Equality is pretty strong IMO to reduce pressure, and it can really save games (cheap too). Combined with consecration, you can easily get counter-pressure:
I also hate divine spirit:
It is one of the only cards that are percentage-based. It is easily countered by things like equality, shadow word/insta kill abilities, polymorph, and hex, but it can really screw you over if you don't get the card or if you don't have one of those in your deck. Combine it with lightspawn:
And it is game over (if you don't have a counter). No joke, someone casted lightspawn, two divine spirits on it (20 hp = 20 attack), and gibbed me.
I didn't have a card to counter it.
Raging worgens are one of those things you have to try to kill right away. I personally try to set-up flesheating ghoul (
link) with a nice buff, and tanks on the side to try to get a lot of pressure. If it isn't killed right away, I can usually get to about 6-9 attack. But anyway, any windfury things freak the hell out of me. This one guy literally gave an earth totem windfury (it had 0 attack too, lol) and I was still scared and wanted to kill it.