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The New Guardian, need 3D GIF modelling

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Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
The New Guardian, need 3D GIF modelling need Help


I am new here, and actively making new hero suggestions in Play DotA.

I have a request :), this below. I took the original from here, and change it using photoshop, i only know basic photoshop, so the result it is not totally like what i wish. I wish her either use sword like Frostmourne or Naginata Spear or Manoroth double blade spear. I want her to wear blouse like below with some decoration at the brown side and so she look more feminine and ancient. Her arm band also if can make it Elven-like, but she is human. I also want her to wear Medivh cloack/cape, bird like cape to suite her background, i intend to make her Medivh apperentice. The other heroes models didn't fit what i have in mind and the theme, so if it can be converted into 3D Gif...

This is my hero, click here

What i edit is :
1. Her sword, originally two swords i make into one
2. I give her cape
3. Her dress, i make her wear blouse so she not look like Jaina, i remove the original armor
4. Her shoulder band
5. Colors
6. I make her hand smaller, the original is tooo BIG for a woman.
7. I make her boobs look more like boobs :p



Qistina, The New Guardian

It anyone can make it...it is WONDERFUL! Thanks :)
Last edited:
Hmm, I cannot remember you asking for permission for any edit of this model nor I gave you ANY permission to edit any content of it (contents are model, icons, screenshots and anything else associated with the model). So please do you mind removing it from the DotA site and from here, or do I have to make you remove it.
If you do not like the look of the model you can always give suggestions to improve it, but simply editing any content is as arrogant as it could be.
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
Sorry i don't know that i need to ask for permission...i thought everybody is free to edit any models in Warcraft because everybody in DotA site using any models taken from anywhere...without permission from the original author and i doubt all the modelers in the site even know who create those models. If you want to sue me, then sue everyone in the site and all sites related to Warcraft.

But sorry again because i refuse to remove it. It is not like the original model in anyway, and it is my idea. The model i edited as you see is not like what i have in mind either as you can see in my post i am giving detail of what the model is suppose to be. So your model is just a base reference to produce mine that similar to Warcraft model or it will not look like Warcraft. I didn't use your model as my model, i create my own model and it is not about i like or don't like your model, i am creating my own.

My model is a single sword or spear user, female human, with Medivh-like cape or bird-like cape, wearing blouse. This is my model, totally not like yours, and it is not your model to begin with. I cannot draw it and i cannot do programming thing.

I am sorry if you consider this as arrogant...i put a link to your model, and i mention about i took the original from that link, that is link to your model. I can say i create it my self but i link it to you as a respect. And i didn't take all the credit of producing this partial model...as it is linked to you although it is my model. And i don't take profit anyway, i don't make money with it or gain influence...if this model being used in Warcraft, everybody can play her, it is for everybody.

So, i am sorry again.
What about this?

"I make this model, edit from original taken from Warcraft 3 model. I wish her to look like this below. Using single two handed sword. This time i look into simple skills. Hope you like it. All you need is PRAY

You did not make it. It is a lie. Change it to tell the fruth that you edited my model. Oh, btw that model is scratch-made. Only the head is made by Blizzard.
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
I did make it, edit from original taken from Warcraft 3 model site. This is what i wrote there clearly shown. I am not native English speaking.And at the picture, i put the link to your model.

So, you took from the original Blizzard model? Why bashing me using your model as base reference? I thought you are the creator of Warcraft models......:hohum:and i thought you are Warcraft/Blizzard representative.

you are bullying me....

If you don't want to make it, it is fine...no one care the hero suggestion i made anyway and i myself not capable to make any GIF image or even draw any character like in Warcraft.

Thanks anyway...
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
Okay...sorry if i offend you...(despite i tell the truth where i got the model to everybody)

Its going no where anyway...:sad: my hero suggestion is not good.

It was them who refer to this site to take any models at the first place...:sad:
Level 12
May 4, 2008
This is so funny, she doesnt understand half of what ur saying and argues with you O_O

Nizaris, all Warcraft models can be freely edited if they are taken straight from Blizzard's MPQ, any model taken from a site is partly made or completely made by other people, which is why you have to download them and not simply have them in your editor

What frank did was take a Blizzard character head and put it on a body he made by hand. so you have to ask permision since he made the body, to use his body

and Frank asked that you change "i made this model, edited" to "i edited this model from:" instead, it can be confusing
Level 12
May 4, 2008
i do admit that it was poorly writen, the fact that Nizaris is not native English is not really an excuse, but explaining why it was writen wrong may help :) if it makes sense to her that "i made this model, edit from original" meant "Edited from model X" i can understand :) i passed through that point a few years back when i started learning english XD things that made no sense seemed like the only possible thing to me
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
okay...what is the different between "i make this model edited from" and "i edit this model taken from"? I did make it? And i did taken from original?

Okay...to avoid negative situation i will change it to "I edit this model taken from"

So, it is okay to take from Blizzard? If that so, it is better i edit from Blizzard and not from this site...funny, how come original artist at Blizzard don't mind but artist from this site so sensitive?
Level 12
May 4, 2008
okay...what is the different between "i make this model edited from" and "i edit this model taken from"? I did make it? And i did taken from original?

Make it and Edit it are two completely different things,

Made means from scratch i.e. Frank MADE the body

Edited means taking something that is already made and changing things on it (resknning, remodeling, animating etc.)

and also, "i make this model edited from" doesnt make any sense both language-wise and meaning-wise

EDIT: Also, you actualy paid for the models by bying WC3, so they dont give a damn, hey you paid the right to use them :)
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
Oooh i see, so when we buy a game we buy the right to use, remake, edit and anything on every content in it? That is cool. (i buy the pirate one anyway, don't blame me, there is no original CD at my place, all PC software shop here sell pirate one. Original CD is way too expansive, you can buy food for two or three weeks, no one buy original)

Thanks for clear things up. Sorry for all the trouble. So sorry:sad: i don't mean to offend anyone...sorry again.

By the way, few minutes ago something strange happen, when i click a page come out it say the server hickup and there is a game of floating asteroid.:wconfused:
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
Oh...you such a bully...:angry: i already link it to you, isn't that enough? Everyone can read your name at the link :angry:
Level 2
Jul 16, 2010
No...:nw: it is my model, not yours. Your model is just a reference to make it Warcraft-like, and i thought it is Warcraft model because of Jaina Proudmore head. So, link it to you is enough to show respect and you should be honored by that for i could, if i want to, not mention you at all.

If i know this will happen, i don't mention anything and just put this picture here and anywhere, but i feel i must link it to you...but you treat me like this...:sad:

I don't mind about this thing anymore...bye.
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