I felt like I had to report more stuff about the Oakwood storyline.
At the moment I’m working hard on creating quests for the 3 factions while Kingz and RaiN. are working on the spells of some of the classes. I’ve made a rough storyline for Oakwood already but I prefer to not entirely post it yet because it takes really a lot of time to write everything down in correct English with detailed explanations.
Instead I will post a small storyline preview within the next few days.
For now I will release how far I am into creating quests.
3 Quests done. Doing these quests will give a player 2 basic equipment items and enough experience to get to level 2,5.
10 Quests done. 8 of them are for the starting area; allowing a player to roughly level to level 5 and gear up with a full set of basic equipment. The other 2 quests are for level 9 and 30.
8 Quests done. 7 of them are for the starting area; allowing a player to roughly level to 4,5 and gear up with an almost full set of basic equipment. One of them is a group quest. Quest number 8 is a Ranger only quest; giving the Ranger a rare item after handing in the quest. (I’m planning to add class specific quests for each class at a certain level to gain some extra powerful gear)
At the moment I’m working hard on creating quests for the 3 factions while Kingz and RaiN. are working on the spells of some of the classes. I’ve made a rough storyline for Oakwood already but I prefer to not entirely post it yet because it takes really a lot of time to write everything down in correct English with detailed explanations.
Instead I will post a small storyline preview within the next few days.
For now I will release how far I am into creating quests.
3 Quests done. Doing these quests will give a player 2 basic equipment items and enough experience to get to level 2,5.
10 Quests done. 8 of them are for the starting area; allowing a player to roughly level to level 5 and gear up with a full set of basic equipment. The other 2 quests are for level 9 and 30.
8 Quests done. 7 of them are for the starting area; allowing a player to roughly level to 4,5 and gear up with an almost full set of basic equipment. One of them is a group quest. Quest number 8 is a Ranger only quest; giving the Ranger a rare item after handing in the quest. (I’m planning to add class specific quests for each class at a certain level to gain some extra powerful gear)