In regards to cleavinghammer's post:
-Initially, Footmen were being able to change to Spear from Bow and vice versa, but always caused the Footmen to bug out and not be able to switch weapons. I'm afraid there is no solution to this one save the one I have already -switch back to Sword and then to the other weapon.
1. Auras displaying above units' heads is intentional. There are quite a lot of new auras and they need to be differentiated. The Formation auras for example appear above a unit (the Footmen's on the head while the Riflemen's above the head).
2. VOICES- When there are no suitable voices I believe it is better to just leave the unit with no voice. Example: For Arintol, there is no suitable voice for a human female warrior in the game. For the Cleric, it would be weird if that unit had the voice of an Elven Priest. The Dwarven units for example do indeed have voices because I believed the voices of other existing units fitted those units. If you can point out suitable voices for the Enchanter, Cleric, Bishop, Assassin or Battle Mage (might just put another Archmage voice here) rest assured that I will make use of them. Unfortunately suitable voices don't seem to exist
3. As a matter of fact, with the latest update Undead Necromancers are classified as Undead again. However, in the future, I might change them back to non-Undead depending on how easilly they get killed. Giving them Resistant Skin would not solve anything- Resistant Skin only reduces the durarion of debuffs/prevents some spells from being cast- it's not debuffs that kill Necromancers. The main reason for making them Undead/Alive will be the feel of it - it want them to feel a little different from the rank and file Undead unit. There is a another side to this- spells like Death Coil will not heal them.
4. The Enchanter's second spell is currently Transfer Mana.
5. The Dwarven Captain icon problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update.
6. The Elven Builder in the 4th/5th mission problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update as well as the upgrades issue.
7. Command auras do not affect the units that have them or Heroes! This is intentional - I thought it would be weird for a Lieutenant to command himself (Heroes can command themselves because, well, you spend a skill point to unlock an aura) and it's an additional small incentive to train more than one command unit of a type.
1st level: I will change Menag's line, thanks
2nd level: I will fix the orcs behind the trees and the rogue not joining in. I'll also look into the quest not being displayed as completed and fix the bandit tooltips. I'll also tweak the Emblazoned Shield tooltip. The teleporting wizard is a lore hint to a certain faction related to the Remnants of Alterac from World of Warcraft.
3rd level: Orbs of Desecration do have a death animation, they make themselves small and them dissapear (it only lasts for 0.2 seconds, but it is there in the model's animations). I'm not a modeller so I can't fix that by myself and I don't view it as such a big problem since they are just magical floating wards. If it bugs more people then I'll search for another model to replace them. But as it is, I think the current model is fit for purpose.
I'll look into the vulnerable Fountain of Health.
4th Level: Is that the Footman with the spear? If yes, the problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update. The regenerating effect is due to Orbs of Desecration spawned by Khel'Thuzard/Archenecromancers (they act a bit different to normal Orbs). I'll look into this matter, thanks for pointing it out
I fixed the Elven Builder problem in the 1.3 update as I mentioned above.
!Regarding the Crash: if a non-Hero unit picks up a Tome, the game will always crash. I have been aware of the problem from when I started the campaign and I'm afraid there is no way to fix this (trust me I've been looking into this) save perhaps for making the Tomes stay in your inventory until you want to use them - but I have yet figured if a way to make Tomes like they were back in Reign of Chaos is even possible. I will look further into it nevertheless.
Thanks a lot for the feedback