What actually happened behind Greymane's Wall

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Level 2
Mar 2, 2009
Hello Hive,

Before the release of Cataclysm my favourite piece of Warcraft lore was always Gilneas and Genn Graymane. Gilneas was the more realistic nation in a world of heroic and selfsacrificing religious nuts. When Cataclysm came out I was dissappointed in Blizzard because they had made the coolest most morally grey nation into yet another simple black vs white battle between good and evil. So I wanted to make a map about what I think should've happened behind Greymane's Wall.
Using Gilneas as a setting gives an unprecedented amount of freedom within the lore of Warcraft. It's isolated from the rest of Azeroth and doesnt necessarily have to follow any of the events that took place in the rest of the world of Warcraft.
I thought it would be nice if the map didn't have a set story. The most foolproof way to do this is by making all the factions player controlled, this would make sure that every time you play the map it has a different outcome.
The story of the map would revolve around the Cult of the Damned trying to spread the plague on Gilneas. While all this happens there is some kind of conflict going on between the major powers in Gilneas.
The way the map plays out is similar to maps like Azeroth Wars and Dark Ages of Warcraft, in that every faction is free to do whatever he wants and invade whomever he wants. Gold is acquired by tax gained from civilians. These civilians are spawned by a town center and wander around town. So capturing and sacking another town is profitable because the ownership of the civilians changes to you if you manage to capture the town center. The Cult of the Damned starts out with total map vision and he gets to choose an amount of civilians in any town to subdue to his cause. After this he loses map vision and starts his quest to release the plague upon Gilneas. The constant threat of the plague spreading throughout your empire while you're busy capturing enemy towns should force the players to make tactical decisions about when to move out and with how many forces they should move out.
These are my ideas so far. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading!

Kind regards,
Level 5
Aug 11, 2010
There are some areas you will need to follow lore for. There was a civil was in Gilneas just before the events of Cataclysm, and don't forget the Worgen curse. Both of those still have to happen in your map. However, you do pretty much have free reign.

Note: Gilneas is my favourite human nation as well, so don't screw up!
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