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The Growling Winds

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map contains elements of wow, diablo 3 and diablo 2 gameplay. It contains:
-custom combat system (damage depending of weapon, strength, talents, custom made chance to crit depending of agility (or intelligence for spells), spell school resistances (and resistance penetration), chance to crit scales up with your level (you for example have bigger chance to crit lower or your level mobs than mobs and players higher level than you are), chance to hit, etc.)
-damage show system (just like in wow - white damage for normal attacks, yellow for spells and abilities, orange for pets and it will grow and shrink for criticals)
-items with many custom made bonuses (healthsteal, +to certain talents, +to certain ability stat, etc)
-talents system (requires level 10, up to 50 talents per class (so far), each with its unique bonuses such as +% to strength, agility or intelligence, +to spell power depending from intelligence, strength, maximum health or mana, +to weapon damage, chance to crit or even critical multiplier, etc.)
-custom experience system (mobs much lower than you give you very little to no experience while bosses and minibosses give you a lot more than ordinary mobs, etc)
-5 fully playable unique classes, each with it's own talents and possible specializations (for example: Death Knight can either spec as fighter, spell caster or a tank.

And a lot lot more

However, I would like to point out that this is an alpha version and nothing you see here is final. There are many things to be done such as vendors, lore, save/load system, credits, etc.

wow, diablo, diablo 3, serbianbeast, orpg, rpg, wind, growl, growling winds, epic, system

The Growling Winds (Map)

13:47, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 4
Jul 22, 2008
I'm for keeping him.

Try to add more classes later on if the space allows it by choosing lower sized models or maybe skins (ex. one i proposed above)
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Ok me and my friend just finished abomination. I played archer. So this is what i have to say:
1 level spell are almost unusable, like piercing arrow... i used only fire arrows vs bosses and vs creeps multi arrow.
Normal attack does more damage than spells later game.
Ok vs abomination... he has to much hp, and he could kill barbarian, but we were fighting him couple of minutes, like 5 or more... put more damage to him, and less hp... this doesnt gave any sence like this...
So you need to balance spells vs normal damage.
Make all bosses do lots of damage but not so much hp, i mean not imba hp. Magnataur boss was cool.
Then merchant items... and spell three, make a button that removes all spells instantly, and y you cant see description of spells when right click, only on talent three. Hope i Helped, keep the great job. Make focus on PvP also later :D, PvP keep games/maps like this alive.
Level 4
Jul 22, 2008
Suggestion: Turn this map into a campaign and turn duengeon areas, such as where you fight the mountain king, into seperate maps for greater size and detail. Also, make the areas less linear and amp up the difficulty in the beginning.
Level 1
Mar 5, 2009
Wow this game is really awesome and has the potential to be an amazing rpg.
Pros: Very Unique; although similar to WoW it still has its indivduality.
-arrange of abilites that looked and worked great.
-The talent system is awesome and brings the concept of not every character is the same which makes it immediately different from other rpgs e.g. The Black Road and Defiance.
-The models looked good
-Lifesteal affecting spells is good because it balances the characters out with pvp and survivability.
-Terrain could be improved but still looked good.

Cons: The minimap was all over the show.
-Creeps were a bit repeatitive
-The Abomination end boss didnt do much and i was able to solo him with storm.
-more variety of items due to the same items dropping.
-higher drop rate of items.
-needs some info/quests
-needs some text with spells/abilities, because you find out what they do after you get them.
-Probably need to add in a few more towns and maybe some shops to purchase other items.
I know my opinions aren't valid and this game is only in alpha stage, but i just think these improvements could help the game dramitically.
Overall it was a good game to play but it took some time to get a hnag of everything. 5/5
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
I will most likely do what you just said. If I get to finish it before sc2 comes out. There will be dungeons (if I solve map size problems) and pvp maps separated from the main map (this map is actually starter map of TGW). Anyway, just finishing new 3 spells per class and the new area. Next version will most likely be done by the end of the next week
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
An amazing map for sure. Well done, Serbianbeast, I am impressed.

As was mentioned I would advise you add at least some info about the map because when I started it I had no idea where to go or what to do. In fact I didn't even know if it was sandbox or linear. The heroes are amazing but some seem more powerful than others later on. I played with my friend and I was a mage while he was a death knight. Now, at the start I pretty much got owned whenever I went 2v1 or 3v1 and my friend couldn't be damaged with all his hp and armor. Later on, when I got more mana and HP my friend didn't even damage the creeps as I just spammed AoE spells and pretty much killed anything before it even got to us. Might want to balance that a bit maybe.

All in all it was a great map and I look forward to later releases. I also hope you'll add more levels and make it longer :)
Level 1
Dec 17, 2008
quite nice map.

I know it´s an alpha-map, but for later versions try to make nice terrain such as the Mine, it´s really great.

Need´s perhaps some more blue drops. Bosses need to have not hp but abilities.

The Frost-mage deals way too much dmg with Frost-Missiles(Me, myself made a crit around 45k dmg), and the area of the ice-explosion is a bit too small.

Dk is quite nice for hitting single target´s but for myself the revive-buff-skills are boring better would be an instant aoe or something like bone-armor(out of wow) for tanking
Level 3
Aug 29, 2004
Take your time. Looks like everyone who plays this map absolutely loves it. I guess when it comes down to it, I would remove your stormseeker for a healing class as well. But perhaps you can make the healer a summoner type instead (synergizes with the healing afterall) due to the fact that everyone seems very caster like as it is (not the barb of course). A melee healer would make an interesting combo as well. Still though, it would be a damn shame to let three storms and lightning shield (I have been waiting for someone to have this skill on a hero for a DAMN long time) go to waste. I know those models are large and beautiful, but the barb's 700kb does seem a little unnecessary.
Level 2
Apr 23, 2008
Best alpha map I've ever played.Loved your models,mainly the Death Knight.This will be amazing when it reaches beta,and then when it's complete.
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Next version changes so far:
-changed how spell penetration works: instead of reducing the resistance to all schools by it's total amount it will now reduce it by a percent (1 penetration reduces by 1% and 100 penetration by 100%, which is maximum).
-added a new area
-fixed bug with death knight's blood strike dot
-fixed bug with mobs having resistances increased more than expected
-chance to get a rare item increases with creep's level
-reduced how strength and agility affect physical damage (reduced from 1% per point to 0.1% per point) and how intelligence affects spell damage (reduced from 1% per point to 0.1% per point) so that the PvP aspect of the game (yet to come) will be possible. On the other hand, health of mobs around the map has been reduced progressively (no change at the start of the game, 3x times less hp for the end game mobs). Since the HP of heroes will remain the same, I have also modified spells and effects that benefit from hero's maximum HP (such as item procs, Crushing Blow, Seismic Wave etc).

More to come until the version hits public
Level 3
Jan 14, 2009
hmmm im a bit for and against at the same time seeing as how he is awsome as a "strike mage" class utilizeing fast hard hitting meele atacks and aoe crowd pleaser spells however it would be nice to see him balanced a bit via debuff and making him range would deffinetly call for less atk speed and less hp wile still retaining the aoe goodness that comes with lightning based magics so all in all i think ima have to say yeah he should be changed to a ranged aoe caster or at the veryleast debuffed a lil bit
Level 1
May 2, 2009
Just wanted to tell you, this is one of the best maps I've ever played, ignoring the fact that it's not even done yet.

Keep up the great work, take your time and this will be go down into the Hall of Fame for sure :)
Level 2
Jun 4, 2007
good map.. i like the custom items n custom heros.. kinda fun.. but xcept the map is lil kinda like 2 crowded.. wit mobs.. n half the map is mising with no mobs :p should try 2 add more mobs n stuf :) n itl b best map.. gj
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
good map.. i like the custom items n custom heros.. kinda fun.. but xcept the map is lil kinda like 2 crowded.. wit mobs.. n half the map is mising with no mobs :p should try 2 add more mobs n stuf :) n itl b best map.. gj

Well, its still a work in progress so you cant expect it to be complete. But the progress so far is amazing. The talent tree is great and the characters are quite fun. 5/5 And Im excited to see what comes from this map in the future.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
@Krisserz: I think so, yes :) I would really like to help this map to become legendary, but all the systems are almost perfect by now :)

@SerbianBeast: Can't remember your opinion about healers? but I belive it would make the game-play even more unique and fun :) Just balance it so it's useful both in singleplayer and/or in a small group. Like each healing effects both you and your team with a healing over time :)
I would also like to see one Aura for each class, I belive it's only the storm-seeker who has one which effect the whole team atm.

Anywho, I still can't describe how awesome this map is xD All the systems are superior :D Good job on that, and hopefully we can expect a new version soon .. Please update us on the status :p
Level 1
May 5, 2009
finally, i was waiting for some good news here. You don't have to put too many classes at the cost of quality since your heroes are so well themed. Might I add that I'm a big fan of your maps. Guess we'll wait for the updates then...
Level 1
May 5, 2009
I wouldn't bee adding any more classes. 5 classes you saw will remain in the next version, except storm seeker which has been recreated.

hm... that is kinda needed. it was a bit imbalanced due to the skills. anyway, i hope you come up with some interesting lore because most rpgs have more or less cliched plots.
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Project, despite all my efforts, is put to a halt since it's already eating too much memory even tho I have really tried to fix all memory leaks (and am still certain that there aren't any left), but since everything is made in GUI... I expect that's normal. Anyway, it's too much for me to handle alone and I'm missing free time to work on it, and like you might have noticed, there a %#@$load of stuff to be done until it's completion.
Level 4
Sep 27, 2009
First and foremost -- I am stunned, this is quite impressive. I played it with a few friends and we enjoyed it alot.
Things I did like;
-Map has its own combat system.
-Loot notice. :thumbs_up:
-Spells scaled up as the hero leveled.
-Terrain was quite nice in the areas finished, the mine was amazing.
-Talent and Interchangable abilities.
-Each hero was able to crush on their own, some you had to be a little more conservative with your body such as elementalist vs dk and barbarian.
-Night archer -- just cause I wrecked masses with him just by simply attack moving.

Things I didn't like;
-So few hero choices. (I can understand how hard it is to make heroes and with triggering such as this I know it's quite complicated, if you refuse to make any more I won't see this map any differently.)
-The Magnataur boss -- kept targeting me with his spell even when I was outside the cave as elementalist and so I basically kept getting one shotted
-The Death Knight capable of mowing hordes of enemies without a scratch with just a small amount of life steal.
-The fact I hit a 54k crit with storm seeker on the last boss, yeah it was awesome to watch a 5 digit number fly off. Same with elementalist, frost missles scored me 65k crits sometimes.
-Occasionally (I've played this many times to try to get successful builds) the end game blues never dropped at all on the undead.
-There were no healing spells and a friend and I were trying to fight the Magnataur boss, he made it out alive though we didn't kill the boss and he was nearly dead but we had no potions to heal with.

I think this map is really great, and I would love to see it finished or at least more of it finished. No rush though, I know life > games.
quite a enjoyable map i would say. completed two times with my brother... which is saying something cos we never play anything twice, especially something linear like this. i like the variety of it and the way you can customise your hero for whatever foe you face. first dl-ed this like at the start of the year, really wanted and waited for an update but it looks like you stopped. thats really unfortunate cos i really liked this map.
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Everytime I try to make a map, a good one especially, I get to a point where it gets so frustrating and time consuming that I simply lose interest in it. I might, some day, return to this project, just to finish what I've started and complete it, but as for now, I have way too many work to do for my college and in printing office that I simply can't find any free time to keep this thing going (even tho I was really excited about 8MB patch). New version might become live in January, but there's simply no way I can do anything about it until then...