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The SiegeBreaker

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Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
If you've played the latest version of D3W you will notice the new model for the final siegebreaker boss! However, you'll also notice that his claws are in-game attachments and look a tad out of place :)

We'll be improving and updating the model over the coming weeks, and would love to get your feedback!

Below are some screenshots of the models current status:





All comments and feedback are welcome :D good or bad!
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Wow, looks great! Didn't he have a mouth? I remember him picking someone up in the first gameplay video and tearing a barbarian to shreds... I think.

haha yea =] It's one of the SiegeBreakers most iconic abilities.

However It would be rather unfair if the Siegebreaker could 1 hit KO a player with no warning, so I'm unsure how to implement it :p Plus it would be incredibly hard to create an animation for it too :(

I'll think of something though :)
Level 8
Apr 5, 2008
Forget it, doing this via triggers wouldn't look good and yet would be almost impossible to do.
Also it couldn't be done without adding an animation that moves one of his hands to his mouth.
I think doing this on Wc3 is a bit over the top... and in case it should look at least decent it would require tons of work :/

The model so far is fine, better fitting than the standard pit lord of course but still lacking overall.
Am interested in how it turns out.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Forget it, doing this via triggers wouldn't look good and yet would be almost impossible to do.
Also it couldn't be done without adding an animation that moves one of his hands to his mouth.
I think doing this on Wc3 is a bit over the top... and in case it should look at least decent it would require tons of work :/

The model so far is fine, better fitting than the standard pit lord of course but still lacking overall.
Am interested in how it turns out.

what about the ancient's "eat tree"
Level 8
Apr 5, 2008
Well would slightly fit for the animation but...
How do you expect it to be coded/ animated so that the siege breaker actually takes the Barbarian, directs him to his mouth,bites his head off and then throw him away.

I think that would require the whole one animation itself to include the barbarian model and it's head-rip-off animation. There's no chance you gonna do that decent looking with just scripting.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Well would slightly fit for the animation but...
How do you expect it to be coded/ animated so that the siege breaker actually takes the Barbarian, directs him to his mouth,bites his head off and then throw him away.

I think that would require the whole one animation itself to include the barbarian model and it's head-rip-off animation. There's no chance you gonna do that decent looking with just scripting.

Aye lol, its not really possible to make it exactly like the real thing :p I'm sure I can come up with something similar though :D
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Or you can just get some modeler to add the hero models to 4 diff animations (the siegebreaker eating them) and animate them gettin eaten and thrown and then all you need to do is trigger which animation has to play based on who gets eaten which is easy and kill the unit thats gettin eaten.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Or you can just get some modeler to add the hero models to 4 diff animations (the siegebreaker eating them) and animate them gettin eaten and thrown and then all you need to do is trigger which animation has to play based on who gets eaten which is easy and kill the unit thats gettin eaten.

And that would not require any work at all, and it wouldent increase the file size anything either! how epic! :D
not? :O

CloudWolf does what he want to do, and i dont think making animations and all that is a good idea.. the ability would get imba anyway.. Atleast in this kind of map, and we do not know what happens when a player just... dies?...

Seriously, do you just die and nothing more happens in diablo 3? Seems kinda wierd that a boss would have an instant kill attack if you ask me :O
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
And noone has common sense and cant think of how to make it balanced!
not? :O

And the increase is bothering you ?
For such a boss you should be saving some space.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
And noone has common sense and cant think of how to make it balanced!
not? :O

And the increase is bothering you ?
For such a boss you should be saving some space.

We should not abuse the space we have for the map..
I mean, seriously... I would rather see some hack'n'slash boss battle for siegebreaker then waing 20 sec to see him eat me & then just spit me out so i loose half my health.

You should do the things thats not possible in warcraft 3 without ALOT of work after you have done the things that actually is possible to do and goes faster to add.
Otherwise you can expect something like this:
Version note:
SiegeBreaker can not eat you and remove 1/2 of your health
1.21: Skeleton king will now be able to swap body with you making you much more valneruable becouse of your weak bone body.
1.22: Thousand Pounder can now slam with both his weapons and deal massive damage to units that is slamed between his weapons, and he will be able to stomp on the ground making earthquakes and make the room fall apart making flying obsticles..

And such things. If we would focus on making such things, we wouldent have time to make more then just like 1 or 2 things for each version.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
We should not abuse the space we have for the map..
I mean, seriously... I would rather see some hack'n'slash boss battle for siegebreaker then waing 20 sec to see him eat me & then just spit me out so i loose half my health.

You should do the things thats not possible in warcraft 3 without ALOT of work after you have done the things that actually is possible to do and goes faster to add.
Otherwise you can expect something like this:
Version note:
SiegeBreaker can not eat you and remove 1/2 of your health
1.21: Skeleton king will now be able to swap body with you making you much more valneruable becouse of your weak bone body.
1.22: Thousand Pounder can now slam with both his weapons and deal massive damage to units that is slamed between his weapons, and he will be able to stomp on the ground making earthquakes and make the room fall apart making flying obsticles..

And such things. If we would focus on making such things, we wouldent have time to make more then just like 1 or 2 things for each version.

It's a kill animation. Basically when the siege breaker does more damage than the heroes have left it displays that animation so basically it is a kill animation.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
This is where the revives comes into place..
Wouldent it be wierd if you like... die and get eaten, then one second after the animation, your back to normal again : p

Nah not a problem but I simply don't see how we're going to accomplish that.

The problem is that we're constantly in need of new models and such that we simply can't afford it.

Even getting that beast was a hassle.
Level 8
Apr 5, 2008
Or you can just get some modeler to add the hero models to 4 diff animations (the siegebreaker eating them) and animate them gettin eaten and thrown and then all you need to do is trigger which animation has to play based on who gets eaten which is easy and kill the unit thats gettin eaten.

C'mon, first of all that's s.th. I already mentioned and... seriously. "Just"?
I wanna see how a modeler will say, oh, just 4 animations where different models get their head bitten off :pnewt:
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
C'mon, first of all that's s.th. I already mentioned and... seriously. "Just"?
I wanna see how a modeler will say, oh, just 4 animations where different models get their head bitten off :pnewt:

Should say "pff thats easy" when he considers he has the 4 models completely done for him and needs to only animate the "bite off" if he wants to. Else he can just go with a big blood explosion and the model dissapearing after the bite.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Should say "pff thats easy" when he considers he has the 4 models completely done for him and needs to only animate the "bite off" if he wants to. Else he can just go with a big blood explosion and the model dissapearing after the bite.

It is not that easy to make an animation... That actually looks good and realistic.... We dont want a ball to just fall down like a stone and nothing more happens. that would just look stupid.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Good animating may be hard idd but an animation like this one is not hard to do.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
You know if I'm sayin that, this means I have experience in animation and know very well how hard it should be.
Shut up ? Grow up ?
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
How about this as an alternative?

The siegebreaker could eat a hero. While the hero is in the stomach he will take damage over time, just like the eat ability in the normal warcraft 3 :) Maybe 10% of the heroes health every few seconds?

However, once a player is eaten, it could be up to their team-mates to free their hero before they die. This could be done simply by dealing enough damage to trigger the release, or by performing some sort of task?

What do you reckon? :D
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
It sounds nice and will add some strategic play if you make it with performing a task. Something like luring the boss to a specific zone or pressing things at the same time.

But, be sure to add checks if its 1 player game cuz else it would become impossible to solo.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Like, you have to hit the boss in the back a several times to release the player, that would be much better :>
Becouse in the gameplay, you can easily see that they try to be behind the boss as much as possible, and we could bring that part into the whole thing aswell.
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