The unforgiven

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Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
Its just a little idea of mine. Its primarily a campaign idea.

The Unforgiven

A town somewhere in Arazagnar is first in line for the upcoming attack of the nearby damned. Seven days before the invasion the whole town locked down. Nothing will go out, only in. Only two persons, Runner Bernhim and his mysterious protector know as Swiftblade leave the town to warn other town. But, Ranger Helma, Knight Roderen and Young mage Herby plan to leave the town. As they are busted, they are sent to prison. But then they escape the town just before the terrible invasion.

The attack had only 2 survivors. Wise sage Asargas and General-Commander Ner-got. Angry about the escaped heroes, he swears to catch them. They will not be forgiven.

On their way to safety, our heroes find out on how the Damned were a terrible plan to get enough souls for a ritual of a large and powerful cult. But as they enter various towns, they learn that they are seen as cowards, and they were judged Unforgiven, which meant they would never be safe from the law. Chased by Ner-Got and Asargas, our heroes must use the little support they get to stop the Cult and the Damned

What do you guys think?
Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
I think it's not bad. Although, I think you should change some names, and make what Helma, Roderen and Herby did worse.

I changed it a bit:

The Unforgiven

Denizen, a town somewhere in Azaran is the first in line for the incoming invasion of the damned. Seven days before the invasion the whole town locked down. Nothing is to leave, and nothing is to enter. Only two people, Runner Bernhem and his mysterious protector know as Strike leave the town to warn a nearby village. But, Ranger Helen, Knight Roderen and the young wizard Herby had premonitions of the destruction of the down, and so they had planned to escape. How, they are caught and sent to prison. But, they break their way out of the prison, killing the prison guards on their way.

The attack had only two survivors. The wise sage Adonn and General-Commander Se-Mourn. Angry about the escaped heroes and anguished by the death of villagers of Denizen, Adonn and Se-Mourn swear to catch them. They will not be forgiven.

On their way to safety, our heroes find out on how the Damned were the terrible plan to get enough souls for a ritual of a large and powerful cult. But as they enter various towns, they learn that they are seen as cowards, and they were unforgiven, which meant they would never be safe from the law. Chased by Se-Mourn and Adonn, our heroes must use the little support they have to stop what is only known as the Cult of the Hollow Ones.
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