As many of you are aware the most powerful entities housed on Azeroth are the Dragon Aspects, at least as long as the Old Gods are imprisoned. But debating whom of the Old Gods would be theories without support so today I want to ask you whom you think is the most powerful of the original five aspects. (Or if any of you truly believe it's Kalecgos I'd like to hear the claims for that theory.
First we have Nozdormu who could be argued to be the strongest as he has Azeroth as his 4-dimensional doll house and no one else can use the forth dimension. However as stated in War of the Ancients by Alexstrasza, one can not be in the same time period without also becoming extremely weakened as she told Korialstrasz when he traveled back 10 000 years in time. This is probably why we could so easily defeat Moruzond in the End Time instance as Nozdormu also was in that timeline.
We have Ysera and really the only thing backing her up is the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing refereed to her as the most cunning of his foes, at least until her sister showed up. That she's more cunning than Nozdormu seems to be pretty much beyond dispute and she's also more cunning than Malygos, at least after the War of the Ancients.
Alexstrasza is the second most likely characters in my opinion, when she fought against Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands she was winning up until the Old Gods intervened and helped Deathwing out. In addition we have the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing has to flee because of her as her powers were too strong for him to deal with. What she did was she poured all her sorrow and grief over the children and her three consorts who had died into Deathwing. This emotional turmoil proved way to much for Deathwing who was forced to the retreat. She was also appointed the queen of all dragons so she must be doing something right, in addition she was the one who helped Malygos to lead whenever he found the burden too much during their time as proto-drakes.
Now for Neltharion, I don't quite know what to say about this guy to possibly justify calling him the mightiest dragon. Yes in 4.3 it took all four of the aspects and 25 players and Thrall to take him down but two things must be taken into account. First the aspects had all poured their powers into the Dragon Soul which left them incredibly weak in comparison. Second Deathwing was not fighting alone but he had N'Zoth backing him up. Do you really think it was a coincidence that Deathwing flew towards the Maelstrom. He wanted to get there because N'Zoth was imprisoned in the Rift of Aln so the Maelstrom is where Deathwing was as most powerful.
Malygos, my favorite character in all of the WarCraft lore and yes the one I believe to be the most powerful. Malygos was not only depicted in Day of the Dragon as the most powerful of the Aspects he also led the attack on Galakrond and it was his swift thinking that brought down the leviathan. Even Neltharion obeyed Malygos to the letter and Neltharion at the time only respected strength. And yes his brilliant mind suffered vastly in War of the Ancients but in addition he was also the one who survived the full blast of the dragon soul. All the powers of the dragon soul was fixated on him the powers of all the dragons including Alexstrasza, Ysera, Soridormi and his own powers all came charging towards him. Yet despite being rammed in by something vastly more powerful than himself his magical barriers kept him alive and I honestly doubt any other dragon would have survived that an attack that defied the laws of time and with the powers of the other dimension of the Emerald Dreams. Not persuaded? Malygos was the one who had dominion over Focusing Iris an object even more powerful than the other aspects combined. Not even with their powers put together the other aspects (including Kalecgos) could converge the magical matrix within the dragon soul yet the focusing Iris did that on its own. Through the Focusing Iris Malygos also had a gateway to the Twisting Neather. And you might very reasonably say "we don't know if he was the one who created it". To which I'll respond no but he could use it without limits, he alone could use it to destroy the world ten times over while all the spell casters of the Horde combined could only use it to blow up one city. So yes I do believe beyond any doubt that Malygos is the most powerful of the dragons and I believe had he fought Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands he would not only have defeated Deathwing but also defeated him after he got the aid of N'Zoth.
So this is my list:
1. Malygos
2. Alexstrasza
3. Ysera
4. Neltharion
5. Nozdormu
First we have Nozdormu who could be argued to be the strongest as he has Azeroth as his 4-dimensional doll house and no one else can use the forth dimension. However as stated in War of the Ancients by Alexstrasza, one can not be in the same time period without also becoming extremely weakened as she told Korialstrasz when he traveled back 10 000 years in time. This is probably why we could so easily defeat Moruzond in the End Time instance as Nozdormu also was in that timeline.
We have Ysera and really the only thing backing her up is the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing refereed to her as the most cunning of his foes, at least until her sister showed up. That she's more cunning than Nozdormu seems to be pretty much beyond dispute and she's also more cunning than Malygos, at least after the War of the Ancients.
Alexstrasza is the second most likely characters in my opinion, when she fought against Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands she was winning up until the Old Gods intervened and helped Deathwing out. In addition we have the book Day of the Dragon where Deathwing has to flee because of her as her powers were too strong for him to deal with. What she did was she poured all her sorrow and grief over the children and her three consorts who had died into Deathwing. This emotional turmoil proved way to much for Deathwing who was forced to the retreat. She was also appointed the queen of all dragons so she must be doing something right, in addition she was the one who helped Malygos to lead whenever he found the burden too much during their time as proto-drakes.
Now for Neltharion, I don't quite know what to say about this guy to possibly justify calling him the mightiest dragon. Yes in 4.3 it took all four of the aspects and 25 players and Thrall to take him down but two things must be taken into account. First the aspects had all poured their powers into the Dragon Soul which left them incredibly weak in comparison. Second Deathwing was not fighting alone but he had N'Zoth backing him up. Do you really think it was a coincidence that Deathwing flew towards the Maelstrom. He wanted to get there because N'Zoth was imprisoned in the Rift of Aln so the Maelstrom is where Deathwing was as most powerful.
Malygos, my favorite character in all of the WarCraft lore and yes the one I believe to be the most powerful. Malygos was not only depicted in Day of the Dragon as the most powerful of the Aspects he also led the attack on Galakrond and it was his swift thinking that brought down the leviathan. Even Neltharion obeyed Malygos to the letter and Neltharion at the time only respected strength. And yes his brilliant mind suffered vastly in War of the Ancients but in addition he was also the one who survived the full blast of the dragon soul. All the powers of the dragon soul was fixated on him the powers of all the dragons including Alexstrasza, Ysera, Soridormi and his own powers all came charging towards him. Yet despite being rammed in by something vastly more powerful than himself his magical barriers kept him alive and I honestly doubt any other dragon would have survived that an attack that defied the laws of time and with the powers of the other dimension of the Emerald Dreams. Not persuaded? Malygos was the one who had dominion over Focusing Iris an object even more powerful than the other aspects combined. Not even with their powers put together the other aspects (including Kalecgos) could converge the magical matrix within the dragon soul yet the focusing Iris did that on its own. Through the Focusing Iris Malygos also had a gateway to the Twisting Neather. And you might very reasonably say "we don't know if he was the one who created it". To which I'll respond no but he could use it without limits, he alone could use it to destroy the world ten times over while all the spell casters of the Horde combined could only use it to blow up one city. So yes I do believe beyond any doubt that Malygos is the most powerful of the dragons and I believe had he fought Deathwing in the Twilight Highlands he would not only have defeated Deathwing but also defeated him after he got the aid of N'Zoth.
So this is my list:
1. Malygos
2. Alexstrasza
3. Ysera
4. Neltharion
5. Nozdormu