This will cost 5 mana and be a 3/2. Guess who is the new Magma Rager? Welcome to the never being used again club!
Seriously though, now buzzard will be used in late-game hunter control / tempo decks. Rush lost its card draw momentum.
This will cost 5 mana now. Okay, not a great nerf. It will still be played, but good thing is Miracle cannot hit you for 18 + 8 (if 2 cold blood are used) for a whooping 26 damage on turn 10 now. Also Handlock cannot Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator for 20 damage to the face. And last, Hunter cannot abuse the Starving Buzzard + Leeroy + Unleash the Hounds for extra 2 doggies.
Here is Trump's opinion on the recent change, and quite frankly I agree with him.
Finally the meta is broken and we can now see other decks besides hunter, rogue, warlock + warrior/paladin control.
This will cost 5 mana and be a 3/2. Guess who is the new Magma Rager? Welcome to the never being used again club!
Seriously though, now buzzard will be used in late-game hunter control / tempo decks. Rush lost its card draw momentum.
This will cost 5 mana now. Okay, not a great nerf. It will still be played, but good thing is Miracle cannot hit you for 18 + 8 (if 2 cold blood are used) for a whooping 26 damage on turn 10 now. Also Handlock cannot Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator for 20 damage to the face. And last, Hunter cannot abuse the Starving Buzzard + Leeroy + Unleash the Hounds for extra 2 doggies.
Here is Trump's opinion on the recent change, and quite frankly I agree with him.
Finally the meta is broken and we can now see other decks besides hunter, rogue, warlock + warrior/paladin control.