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The REAL Life of a Peasant!

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I always wondered how the Life of a Peasant included cars, a police-force, drugs, guns, futuristic marines... it just doesn't 'fit in'. In REAL LIFE, peasants were [poor,] helpless farmers and tradesmen that had a rather nasty life. It was the Knights, Nobles, Lords, Barons, Squires, and royalty that had what we would call the 'good life'. Peasants did what they were commanded to do by their king, and, if not, well... let's just say they were either decapitated or 'dis-armed', if you will.

What am I proposing? Someone make a peasant about the REAL life of a peasant, with features such as farming and crafting for specific players. If the players didn't cooperate, the King (which will be computer-controlled) will punish them in a way. This could be death (don't return from that), fines, or confiscation of property (which would be given to players at start as well). But should you do good in your work, you may get certain bonuses. There should be a specific chance that an item is made, a crop is harvested, a fish is cleaned, etc. that increases with level (which would be given each time you perform your assigned task).

Should your disposition with the King become high (which can be determined by your quality of work, or by doing various deeds or quests or favors in your 'spare time'), you may be promoted to Squire, which will entitle you to doing various jobs that are more noble and less... well, dirty. If you become good with weapons or riding a horse (which are things you learn as a Squire by NPC's around the Castle/town), a Knight may decide to take you as an apprentice. This brings me to my next point: combat. There should be a fluid, real-time combat system as opposed to regular auto-rape styled RTS attacking.

If you become a Knight's apprentice, you will be given a ridable Horse that is dynamic. Over time, he may become thirsty, hungry, or dirty, in which case you will need to give him water, feed him hay, or clean him, lest the IRREPLACEABLE horse die. You will also have access to certain Knight-apprentice only quests that will be given to you by certain nobles. After accomplishing quests, you will Knighted, and given a set of armor and your property will be extended with trigger-controlled NPC's and larger land. They will automatically gather resources for you at the cost of a portion in your extended land, food, and protection. Lose any of these, and they WILL leave you.

In order to balance out the Knights from other players, Knights will only be able to SUGGEST a place or person to attack to your Captain. If he believes it is strategical, he will obey. If he believes it goes against the King or is immoral, he won't send your trigger-controlled soldiers to fight. This makes the game fair.

So... anyone want to take up the task of making Life of a Peasant the way it should be?
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I don't take it, I'm doing too many things... Anyway put a subversive group of paesants, peons, acolytes and wisps who plans to take over the kingdoms :p

It's actually a good idea, cept' only peasants should be doing that. Maybe the Knight, after gaining alot of power, could challenge the King? I dunno.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Such large maps like this are made of two things:

-There might be some difficult functions that you have to write on a sheet. The sheet will help you adding those functions to your map. Writing game design and gameplay on a sheet helps very much too.

-Simple way - open WE and make the map. Piece by piece, day and overnight, rarely looking on the sheet.

I'm already working on warcraftizated civilization project - large like hell, but I already decided (using sheet) that units' positions will be stored as X and Y, and terrain improvements will be invisible units with X and Y too. I have even requested a model of chariot.

Only you are able to make that map. If you make it, you'll be a hero. Actually, you don't have to spend too much time on your project - make it sloooowly.. with alpha tests.

EDIT: yeah, get started.. first make king's hall and place where to become a knight.. then use alpha tests to figure out how a player will turn into knight.. Pretty good idea, I hope you make the map.
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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
So... eventually, after ze' Shabbos (which I'm not allowed to reply on this stupid thing on, only doing it because I'm a bad boy [sorta]) I'll get started.
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