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The Vietnam War!

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Level 3
Oct 27, 2007
The Vietnam War Map!

The Vietnam War!
By Johnny_b-goode and TheCretin
-The Vietnam War! has gone through several closed alpha tests and is looking very good and the gameplay is all working... finding beta testers and a beta stage is approaching rapidly. I would say release date is looking 2 weeks away! whisper Johnny_b-goode (azeroth).
-Objectives and Basics
The Vietnam War! is a time line based strategy game with historical events like the Cambodian Revolution, the Tet Offensive among other events. The objective for any given team is to take control of the whole map. There are also Optional objectives like quests in an RPG that give benefits like new abilities or features; E.G. Cluster Bomb. Income is determined by the amount of cities a faction possesses, cities can change ownership if attacked and brought down to low enough health. The playable factions are as follows, Team 1: American Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Team 2: North Vietnamese Army, Hanoi City State, Viet Cong. Team 3: Laos, Cambodia. Laos joins the Americans and Cambodia later gets a choice of who he will back.
-Special Features:
This map has a variety of special features
Fliers work as abilities that airstrips and carriers can cast that will send out planes, Bombers target a point and drop bombs as they pass over it, Fighters act as an interceptor group of fighters that will destroy nearby enemy Aircraft.
-Thanks to: Illidan(evil)x, Clan ACP, Kofi_Banan, Cavman and all alpha testers up to this point...
Questions, Comments, feedback appreciated.. thanks -Johnny_b-goode@azeroth.
Need comments please! feedback appreciated..


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Level 2
Nov 12, 2007
DUde i was talkin 2 some guy said he was in ACP clan, kgb? know him? neway, said that it was sick, once u polished it up a bit was gonna be awesome. Im a fan of that zerg infestation game outta this guild too, hope this is going to be just as fun/popular?
Level 1
Nov 12, 2007
Good concept, hope it develops well. Kindof a let down so far how there have been no good Vietnam maps yet... Hopefully this will reverse yet. Is that screen shot a bombing run? It looks sweet. I am interested in being a betatester, any idea as to when a release date will be?
Level 2
Nov 12, 2007
hey dude ya me too, my name is HairyNugs420 on us eastrn... ima hit u guys up later i guess, any chance of a developer response to ?'s????? very anxious thankz
Level 3
Oct 27, 2007
OK, Betatests will probably start this weekend and beta releases will probably be about 2 weeks from now. /w Johnny_b-goode@azeroth to be a beta tester or pop in to channel clan ACP some time. I know the a10 was not in the war but i can not find any custom models for the A7 corsair and i am not a modeler. But yeah start spreading the word about the map.

Deleted member 139377


Deleted member 139377

Johnny, the terrain needs a major redoing, normaly I would offer to help but I realy cant atm.
Level 4
Oct 21, 2007
Well we all see from the pics, that this isnt vietman, this is something else. There is no pinetrees in a jungle. Use of built in units isn't wise. What are those orc buildings doing there?
Level 10
Jul 6, 2007
This is obviously a cliche of the type of map like, Europa, or WWII wars over Europe I think it was. The thing is everything is undersized and un-scaled to the real scale which means it makes it like a wc3 feel which most map makers do and most map maker's mistakes. Well originally it was fine, but people's attention spans are and always will be short because of this generation. --- WAIT there we go, that map uhhh, Desert Storm II, that's what this map reminds me of, and that map wasn't quite that great. My suggestion is to research the war more indepth, try to get the feel of the war and mold a map which connects the player to the vietnam war instead to wc3.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I still have yet to play a modern game in WC that I like. The models are usually really ugly, and the maps are hardly ever well made. But good luck! I think the terrain is pretty good despite what everyone else seems to think.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I have. Looks interesting. More screens though!

But we can't talk about that here. :p
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Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
The Terrain should look like this:


(Screenshot from someone in the terraining board).

Now what exactly are you trying to accomplish? A realistic approach or one of the "WW II" maps hosted on bnet?

If you want to go for realistic approach, I'd focus on a specific region in Vietnam (e.g. Featuring a large city such as Da Nang + coastline + jungle + perhaps another city or Saigon, jungle, etc.) and have only 2 forces: The USA and the NVA, shared by multiple players...

Both concepts would be interesting IMO.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Something to add to the realistic approach: perhaps having some strategical buildings on the map (e.g. Airfield) could be useful. An airfield could have an ability to do a napalmstrike on an area, which would create an uncontrollable plane that will do a napalmstrike if it isn't shot down by hostiles first...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
A Vietnam map, awasome! I always wanted to try one of those. Make sure of it that it reaches the Northrend side or I will kill you. Oh and Eleandor that screen is perfect for it but I recommend thicker trees you know, the rainforests there are thick and dense. Make it look like it's very dense but also you can look clear enough to battle. I think we need to grab some old Battlefield Vietnam maps with this people, got some perfect examples.

Edit: Oh noz not much pics. :( Oh well I can give you some links

Will try to find more soon... You also can try type ''Battlefield Vietnam Maps'' at Google too though and try to find there.


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Level 3
Oct 27, 2007
yeah, im the first to admit im not the best terrainer, ill try to make it better but i cant promise you, i am trying to make it as realistic as possible. I may have to scale it down like you said if that is unattainable on such a large scale, thanks for feedback

Deleted member 139377


Deleted member 139377

Look, Johnny, you would do good to have me as a partner in this project, when it coems down to it I know more about the world editor then you do, you just now how to triggor better. and even then the ones youve used for this map probly arent overly advanced. Btw, epic maps are easy to make great terrain, I will pull a mostly undetailed one together for you. also you mith want to set some weather effect regions m8...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Random terrain! Awasome idea, makes it everytime uniek to play it. Different settings, spots, defenses etc. But I think that will get a little bit laggy. Try to put a loading trigger in it too so it builds up in steps.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Random terrain has pro's and cons...

Pros ofcourse include: different settings every time you play, no terraining required, No lag, ...

* the map isn't static. Especially considering the fact you're making a vietnammap, it's going to be very odd if cities are alocated every time you play.
* the maps also doesn't look "human". I made a system for personal use(I didn't bother polishing it because I only had half an hour time to make it), I'm quite satisfied with it (ironically, it looked better than 85% of the Bnet terrains), but it'll never look as good as a terrain made by a good terrainer.
* It also removes "strategical locations" from the game. Simulating canyons, small entries, hills (with chance to miss a target) are nearly impossible with generated terrain.
* Another thing: City placement and things like recruiting troops have to be done by buildings. Where on the map do you place those? I mean, randomly generating them is no option, because you know that it WILL happen that an nva will be surrounded (and eventually vaporised) by all other US players because his starting location was randomised.
* Oh, right, I forgot a big con: Water in randomised terrain is bugged. One of those typical things in vietnam (apart from the jungle, ...) is its rivers and the countless patrols of the USA on them.

In other words: if you're considering this, you'll have to make some trade-offs...

If you ask me what you should pick, I'd say: go for non-randomised terrain if you're going for a realistic setting (as in: Vietnam War). If however you want to simulate "a" war in "a" country around the '60, randomised terrain might be a good option.

Just my thoughts...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Hey is it possible to FLIP the map randomly? First time you play is N^ and Sv, second time is N/v and S/^ and the third time 130 degrees clockwise. Do you get it? Would make game quite interresting I think.
Level 1
Apr 20, 2008
Sorry for the bump, but i figured its better than making a new topic...

I hope that you(or someone else) can update this map. I've been playing it and it has a lot of problems.

1. Terrain is too large. More than half of it never gets used. Either shrink it or make it so you can use the entire map.
2. Even with AA and airfield intercept ability it is still near impossible to stop Navy and Air force from bombing the hell out of the North
3. There doesn't seem to be a way to win. Even after capturing hanoi or saigon and having the entire opposite team quit the game still wont end.
4. Laos and Cambodia are pretty much useless.
5. The events/time is pointless right now as the game usually ends before 1967.

those are just my suggestions...
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