The Scourge of Lordaeron - Enhanced

♦ The Scourge of Lordaeron Enhanced ♦

By Blizzard Entertainment (Edited by Teozamait)



ALSO, Cazu was kind enough to start a gameplay series of this campaign on Youtube. Check it out at this link if you want to get a better preview before you download :

Thank you and enjoy!

Do you remember the cinematic where Thrall dreams a massive battle between the humans and orcs? During that battle, there were quite a few human soldiers that carried spears. Come to think of it, most of that army is composed of pikemen. But during the actual Human campaign, they are nowhere to be seen. The human army is composed of just swordsmen and knights. At first, that may be fine and all for an RTS, but the scarcity of the Human army became quite apparent in the 6th mission of the Expansion Undead Campaign, when Garithos' forces are comprised of only these two units. It was then that I realized that the humans were entirely reliant on other races for ranged combat and support (and that Footmen and Knights are quite boring on their own). And it was then when the idea of making a more, well, not so much realistic, but believable human army came up, an army where even a unit such as the Footman can be interesting and viable throughout the whole game.
And then I implemented this army into the original Reign of Chaos Human campaign, while also adding a lot to the campaign itself to make it (hopefully) a fresh and fun experience.

Without further ado, below is a list of what you can expect from this campaign:

1. New Toys to Choose From

•3 Specializations - at the beginning of each base building chapter, you will be given a Locus of Power (there may be more hidden in the last few levels). Place it wherever you wish and upgrade the Generator to choose your specialization (which MUST then be researched at any Supply Hold/Farm). Upgrading it to Crimson will allow you to research State of Arms, a doctrine that focuses on the physical strengths of the human army - discipline and strong defensive units/upgrades. Upgrading it to Green will allow you to research State of Divinity, a doctrine which will allow you to access superior healing and restoration methods. Upgrading it to Blue will allow you to research State of Abjuration, a doctrine that provides stronger spellcasters and support options. Each State will unlock different new units and upgrades for your army, while remaining faithful to the general strengths and weaknesses of the Human faction.

•11 new units - (not counting summoned units, variants or buildings) including Battle Mages, Assassins and Lieutenants– it may seem a bit like overkill, but these units are not meant to be used all at once. Instead, they offer the player more choice when choosing his army composition. As a Human player, you will need healers in any situation, but now you can choose between the versatile Priest or the mana-efficient Cleric. For a tier 3 heavy hitter, train the agile Knight or the resilient Cavalier. Or you can mix and match them whichever way you like, especially since the food cap has been raised to 300.

•Balance - I tried to the best of my knowledge to make each new unit have both strengths and weaknesses. The Cavalier may be able to use its Heavy Defense passive and Piercing attack to match an Abomination 1 on 1, but it will struggle versus smaller but numerous units such as Skeletons or Ghouls. Assassins are the bane of Heroes, but if they attack at the wrong time you can easily lose a very expensive unit.

•Plenty of new upgrades for the old and new units.

•New enemy units that you need to watch out for – Bone Golems are very resilient to ranged attacks while Archnecromancers will unleash poisonous clouds upon your forces.

2. A few new “mechanics”

•Officers - Heroes remain an inspiration for the rank-and-file soldier, but they are no longer the sole leaders of an army. Officers are a new unit type that can greatly boost your forces’ efficiency if used correctly. Officers provide a passive aura (Command Auras) that increases the damage of other units around them. The Humans are the only race that has access to all 3 types of Command Auras, having 3 Officer units: Lieutenants, Captains and Alliance Commanders. The auras from different officer types stack, (keep in mind that a Captain’s aura has a longer radius than a Lieutenant’s). The bonus from one aura is not that large, but when all three auras are present on all of your units (which is not that easy to maintain), alongside bonuses from Weapon Supplies or a Hero’s aura, your army becomes a lot more dangerous.

-Officer units can also carry and use items like Heroes, as well as providing other benefits based on their Race (Orc Officers can Enrage other Orcs).

-Be warned! Each faction reacts differently when an officer unit or Hero is killed – for Humans, nearby units will be demoralized, losing a lot of armor for a short while (depending on the rank of the Officer). Should an Officer die, it would be best to retreat for a short while and regroup your forces.

!Members of the Cult of the Damned and Undead Heroes act as pseudo-officers for the Undead race – killing them will damage all nearby Undead units!

•Food and Weapons – Food is an aura which helps your units regenerate their life and mana faster, though not at such a rate to count as actual healing. Proper usage of food combined with other healing methods will ensure that your army has a higher chance of surviving consecutive battles. Food is generated directly by Farms or by buying Food Supplies from Farms.
-Weapon Supplies can be bought from a Blacksmith. When placed on the ground, they increase the attack rate of all nearby units.

•Combat Casters – while casters were a little too powerful in Warcraft I and II, I don’t really like the approach taken by Warcraft 3 where casters mainly just provide buffs or debuffs. Each race will have at least one combat spellcaster with means of inflicting direct damage or influence the battlefield in a stronger way. Humans now have two such units. Don’t worry, they’re still just as squishy as your average Priest.

•Mounted Units – Knights and other mounted units behave differently: they can more easily pass through most other units, enabling them to break through an enemy line and attack the fragile support units behind. However, mounted units cannot form a defensive line by themselves and have a slower turn speed than most units.

•Different Armor/Attack Type Values – The damage ratios for armor and attack types have been changed. For example, Heavy Armor now reduces damage from Normal and Magic attacks, but takes extra damage from Piercing. Check the description of each armor/attack type to see what it is good against.

3. An Enhanced Campaign

•Challenge – The campaign features two difficulty settings: Normal and Hard (Easy can be unlocked should you happen to lose a mission on Normal). Normal shouldn’t be too difficult for anyone that has completed the original RoC campaigns, but Hard is aimed to really put your skills to the test. Playing on Hard also unlocks more item rewards, boss fights and, in some missions, changes the map itself significantly. Play on Hard if you want to get the full experience.
!In order for difficulty to properly work, you must select it in both the Custom Campaigns menu and in the Frozen Throne Campaign menu (the one that contains the 4 Frozen Throne original campaigns)!

•“There must be some other way” – The 6th mission (The Culling) now has an alternative completion method. Be warned though, this method is significantly more challenging than the base one! Consider it as a secondary difficulty option. If you can do it while also playing the game on Hard, you will be rewarded with a nice item!
-The 1st and 2nd missions have a new quest chain that can be completed in two different ways (though you will have to search a little for the second method).
-Your small choices will be better reflected within each mission where you take them.

•Boss Fights – Remember fighting Khel'Thuzad in the original Human campaign? Yeah, me neither. But in this campaign he will put up quite a fight. Don’t expect WoW levels of depth, but most unique characters that you must defeat now have a few tricks up their sleeves that you need to pay attention to. You will encounter more bosses if you choose to play on Hard.

•Secrets - Each level has around two-three new extra secrets that await for you to discover them. Most secrets just require a bit of exploration, though getting others will demand some creativity (Hint: The Stormreavers hate the Blackrock Clan).

•A more believable setting – It’s a fantasy game after all, but you can expect a few changes in the environment in an attempt to bring the story in line with the lore revealed in World of Warcraft.






Arthas and other units can now Mount/Dismount
Spellcasters of a certain type (Mages/Holy Casters) have spellbooks containing a few basic spells known by any member of their class
Captain Falric will accompany you throughout the Campaign (credit to the makers of the 2Player Campaigns for this idea)

This campaign is NOT protected. Why?
1. It would be a little hypocritical of me to protect a campaign that is based on Blizzard’s hard work – had they protected their campaigns I would not have been able to create this one.
2. It makes easier for people to learn and/or make their own versions, as well as add little tweaks for their own preferences. Make no mistake, I intend to update this as the feedback comes in, but if you want a small, subjective change to happen (like a smaller/larger food cap) you can easily make that change yourself.

If you do decide to make your own version, crediting me would be nice :D, !BUT! crediting the resource owners is mandatory!

Speaking of which (the bigger credits list is at the bottom), Special Thanks go to:
•Blizzard Entertainment for making this game and the original campaign!
•The Hive Workshop team for taking care of this wonderful website!

!!!If you see a resource in-game that belongs to you and you are not credited, please PM as soon as possible so that I can properly thank you! This campaign uses quite a lot of resources and it didn’t cross my head to make a proper resources used list.

Many thanks to all of you (in no particular order): Mephestrial, Hayate, Kuhneghetz, Wandering Soul, Tarrasque, Radagast, Norinrad, Tranquil, facelessuniverse (from Modb), Deolrin, Mr. Goblin, Pyramidhe@d, Fan and the rest of the Scars of Conflict team, AndrewOverload519, Kitabatake, Grendel, alfredx_sotn, Suselishe, General Frank, supertoinkz, Cavman, Ultimasa Hojo, Mike, Ket, Darkfang, NFWar, asdasdgfrw, Mad, wojia10502, JollyD, Apheraz Lucent, ~Nightmare, Arad MNK, Nox, Published Shadow, Apathetic, NightStalker06698, UnholyDobry, Kola, Paladon, Marshmalo, antihero, The_Silent, KelThuzad, Palaslayer, CRAZYRUSSIAN, -Berz-, PeeKay, Champara Bros, JesusHipster, darkdeathknight, Power, takakenji, wingednosering, Sylvie, Lelling.


Version 1.0

Version 1.1 Updated the description.

Version 1.2 -Significantly updated the description.

Units and General:
-Added an minor attack to Clerics in order to prevent them wandering around after they're out of mana.
-Fixed the Silver Hand Knight's Turn Undead Spell. Silver Hand Knights' Heal ability will now better reflect its WC2 version and allow the Knights to resume combat when they are out of mana or there are no targets to Heal.
-Reduced the duration and increased the cooldown of the Assassin's Vanish ability to emphasize the fact that this unit is quite micro-intensive.
-Holy Spellcasters will no longer sadistically Unheal themselves.
-The Holy Light has blessed Pack Horses with their own mana pool.
-Dwarven Captains can now properly carry up to 3 items.
-Greater Heal values tweaked.
-The Arcane Familiar is summoned faster and lasts an additional 10 seconds.
-Frost Bolt stuns for an extra second.
-Radiant Light becomes stronger after the 6th mission but only Arthas will be able to use it.
-Scrolls will display the same UI feature as Food/Weapon supplies so you can better keep track of your Area of Effect consumables.
-The Blessed Scepter can no longer be used to "bless" enemy units.
-The Charred Hand will properly damage the Hero who is using it.
-The Spell Tome contains a different third ability.
-Trebuchets can now properly target buildings.

-Frostmourne no longer grants a second Divine Shield.
-Frozen Deathwave deals more damage.
-Khel'Thuzad has finally mustered the guts to put up a half-decent battle.
-The Guardian on Hard difficulty has decided to no longer be your daddy and actually give you a fighting chance.
-Even so, the final mission has been tweaked to be a tad more difficult.
-The Undead have finally sorted out their Counter-Intelligence Department and will send Ghasts after you on Hard difficulty.
-A certain hidden paladin has a less peaceful second ability.
-The 5th mission has an additional secret.

+Other small tweaks and fixes.

Version 1.3 Quite a few significant fixes.

Units and General:

-Dwarf Captains are no longer available before Chapter 7 as intended.
-Arthas has increased health and damage while Mounted.
-Cleric’s Prayer of Mending costs more mana and has a longer cooldown.
-Staff of Lore has a longer cooldown and gives less life/mana per buff.
-Inner Flame costs more mana and has a slightly longer cooldown.
-Skeleton Archers deal 1 less point of damage.
-Death Spires deal more damage but attack slower.


-Menag has learned how to properly write down his name in official documents.
-The Abomination from the 3rd mission (Hard difficulty) moves and attacks even slower to give you a better fighting chance.
-Many issues with the 4th mission have been fixed (bugged attack waves, bugged AI, bugged rescuable units).
-On Hard mode (in the 4th mission) you will be attacked even after taking out the Green Undead Base.
-Khel’Thuzad has more hit points.
-Fixed some attack waves on the 6th mission.
-Some upgrades and units will no longer be available before intended.

+Other small tweaks and fixes.

Version 1.4 Some more significant fixes/tweaks.

-Clerics, Bishops, Battle Mages, Enchanters, Arcane Familiars and Assassins now have voices
-Updated Falric’s tooltip
-Updated the Bandit’s tooltips in the 2nd mission
-Transfer Mana Tooltip fixed
-Fountains are no longer invulnerable
-Orbs of Desecration will make a small effect to signal that they are dead

-Fixed a lot of issues/bugs with the Bandit’s side quest – completion message not displaying properly, ambush waves not working, some units not being rescued etc.
-Fixed some Hints in chapter 3
-Fixed some Hints in chapter 6

+Other small tweaks and fixes.

Credit cu cleavinghammer for poiting many of these problems. Credit to Clicker for pointing many other previous problems.

Version 1.5
-Fixed the Hotkeys of the Supply Hold and Stable (credits to Raider Neoh for pointing that out)
-Fixed the Alliance Commander's ability: Standard of the Alliance (credits to Stefan.K for pointing that out)

-Fixed the first mission's title

Version 1.6 Some more tweaks and fixes.
-Fragmentation Shards/Bouncing Shot will now disable the other upgrade only after the chosen upgrade finishes
-The Guard's Taunt icon has a proper DSBTN path.
-Lancer Riders no longer try to barge into the Human's campaign. They'll have to wait until the Elven one comes out.
-Chapter 6, 7 and 9 have received some additional small but hopefully noticeable terrain/doodad additions

7th Chapter : Fixed a lot of issues with the chapter: - Creeps no longer help each other that much in the first part of the level.
-Rocks have to properly be destroyed to reach Muradin.
-The Purple Undead base is a little stronger.
-Fixed the issue pointed by cleavinghammer with the Steam Tank.
-One of the secrets in this map works a little smother.

Version 1.7
-Jaina has more hit points
-Fixed the Hotkeys of all Spellbooks
-Redemption item has been fixed
-Chapter 5: - Fixed the crash caused by the villagers turning into Footmen
- Jaina returns faster and keeps her items with her
- The patrolling Bone Golems will no longer call the entire Purple base to attack you

-Chapter 6: -Arthas can no longer cast Cure
-Ghast attack waves have finally been fixed on Hard (do build stealth detection)
-Mal'Ganis respawns a little bit faster on Hard
-You will have to Cure a lot more villagers now to convince the city to help you

-Chapter 7: -Creeps helping each other problem has been fixed
-All creeps have the right amount of mana.

+Other small tweaks and fixes.
Version 1.7 Part 2 Small fixes:
-Fixed the Hotkeys for Garrison and Radiant Light
-Chapter 5: Added a warning in regards to a secret character
-Blade of Culling bug has been fixed
-Blessed Scepter not targeting self has been fixed

Version 1.8

-Changed the death effect on Orbs of Desecration
-Chapter 1: The weird Sea Giant and the Emblazoned Shield are gone (they were not supposed to be there in the first place)
-Chapter 9: Fixed a few bugs with this chapter, such as Captain Falric spawning twice
-Chapter 9: The final battle is only available on Hard
-Chapter 9: Lich Guards are less stronger by default but they benefit from upgrades

Edit (Part 2):
- Adjusted the difficulty of the 6th mission on Hard
- Sorceress and Battle Mages can no longer Cure
- Cure requires the proper upgrade
- Arthas gets back his Divine Shield in his Spellbook

Version 1.9 Quite a few significant fixes.

Units and General:

-Fixed the Garrison Hotkey once again (to O)
-Spellbooks have been removed from the Cleric, Priest, Sorceress and Enchanter. -Sorceresses and Enchanters will have access to some of the former Spellbook spells directly from their command card if State of Abjuration is researched.
-Priest and Clerics will have access to some of the former Spellbook spells directly from their Command Card if State of Divinity has been researched.
-Steam Tank's cost has been increased by 30 gold and 10 lumber.
-Fortification upgrade now requires a Keep instead of a Castle.

-First mission has been updated with more tips and hints as things were too confusing.

+Other small tweaks and fixes.
Version 1.95 Quite a few significant tweaks and fixes.

-Fixed an issue where Arthas could ally with the Bandits before the prerequisites were completed
-Most loading screens now contain a hint and a set of warnings
-The Lich in Chapter 7 can now learn Death and Decay on Hard mode
-The Dwarves Base in Chapter 7 is better defended will still be destroyed after a while, especially on Hard mode

Units and Items:
-Updated the icons used by State of Divinity and Abjuration
-Enchanters have increased mana regeneration
-Siege Engines deal less Piercing damage but have slightly longer Piercing attacks
-Backpack upgrade no longer requires Arcane Vault
-Battle Mage’s Frostbolt costs 110 mana down from 125
-Trebuchet’s damage and range has been increased
-Fixed Charred Hand dealing no damage
-Lich’s Frost Nova deals less damage and has a slightly smaller radius
-Conjurer’s Elemental Blast has a larger splash radius
-Gyrocopter’s ground attack now deals a bit of splash damage
-Gyrocopters and Siege Engines can now attack Trees.
-Bishops now require 3 food
-Fixed the Fortification upgrade
-The tooltip of the Magic Resistance passive used by Mountaineers and Dwarven Captains displays properly
-Fixed the bug that created an effect out of nowhere similar to that of a Healing Fountain
-The Ring of Power has a proper tooltip in Chapter 4

+Many more other tweaks and fixes!

Version 2.0

General Features:
-New Structure: The Arsenal. The Arsenal is the new shop building of the forces of Lordaeron. It contains classical items such as the Orb of Fire and Tome of Retraining plus 3 new items, each unlocked by one of the three States. These new items give additional benefits if the wearer is NOT a Hero, allowing you to properly gear your command units without giving making the Heroes feel overpowered.
!As a bonus, the Arsenal serves an additional function: up to 3 Villagers (trained from any Supply Hold) can work there in order to produce a steady (but quite low compared to a gold mine) flow of income. This is part of my plan to implement a secondary system economy for all races.

-Jaina now has her own personal horse (the cape is readjusted magically for riding -yeah it was the only model I found, credits to the unknown and unreadable for me Russian modeler that created this)

-Falric can permanently die in the 3rd Chapter and the first part of the 7th Chapter. Should this happen, the mission will be lost.

-New Chapter available! Don't get too hyped, it's just a melee map where you get to play the Undead race versus a Human race opponent. But you will have access to some of the new undead toys:p

-Quite a few human units have received slight buffs. Arthas' Holy Smite has been buffed.

-You can no longer accidentaly build the same generator twice in chapters 7 and 9.

-Chapter 6 - some more bugs have been fixed and the difficulty slightly adjusted

-Chapter 7 - the first part of the mission has been made more interactive, requiring the player to pay some attention to his enemies. Furthermore, the Hand of Wrynn now has a purpose and you can get an alternative route to the Green Undead base.

-Chapter 8 - difficulty has been overall reduced in Hard Mode. You can now buy all types of Mercenaries from the first Camp, allowing you to pick and choose what units you'll be using for this mission. However, players will have to keep a closer look on the skies on both Normal and Hard mode.

-Chapter 9 - difficulty has been reduced (but not drastically) so that more than 10 people can beat this map.

+Plenty of other smaller bugfixes/changes.

Version 2.10 Mainly Bugfixes
-You can only build two Arsenals
-Morphing issue has been hopefully fixed (even the one in chapter 5)
-In chapter 5 the Undead will be a bit more aggressive towards the end on Hard mode
-The Dragon in chapter 8 drops a Tome of Knowledge if killed
-Removed some unfinished units and buildings from the Extra Chapter

Vesion 2.20 Quite a few additions


-Made the alternate questline in Chapter 1 a bit clearer
-Fixed the resurrecting Captain in Chapter 6
-Cure can only be cast once per Zombie in Chapter 6 as intended
-Fixed some Auras affecting enemy units

-Riflemen now have Light Armor
-Farms and Food are more costly but will heal for more
-Changed the models for Farms and Arsenals

-Arthas's Holy Light does increased healing the more Intellect Arthas has.
-Arthas's deals extra damage equal to his Strength to targets affected by Holy Smite
-Footmen, Riflemen, Liutenants and Mortar Teams can be replaced with alternate variants at the Altar of Kings starting with Chapter 4
-New upgrades for State of Abjuration available at the Arcane Sanctum: Arcane Overload and Violent Thaw.
-New upgrade for State of Divinity available at the Church: Communion
-There is an additional independent Undead Base in Chapter 9 that will aid Mal'ganis. Players can instantly destroy this base on both difficulties at the start of the mission by killing the red book pedestal. This serves as an additional challenge.

+Other small fixes and additions

Vesion 2.35 Fixed bugs created by 2.20

Hopefully all bugs have been fixed, including Formation targeting enemy units, weird names in Chapter 2, units being available for training when they were not supposed to be, weird targetting bugs and many other bugs.

Vesion 2.40 Bugfixing

Fixed a major bug preventing the use of alternate choices from Chapter 4 to 7, as well as removing some upgrades that had no use in the current level.

► Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」

Reign of Chaos

The Scourge of Lordaeron - Enhanced (Campaign)

10:51, 10th Sep 2015 Shadow Fury: Great revamp of the human campaign. By offering new units, spells, quests and buildings, players can replay the campaign using more synergies, tactics and strategies. More secrets are not lacking in this campaign...
I've loved Warcraft III since I was a kid as it was one of the first RTS games I ever played. For that reason I was a little sceptical of this campaign because of the amount of changes it makes. Having played through it however I can safely say I was...




10:51, 10th Sep 2015
Shadow Fury: Great revamp of the human campaign. By offering new units, spells, quests and buildings, players can replay the campaign using more synergies, tactics and strategies. More secrets are not lacking in this campaign, making the game even more interesting. Since the campaign is heavily based on Blizzard's material, I will not give it any rating. It is however approved due to its great idea and the much enhanced gameplay experience.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012

Edit: I'm going away in a holiday until Sunday evening. I should be making the little fixes and updating the map on Monday. I will read all the feedback when I get back:)

Many thanks to those that downloaded the map and provided feedback already:)

Edit V1.2: Added a lot of tweaks/fixes. Check them out in the changelog:)

Edit V1.3: Added a lot of tweaks/fixes. Check them out in the changelog:)

Edit V1.4: Added a lot of tweaks/fixes as requested by Shadow Fury. Check them out in the changelog:)

Edit V1.5: Added a few small tweaks and fixes.

Edit V1.6: Added a few small tweaks and fixes.

Edit V1.7: Added a few small tweaks and fixes. Check them out in the changelog:

Edit V1.7, part 2: Added a few small changes as suggested by some players. Second edit: fixed a few extra problems.

Edit V1.8: Added a few significant fixes. Check them out in the changelog.

Edit V1.8, part 2: Added a few significant fixes. Check them out in the changelog.

Edit V1.9: Added a few significant fixes. Check them out in the changelog.

Edit V1.95: Added a few significant fixes. Check them out in the changelog.

Edit 2.00: At long last another update has been released. Added a quite a few interesting features. Check out the newest version in the changelog!

Edit 2.10: This one is just bugfixing, check it out in the changelog:)

Edit 2.20: Quite a few additions to the campaign and bugfixes, check the changes out in the changelog:) ! The changes made may reset the Game Cache as they affect all missions so you will have to replay a few missions to get the items you had last time unfortunately.

Edit 2.30 Fixed all the bugs created by version 2.20 (hopefully). If you see any more bugs please report them here.
Last edited:
Level 2
Jan 28, 2015
im gonna enjoy playing this.

done with mission 5 atm.
I really enjoyed this so far!
props for the footman weapon change and units mount mechanics.

bugs so far:
-Priest and cleric may unheal themselvs as they think they are self-healing
-Necromancer is no longer undead?
-units who carry wep and/or food bonus gets a weird bag or black potion above them?
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
im gonna enjoy playing this.

done with mission 5 atm.
I really enjoyed this so far!
props for the footman weapon change and units mount mechanics.

bugs so far:
-Priest and cleric may unheal themselvs as they think they are self-healing
-Necromancer is no longer undead?
-units who carry wep and/or food bonus gets a weird bag or black potion above them?

1. I will check into the whole Priest/Cleric unheal, I think the fix should be simple.

2. I wanted to make Acolytes/Disciples and Necromancers no longer Undead in an attempt to enforce the fact that they fit a special role in the Undead army and to prevent Holy Light abuse. In the end, I left the Acolytes and Archnecromancers as undead while simple Necs are alive. I might make Necs back to Undead depending on what other people think :)

3. The bag is there as an UI choice, so you can keen track of Heroes/Officers with Supplies on them. I might add the bag also to Potions and Scrolls, so that players don't have to cycle through their Heroes to find them. What do you think?
Level 2
Jan 28, 2015
hmm indeed it might suit necs to be "alive" rather then dead, it does
make things little bit harder

since you buffed the food limit to 350 and you can have plenty of
officers whom are scattered around the field with item to use,
it may be good to have an indicator as to who has a usefull item
tho it may not need to be as big as it is now.

Can you also add a 1-2 range dmg for clerics? a few i had on
auto-remove corps/heal just ran past my group then enemy group and into enemy base
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
I'm not sure having a ranged attack would fix that, since the search of a corpse/ally to heal has priority over attacking. I might try adding the attack, I'll also fiddle with the range they search for allies/corpses.

Edit: How did you find the difficulty? Did you play on Normal or Hard?

Also what State/unit composition to you tend to go for?
Level 2
Jan 28, 2015
Ok im finished with the campaign on normal mode now.

if clerics have an attack they will stop to attack if they are
out of mana or no corpse to remove instead of charging like a god damn leeroy.

i normaly went State of arms and a mixture of most units.

found some bugs
The silver knight have 1 big flaw due the flash heal,
if he heals he will not move at all during cooldown even when out of mana
making the auto heal quite useless atm.
also turn undead: tooltip says undead units take 150 dmg.
but i could only use it on air units. so either fix tooltip or mechanic

chapter 6:
Might wanna nerf the spy's a bit on this mission
had groups of 4 scattered around the city with perma stealth on,
so when Mal'ganis came he was dead after he destroyed 1 building.
could take my sweet time on that mission

chapter 9:
when arthas leave to find frostmourne he will stop by the captain and speak a few lines.
this did not happer, he went next to captain and the cutscene came to a halt.
just background music and units idleing but no text or spoken lines. was like that for
1 min before i Hit the esc and went back to playing.

Lance rider needs arcane vault to be produced.

Arthas W/Frostmourne lost Smite and mount ability and gained divine shield and
frostwind move that hurts ALL units like it says, but is he supposed to have
divine shield lvl3 and divine shield from spellbook at the same time?
bit OP that he can be Invulnerable almost all the time. and with
the item spellbook that grants healing wave for self use he can stand in
the middle of the enemy base for quite some time.

Alliance commanders Flag ward don't work
neither shield bonus nor penalty for braking it

I will replay soon on hard mode
But so far im really pleased with this
keep up the good work!
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Wow.....thanks a lot for all this feedback! I will begin updating the map tomorrow, shouldn't take too long. I'll also fix the description (hopefully :D)

- That's strange for the Silver Knight, I thought (and remember seeing in my multiple test runs) that if there was not enough Mana for Flash Heal he will resume combat activities just like the Priest does. I don't know if I can fix this one, but I will look into it. Turn Undead looks like an easy fix, but I might remove the ability altogether (it doesn't seem very fun) and replace it with a Blind-like ability, but I will think more on this one.

-Assassin's - Assassins are meant to counter-heroes, especially for the Culling level. On hard mode, hiding them will be more difficult since there are a few stealth detectors and Mal'ganis has a significantly stronger escort. You can still sacrifice a few of them to kill Mal'ganis, but they are quite costly:p I will look into nerfing them, but I still want them to remain viable in Hard Mode.

-I played that cinematic quite a few times (last week) and everything was fine with it. But I will check it again:)

-Currently, the Lancer Rider is not meant to be produced at all:p I will remove his tooltip from the Aviary.

-Yeah I somehow forgot to update the Frostmourne-wielding Arthas. Divine Shield has been moved entirely to the Spellbook with a heavy nerf (Divine Shield is way too strong).

-I will look into the flag, thanks for pointing everything out:)

Have fun on Hard Mode, you will have a different experience:p

You might want to wait until I update the campaign though:)
Level 2
Jan 28, 2015
i like campaigns so i will help as much as i can :)

im on chapter 5 hard atm,
but found a few smaller things this time so far.

Pack horse have heal but no mana to heal with
and when standing still counts as a idle villiager

Dwarf captain have 2 slots not 3 like it says.

Chapter 4 - Khel-thuzad did not cast any spells at all,
and the 2 skeletal mages have no mana or mana regen

hope to see a good update soon :)
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
First mission: Matilda's note reads "Megan". I went to every female villager on the map until I figured it out.
The evil raccoon's name is too long.

Second level: I can't find the Blessed Weapons upgrade.
Farms don't have a "select user" button.

-The Evil Raccon's name is there to stay:p

-Blessed Weapons upgrade is unlocked in later levels

-I will look into the select user button problem.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
I know that it doesn't fit in the namespace. Personally I don't think it's that big of a problem since it is only 1 unit and it kinda adds to the comical element.

Nevertheless, if there is a way to fix it I might as well. What do you mean by floating text? Could you link a tutorial as to how it can be done?
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
I didn't see any, but try messing around with it in the triggers. Create Floating Text and Destroy Floating Text should be a good start.

Some auras are displayed floating over units' heads.
Footmen should be able to switch to any weapon instead of returning to sword.
The Enforcer isn't affected by his own Valor aura.
Cleric has no portrait or voice.
Enchanter's second spell should be Transfer Mana, also has no voice.
Regarding undead necromancers: I get that with the AoE on death ability they need to be tougher, but I recall reading that they're considered undead because they spend so much time steeped in unholy magic. Maybe give them Resistant Skin?
Dwarf Captain's icon is a green square when the menu's up.

First level: Menag's line about his brother should be "east of the waterfall".

Second level: got a crash, I suspect this is because the lieutenant tried to pick up a tome. You should see about making him unable to take them.
Bandit quest message needs a capital D at the end.
There's a bunch of orcs stuck behind trees visible when units are in the bandit's camp. I assume they ambush you if you didn't take that route, but you should remove them if they don't do anything.
One rogue isn't transferred to you when the bandits join. Also, who's the teleporting wizard?
Bandit quest isn't marked as completed after they join.
The Emblazoned Shield's tooltip is cut off in mid-sentence.
All bandit unit tooltips need updating, and Arintol doesn't have a voice.

Third level: Orb of desecrations don't seem to have a death animation.
The Fountain of Health isn't invulnerable.

Fourth level: One of the footmen in the lieutenant's group doesn't join you.
Elven builder can be built at the keep (and costs no food), but none of his buildings are available.
Enemy units sometimes have the regenerating health effect on them (as if they were next to a fountain), this even happens with Kel'thuzad's final cutscene.

Fifth level: Several upgrades that require a Castle or an Arcane Vault.
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Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
In regards to cleavinghammer's post:

-Initially, Footmen were being able to change to Spear from Bow and vice versa, but always caused the Footmen to bug out and not be able to switch weapons. I'm afraid there is no solution to this one save the one I have already -switch back to Sword and then to the other weapon.

1. Auras displaying above units' heads is intentional. There are quite a lot of new auras and they need to be differentiated. The Formation auras for example appear above a unit (the Footmen's on the head while the Riflemen's above the head).

2. VOICES- When there are no suitable voices I believe it is better to just leave the unit with no voice. Example: For Arintol, there is no suitable voice for a human female warrior in the game. For the Cleric, it would be weird if that unit had the voice of an Elven Priest. The Dwarven units for example do indeed have voices because I believed the voices of other existing units fitted those units. If you can point out suitable voices for the Enchanter, Cleric, Bishop, Assassin or Battle Mage (might just put another Archmage voice here) rest assured that I will make use of them. Unfortunately suitable voices don't seem to exist :(

3. As a matter of fact, with the latest update Undead Necromancers are classified as Undead again. However, in the future, I might change them back to non-Undead depending on how easilly they get killed. Giving them Resistant Skin would not solve anything- Resistant Skin only reduces the durarion of debuffs/prevents some spells from being cast- it's not debuffs that kill Necromancers. The main reason for making them Undead/Alive will be the feel of it - it want them to feel a little different from the rank and file Undead unit. There is a another side to this- spells like Death Coil will not heal them.

4. The Enchanter's second spell is currently Transfer Mana.

5. The Dwarven Captain icon problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update.

6. The Elven Builder in the 4th/5th mission problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update as well as the upgrades issue.

7. Command auras do not affect the units that have them or Heroes! This is intentional - I thought it would be weird for a Lieutenant to command himself (Heroes can command themselves because, well, you spend a skill point to unlock an aura) and it's an additional small incentive to train more than one command unit of a type.

1st level: I will change Menag's line, thanks:)

2nd level: I will fix the orcs behind the trees and the rogue not joining in. I'll also look into the quest not being displayed as completed and fix the bandit tooltips. I'll also tweak the Emblazoned Shield tooltip. The teleporting wizard is a lore hint to a certain faction related to the Remnants of Alterac from World of Warcraft.

3rd level: Orbs of Desecration do have a death animation, they make themselves small and them dissapear (it only lasts for 0.2 seconds, but it is there in the model's animations). I'm not a modeller so I can't fix that by myself and I don't view it as such a big problem since they are just magical floating wards. If it bugs more people then I'll search for another model to replace them. But as it is, I think the current model is fit for purpose.

I'll look into the vulnerable Fountain of Health.

4th Level: Is that the Footman with the spear? If yes, the problem has already been fixed in the 1.3 update. The regenerating effect is due to Orbs of Desecration spawned by Khel'Thuzard/Archenecromancers (they act a bit different to normal Orbs). I'll look into this matter, thanks for pointing it out:)

I fixed the Elven Builder problem in the 1.3 update as I mentioned above.

!Regarding the Crash: if a non-Hero unit picks up a Tome, the game will always crash. I have been aware of the problem from when I started the campaign and I'm afraid there is no way to fix this (trust me I've been looking into this) save perhaps for making the Tomes stay in your inventory until you want to use them - but I have yet figured if a way to make Tomes like they were back in Reign of Chaos is even possible. I will look further into it nevertheless.

Thanks a lot for the feedback:)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
^^ Oh, it's playable, only the extra stuff needs polishing.

Sixth level: Dwarf Captains can't be built.
Assassins aren't built at the Castle.
Cure icon is green when the menu's up.
Cure can be cast on zombies that are already being cured.
Battle Mages use gunpowder upgrades.
Towers lose True Sight when upgraded from Scout Towers.
Assassins and Battle Mages have no voice.

Alternate ending:



Well, I guess it holds up, but I'm not sure it's really worth an entire gimmick level just to (WARNING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPOILER TEXT) go right back and undo it all. If you decide to make an alternate verse, it's a decent plot.

May I suggest you talk about that plotline here.

About the orbs: maybe add the Detonate effect when they die, it just looks buggy for the unit to suddenly disappear.

Voices: Just use the voices that would go well for the unit, you're already using the Knight's voice twice.

For example, appropriate Night Elf voices for the female units, Captain and Priest voices for the religious units...
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Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
^^ Oh, it's playable, only the extra stuff needs polishing.

Sixth level: Dwarf Captains can't be built.
Assassins aren't built at the Castle.
Cure icon is green when the menu's up.
Cure can be cast on zombies that are already being cured.
Battle Mages use gunpowder upgrades.
Towers lose True Sight when upgraded from Scout Towers.
Assassins and Battle Mages have no voice.

Alternate ending:



Well, I guess it holds up, but I'm not sure it's really worth an entire gimmick level just to (WARNING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPOILER TEXT) go right back and undo it all. If you decide to make an alternate verse, it's a decent plot.

May I suggest you talk about that plotline here.

About the orbs: maybe add the Detonate effect when they die, it just looks buggy for the unit to suddenly disappear.

Voices: Just use the voices that would go well for the unit, you're already using the Knight's voice twice.

For example, appropriate Night Elf voices for the female units, Captain and Priest voices for the religious units...

1. Dwarf Captains are not intended to be trained before mission 7.

2. I'll change the Assassin's Hint text.

3. I'll look again over the Cure DSBTN.

4. Towers are intended to lose true sight. As stated in the upgrade: Gives Scout and Arcane Towers the ability to detect hidden units.

Since stealth plays/will play a slightly more important role in the Enhanced campaigns, having all Human towers detect stealth is a little bit overpowered. As such, only these two towers can detect stealth (and their stealth detection radius has been reduced).

5. There's no way to prevent Cure from being castable on an already Cured zombie.

6.Voices- I'll think about adding voices that semi-fit...I'm not sure it's better than having them have no voice yet.

The Alternate Ending: Well it's an alternate completion method just for that level. The 6th mission always seemed special and so I decided to do a special thing with it. I consider this as an alternative difficulty level. If you can do it, your reward will be a small story and if done on Hard an additional item.

It's not for lack of ideas that I didn't implement an entire different last 3 levels of the campaign, but for lack of time/skills. I think it's a nice, small addition that's worth the gimmick. I never advertised an entire alternate story line/campaign, just a different completion method for the 6th chapter.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Voicewise, it's just to have a response.

The Dwarf captain can be built during the previous level.

What version are you playing?

I remember fixing the issues with the dwarf captain being trainable in missions 4, 5 and 6 in 1.3 (I will double-check again later just to be sure regardless).

Edit: Yeah I'll add voices to all units. In the end, it's a gameplay feature rather than a lore/immersion/story feature since it helps players realize more accurately what units they have selected.
Level 2
Jul 29, 2015
This looks amazing! I'm going to download and give it a try right now.

Will you do something like this for every campaign?
Level 28
Aug 7, 2015
I love how the human campaign was remake, but if you can try to fix the Hotkeys problem (Just like both Lumber Mill and the Stable, their both hotkeys are L; the Supply what what what i forget the name, it shown that the hotkey is U but when I clicked U nothing happen) so this is the only thing that I dislike and are you going to make the Path of the Damned version?
Level 60
Dec 29, 2014
I finished it and I can say it really brings that "Alliance" feeling out. Nice job, however there are few bugs, some are just mentioned above. What's with the Gryphon Rider (Alliance Captain, how it is called anyway), his portrait doesn't work while he talks(contact Hayate about this or you just downloaded earlier version. I really loved that you used that "Guard" model in the last mission. Also nice job adding the Dwarves in the last 2 missions, the Blizzard should've done this. I think there is something wrong with the Alliance Captain's(Gryphon Rider) Alliance flag ability. Whenever I use it the units have wierd undead buffs above their heads and it reduces their armor, maybe you did something wrong with it, check that out. And you really should've changed the names of the Archer, Spearman when they transform into them. Maybe someone mentioned this above, but it really is wierd. Overall the campaign was enjoyable and was great, it really changes the gameplay. You should have add some side missions to improve the gameplay, but it's okay. And when you need to kill the civilians in that mission, you should mention how to cure them(I found it out later when killed most of the civilians/plagued villages). Thanks for the campaign and I really hope you will 'remake' all of the campaigns(Orcs, Undead, Night Elf).
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Thanks a lot for the feedback, both of you (Raider Neoh and Stefan.K ) :). I will look into these bugs and fix them in a few days.

1. As for the Cure I did include it in the actual quest requirement, I don't know how to make it clearer (the 6th mission has plenty of Hints popping out, I don't want to crowd it any more). What kind of message do you think would have made things clearer for you?

2. The Cleric's and the Alliance Commander's portrait's seem to not work indeed, but there is little I can do since I'm not a modeler (I think I don't have the latest Gryphon Knight model, so I maybe able to fix that). I could change the models but I think they are really fitting for the units. Maybe I can get a hold of the original modelers and see what I can do. If all else fails, I guess I could try learning some basic modelling and change the models with the author's permission.

I do intend to do an Enhanced version of each campaign (Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne). I also intend to release a non-campaign version with the new units/techtress/upgrades etc. - this will not be a mod, I will simply release it map by map in a style similar to UMW or Ultimasa Hojo's maps.

The Undead techtree is almost finished, but I haven't even started on the actual Path of the Damned missions themselves. I will soon enough, but it will take quite a while until the Path of the Damned Enhanced edition will come out.

I want to deliver a higher standard of quality and improvements over the original campaigns, so I might look to team up with an advanced triggerer/ AI-creator/Terrainer to deliver that. But if things don't work out, I will continue the Enhanced work on my own and in the end, I think that the quality of the current edition is fitting (once I finish hunting down every single bug that is).

Anyway, please keep reporting bugs/issues and give feedback/suggestions. This is very, very much appreciated:)

Thanks a lot to each and everyone of you that downloaded this campaign!
Level 60
Dec 29, 2014
Thanks a lot for the feedback, both of you (Raider Neoh and Stefan.K ) :). I will look into these bugs and fix them in a few days.

1. As for the Cure I did include it in the actual quest requirement, I don't know how to make it clearer (the 6th mission has plenty of Hints popping out, I don't want to crowd it any more). What kind of message do you think would have made things clearer for you?

2. The Cleric's and the Alliance Commander's portrait's seem to not work indeed, but there is little I can do since I'm not a modeler (I think I don't have the latest Gryphon Knight model, so I maybe able to fix that). I could change the models but I think they are really fitting for the units. Maybe I can get a hold of the original modelers and see what I can do. If all else fails, I guess I could try learning some basic modelling and change the models with the author's permission.

I do intend to do an Enhanced version of each campaign (Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne). I also intend to release a non-campaign version with the new units/techtress/upgrades etc. - this will not be a mod, I will simply release it map by map in a style similar to UMW or Ultimasa Hojo's maps.

The Undead techtree is almost finished, but I haven't even started on the actual Path of the Damned missions themselves. I will soon enough, but it will take quite a while until the Path of the Damned Enhanced edition will come out.

I want to deliver a higher standard of quality and improvements over the original campaigns, so I might look to team up with an advanced triggerer/ AI-creator/Terrainer to deliver that. But if things don't work out, I will continue the Enhanced work on my own and in the end, I think that the quality of the current edition is fitting (once I finish hunting down every single bug that is).

Anyway, please keep reporting bugs/issues and give feedback/suggestions. This is very, very much appreciated:)

Thanks a lot to each and everyone of you that downloaded this campaign!
I could fix the bugs of the models just send me the model and describe the bug. :)
If you need some model just pm me I might make it for you.
Edit: oh and no need to credit us for pointing out bugs, at least me. It's our 'job' as "testers" to point out every bug we find out.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Thanks Jaina23, I'm really glad you enjoyed it:)

I could fix the bugs of the models just send me the model and describe the bug. :)
If you need some model just pm me I might make it for you.
Edit: oh and no need to credit us for pointing out bugs, at least me. It's our 'job' as "testers" to point out every bug we find out.

Ok:D I might make use of your skills in the future:)

The only bugs are the portraits not appearing.

I also decided to fix some of the issues (some other things like the Footman/Archer/Spearman names will remain unchanged for the time being) you guys pointed out tonight. If you find anything else, please let me know:)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Seventh level: The Magnataur in the lower left cliff is alerted when the creeps under him are attacked.
Falric can't attack air units with an orb.
Siege Engines are available before rescuing the dwarves.
Both Engines are the same unit and can attack all units.
Mal'ganis just... leaves when you attack him by casting Cure on himself.

Ninth level: Royal Guard's Taunt icon is green when the menu is up.
Lancer requires Arcane Vault.
Alliance commander's portrait disappears whenever he talks.

Ending the campaign takes you to the Frozen Throne's campaign screen.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Seventh level: The Magnataur in the lower left cliff is alerted when the creeps under him are attacked.
Falric can't attack air units with an orb.
Siege Engines are available before rescuing the dwarves.
Both Engines are the same unit and can attack all units.
Mal'ganis just... leaves when you attack him by casting Cure on himself.

Ninth level: Royal Guard's Taunt icon is green when the menu is up.
Lancer requires Arcane Vault.
Alliance commander's portrait disappears whenever he talks.

Ending the campaign takes you to the Frozen Throne's campaign screen.

Thanks cleavinghammer :)

Mal'ganis leaving - that's the point of that, he's not going to fight you yet (he's a bad guy, and bad guys only allow you to fight them on their terms), but he does leave behind something nice:p (or at least he should, I will look into the triggers).

Not sure I can do anything about the campaign ending taking you to the Frozen Throne's campaign screen or Falric not being able to attack air units with Orbs, but as always I will look into a solution.

The rest seem like easy fixes (I thought I removed the Lancer Rider from the Aviary ages ago).

I'll probably make another update tomorrow. Off to sleep for the night, thanks guys:) :vw_sleep:

Edit: Thanks Krybi0, I hope you enjoy the campaign:) If you could let me know what your favorite unit/feature is (after/if you start playing ofc) that would be greatly appreciated (if you disliked anything in particular, telling me that would also be greatly appreciated).
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Yes, he left an item. It was just weird that he didn't say anything.

If you're doing other campigns, would you consider reversing the changes made by the expansion (Storm Bolt not targetting mechanicals, Sappers not going into Zeppelins)?

Well, I will reverse them if it makes sense for the mission (for example, in mission 8 you can use Storm Bolt on Boats). To be frank, I'm not sure there will be many missions where you'll get both Sappers or Zeppelins or even where you'll get to use Storm Bolt a lot.

But should I ever get to making the altered melee version, then most likely I would allow for Sappers to be loaded into Zeppelins and Storm Bolt to target mechanicals, but only if it doesn't cause any balance issues.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2015
I love how you changed original campaign. But game now is too easy even on hard level. Can you make it harder, or change enemy ai? Because as i understand they were not changed. And if you ask me, you made too many units that many players will never use in 6 and 8 chapter. It's more easilly to win if you will spam with griffin raiders.
Level 28
Aug 7, 2015
It's cool but I think it still need improvement, such like the hotkeys problem like Lumber Mill and the Stable sharing the same hotkey, also for the Lancer Rider, it said it need Arcane Vault in order to build it but the workers can't build arcane vault

Just cool ya' know, 4/5

please make undead ver
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
It's cool but I think it still need improvement, such like the hotkeys problem like Lumber Mill and the Stable sharing the same hotkey, also for the Lancer Rider, it said it need Arcane Vault in order to build it but the workers can't build arcane vault

Just cool ya' know, 4/5

please make undead ver

All of the problems you've mentioned have already been fixed:)
Level 1
Nov 29, 2013
Great campaign, on mission 5 atm, but I'm experiencing a game freeze when I try to recruit the 2 villagers to footmen at the bottom right portion of the map in chapter 5.
Level 1
Nov 25, 2012
I haven't played this campaign yet, but I find this very interesting. Playing the WCIII campaign again would definitely bring back old memories. The new features of this campaign, though, would make the experience much more exciting. Kudos to the creator/editor of this project!