actually using brain and thinking what to do. He's raw power is unmatched, but his true powers is his intelligence. I really doubt Alexstraza or Nozdormu would be smart enough to trick eother aspects to give their powers to Dragon soul, or to make Alliance fight each other while everyone praize him at the same time (Prestor). He has Old Gods by his side which makes him even more powerfull + Dragon soul. He is known to experiment with his own children forming another dragonflight which no matter how discusting this is makes him more powerfull. His Black dragonflight children looks like to have same intelligance as his father. His only weakness is his mad obsession with Dragon soul which is one of many resons he has that armor.

1. Deathwing and his Black anx Twillight Dragonflight
2. Malygos with Blue Dragonflight and Focusing iris
3. Alexstraza and Red Dragonflight or Ysera and Green Dragonflight with Emerald creature(not sure who is better)
5. Nozdormu and Bronze Dragonflight
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Nozdormu- weakest of them. He has one job at that is to make sure no one !@#$ with timeway. He calls mortals to solve the problems that he is actually sopouse to do because it's his job. Apperently he is not in control of timeway since half of his dragonflight is corrupted and leader is future him which is the reson why I think his dragonflight is weak.

Yeah he had a big teenage drama over the fact that he was going to turn into Murozond and could do nothing about that. Still why Anachronos or Soridormi didn't step in is beyond me. Still in War of the Ancients Nozdormu shielded the time-ways like an overprotective father would shield his daughter from being defiled by teenage boys.

Alexstraza- She is very powerfull. It looks like she is on par sometimes with Deathwing, but has no one to watch her back. She was able to defeat Malygos with help of Dalaran and gave real problems to the Alliance during 2nd war, but her dragons couldn't touch Quel'thalas because of Sunwell. I would say that Green dragonflight looks little more powerfull because of druidism, but Alexstraza has more power.

My question was regarding aspects and the power they specifically wielded. That's not to say I don't like that you've taken both into account I'm actually quite happy you did and I find your take on the two sisters and their broods quite fascinating.

Deathwing- Most powerfull with no doubt. Unlike others, it looks like he is actually using brain and thinking what to do. He's raw power is unmatched, but his true powers is his intelligence. I really doubt Alexstraza or Nozdormu would be smart enough to trick eother aspects to give their powers to Dragon soul, or to make Alliance fight each other while everyone praize him at the same time (Prestor). He has Old Gods by his side which makes him even more powerfull + Dragon soul. He is known to experiment with his own children forming another dragonflight which no matter how discusting this is makes him more powerfull. His Black dragonflight children looks like to have same intelligance as his father. His only weakness is his mad obsession with Dragon soul which is one of many resons he has that armor.

If you account for the Dragon/ Demon Soul then yes, Neltharion is by far the most powerful. But he had the Dragon Soul for such a short amount of time that accounting for that one seems unjust at best while Malygos on the other hand ALWAYS had access to the Focusing Iris. Even when he tried to take the Demon Soul when Sargeras was nearly summoned the Old Gods struck out against Deathwing so I do not think that you by any standard can account for it. If we were to account for the Dragon Soul then technically Ysera, Alexstrasza and Nozdormu would also be credited with it since they had it during Deathwings attack on Wyrmrest Accord and the chase to the Maelstrom.

Also if we are to account for something that was only for a brief time 10 000 years ago we also need to account for all of Malygos's flight before they were wiped out as there was a longer time between Galakronds fall and the War of the Ancients than there was between the War of the Ancients and today.

1. Deathwing and his Black anx Twillight Dragonflight
2. Malygos with Blue Dragonflight and Focusing iris
3. Alexstraza and Red Dragonflight or Ysera and Green Dragonflight with Emerald creature(not sure who is better)
5. Nozdormu and Bronze Dragonflight

I would like to see this list without accounting for their individual flights.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The answer is the players themselves are the strongest aspect in the game. Bosses that posed massive threats long ago such as the Lich King can be steam rolled by players thanks to gear inflation. If there is a boss or raid that is hard currently then it will soon be easy come next expansion.

In fact the issue was so bad that in order to unlock "pointless raid" lore content the developers have been forced to add a "challenge" mode to raids. This forces both level and gear back down to reasonable levels for the fight as well as raising difficulty just so that the player gets some challenge from it (and some good gear for doing it). Without that no one ever bothers to kill Arthras anymore since he drops trash and is super easy.

It is pointless saying anything other than the player since the players have to be (and are) capable of killing anything that gets added to the game. Welcome to the stupidity of RPG video games.

Few games have "truly powerful" aspects, especially from Blizzard. In Diablo III players can kill all bosses blind on the hardest current difficulty without even well optimized gear. If in Diablo III they added another expansion, eventually the gear would inflate such that even if you fight the aspect of creation itself with all its power he would still die easily to the player. Square Enix is also a big offender of this with Final Fantasy 13 trilogy ending with Lightning soloing down a god, the being responsible for creating everything including all the bosses you fight through the 3 games. Final Fantasy 7 had Sepheroth who's ultimate attack was to destroy our solar system to deal trivial damage to the entire party (I think it just lowered you to low health). As you can see, stat inflation in RPGs for the player is a huge problem as no mater how powerful an aspect is, it always can be defeated.

If an aspect was truly powerful in World of Warcraft it would be impossible to be defeated. As such one could probably consider some NPCs the most powerful aspects in the game under this meaning.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well if Deathwing isnt the strongest then i dont really know. Maybe Malygos, but i think he got his ass kicked by Alextrasza and her prime consort back in the war of the ancients and turned into somekinda mana things.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The answer is the players themselves are the strongest aspect in the game. Bosses that posed massive threats long ago such as the Lich King can be steam rolled by players thanks to gear inflation. If there is a boss or raid that is hard currently then it will soon be easy come next expansion.

Alright if I wasn't making it absolutely clear lets make it so now, I'm speaking from a lore perspective not a game-play perspective. If you were from a lore perspective to marsh up to one of the aspects and start beating them they would just step on you and be dead. :D The game is not always a good source of comparison. If you were to compare Malygos based on his difficulty in 3.0 and Deathwings difficulty in 4.3 you'd get as near of an accurate picture as you'll ever get. But if you truly think that you are more powerful than Malygos you my good sir are quite mad. :D

Well if Deathwing isnt the strongest then i dont really know. Maybe Malygos, but i think he got his ass kicked by Alextrasza and her prime consort back in the war of the ancients and turned into somekinda mana things.

Now this one I was not prepared for. To my knowledge and I've read the trilogy no such thing ever transpires. I also went to WoWPedia and checked out the entries of Malygos, Tyranastrasz and Alexstrasza none of which remotely mentions what you suggest.

Alexstrasza did battle against Malygos in the Nexus War though where she didn't tackle him until he was at half health. The importance of this is because if you die at lets say 52% health it's a wipe meaning that Alexstrasza and her children never come in and defeat Malygos. The only logical conclusion I can draw then is that they can't defeat Malygos for if they could they would have charged in and resurrected you after the fight. With that into account we can safely estimate that Malygos is about as powerfull as two Alexstrasza's and 50 of her children combined.

And then I haven't even spoken about the first phase yet. :D In the first phase 25 people come charging in trying to bring his health down to 50%. When they do they run into Malygos and see that he's not only casting offensive spells at you but also spells that helps you out. He casts both Arcane shields and lightning storms that doesn't help himself out in any way. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that he's testing you. Had it not been for this Alexstrasza wouldn't have invaded the Eye of Eternity and Malygos more than likely would have won the Nexus War. So yes he lost to his arrogance not his lack of power.

And trust me it's not like I don't take wit into account, I do. It's sad if this had been prior to the War of the Ancients I would have called anyone who said Malygos wasn't the most powerful a fool. He was the wisest of all the dragons as clearly proven by Dawn of the Aspects and not to mention that his powers were granted to him by the titan of lore. But today the position of power is more disputable thanks to the near eradication of the blue dragonflight and Malygos's lost of wit. It's sad to see such a great being falling victim to his arrogance.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Alright if I wasn't making it absolutely clear lets make it so now, I'm speaking from a lore perspective not a game-play perspective. If you were from a lore perspective to marsh up to one of the aspects and start beating them they would just step on you and be dead. :D The game is not always a good source of comparison. If you were to compare Malygos based on his difficulty in 3.0 and Deathwings difficulty in 4.3 you'd get as near of an accurate picture as you'll ever get. But if you truly think that you are more powerful than Malygos you my good sir are quite mad. :D

Now this one I was not prepared for. To my knowledge and I've read the trilogy no such thing ever transpires. I also went to WoWPedia and checked out the entries of Malygos, Tyranastrasz and Alexstrasza none of which remotely mentions what you suggest.

Alexstrasza did battle against Malygos in the Nexus War though where she didn't tackle him until he was at half health. The importance of this is because if you die at lets say 52% health it's a wipe meaning that Alexstrasza and her children never come in and defeat Malygos. The only logical conclusion I can draw then is that they can't defeat Malygos for if they could they would have charged in and resurrected you after the fight. With that into account we can safely estimate that Malygos is about as powerfull as two Alexstrasza's and 50 of her children combined.

And then I haven't even spoken about the first phase yet. :D In the first phase 25 people come charging in trying to bring his health down to 50%. When they do they run into Malygos and see that he's not only casting offensive spells at you but also spells that helps you out. He casts both Arcane shields and lightning storms that doesn't help himself out in any way. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that he's testing you. Had it not been for this Alexstrasza wouldn't have invaded the Eye of Eternity and Malygos more than likely would have won the Nexus War. So yes he lost to his arrogance not his lack of power.

And trust me it's not like I don't take wit into account, I do. It's sad if this had been prior to the War of the Ancients I would have called anyone who said Malygos wasn't the most powerful a fool. He was the wisest of all the dragons as clearly proven by Dawn of the Aspects and not to mention that his powers were granted to him by the titan of lore. But today the position of power is more disputable thanks to the near eradication of the blue dragonflight and Malygos's lost of wit. It's sad to see such a great being falling victim to his arrogance.
Weird since i remember that some really powerful blue dragon was killed by Alextrazsa and her prime consort in the War of the Anicents and turned into somekinda mana things.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Weird since i remember that some really powerful blue dragon was killed by Alextrazsa and her prime consort in the War of the Anicents and turned into somekinda mana things.

How could that be Malygos though he lived for another 10 000 years?
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