After having played almost the whole campain, these my impressions:
In generall i tend to rate Campaigns always relatively good. But i have to admit, this one is definetely not a nice Campagn. Apparently, the Mapper hasn't invested a lot of time in his Campaign. The Cinematics are lame, the story a catastrophy.
The Enemy: Creeps or Undead Units standing mostly on a single spot. It is hard to loose in this Campaign in the first two maps, because it is damn easy. You simply get always 2 Heros over lvl 6 with healing abilities and you fight agains creeps. Not such a Challange, hm? It gets harder in the later maps though. This is definitely a beginners Campaign, altough a few maps tend to be pretty difficult. Please note that the whole campain is an hero-run-through. You will only play heros and never establish a base.
What i also dont like: No drop system im the Map. I have killed all creeps in the sideroads, but you won't get any nice Item as a reward for your extra work. Its simply a waste of time exploring a map!
Im very sorry for such a critique of this campaign, i used to do mapping when i was young as well, and my maps weren't that good as well. But compared to other campaigns, this one ... lets keep it modest... is damn boring. Unfortunately, one of the worst campains i have ever played, sorry man.
Ok, enough complaining, here are some positive aspects:
Well, the landescape and the terrain are good, at least sometimes. What i also like is that you play different heros in every Map. So, if you were a warcraft newbie, you would get to know interesting abilites. Your main hero remains in the whole Campain, but you get (and loose) heros in every new map. In Map 2 for example, you will play 4 different heros, and they are not the basic warcraft III heros we know with the standart abilities.
Although the story is boring, and the cinematics have no effects, the dialogues are quite amusing!
I had to laugh a couple of times, pretty funny. You main hero is... insane, well, its kinda funny to listen to his madness.
I also like the involement of the neutral heros in this campain who join your path. A very decent idea is: You can (!) choose which heros you want to continue playing with. What an excellent idea. And the story behind choosing them is always quite funny!
All in all i can not recommend this campain, because there are enough amazing campains here in hive. You can play it if: you have too much time to kill, you like hero-run-through. I suggest to skip the first 2 maps and cheat trough them, it get more interesting and more difficult from map 3.
So, this time, only 2/5