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The Thing! (Ideas, Other)

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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Hey, the true story is that last night i had a dream about this, pritty scary it was. Me and my mates were running from this thing, it could shape shift in to anything but its main shape was very large and very hard to beat.

But what if i make this in to a warcraft III game?

The thing is, the humans would start with a big base? Something the thing can't destroy at the start of the game, lets say he needs to level up. But the humans job, either a builder or so is to kill this thing. And ta da? game ends? No, killing one thing for the game to end is very boring. But this is the job for you to give ideas to make this happen!

Edit: Some ideas,
When your human dies via the (the thing) you are spawned in his cave. Yes this will be scary trying to rescue them, so i'll need to think of an idea for the ones who have died (captured in his cave).
The thing can shape shift to anything, the world will be covered with wild life, he could even shape shift in to one of them. So this would need some heavy coding.

Sample Terrain

Also recruiting! http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/project-recruitment-256/thing-recruiting-205505/#post2028275
Map Development! http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/thing-205511/
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Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
How about humans cant die. They are captured by this thing and then sent to his cave. In the cave they are like trapped by stuff like tentacles and may not be removed, unless saved by an ally. In the cave, there are mini-things. Smaller versions of it, or like hatchlings controlled by AI or by the same player controlling the thing. If time pasts, these mini-things become the regular things then the mega-things. They all die when the main mega-thing dies.
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
How about humans cant die. They are captured by this thing and then sent to his cave. In the cave they are like trapped by stuff like tentacles and may not be removed, unless saved by an ally. In the cave, there are mini-things. Smaller versions of it, or like hatchlings controlled by AI or by the same player controlling the thing. If time pasts, these mini-things become the regular things then the mega-things. They all die when the main mega-thing dies.

That is a great idea! :D,
I was thinking that when a human dies, they will get stuck in The THING's cave but they have 2 choices,
1. Comit Suicide
2. Wait for a player to save.

While comiting suicide lets you join and help The THING, but lets just say, The THING is God. The THING has the ability to do anything in the game. Such pretending etc. But this isn't like Who's the Killer, everyone knows who the Thing is, its just how they present them selves.

Thanks though, i'll definitly use that hatchling idea :D
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