The Eternal Battle v1.3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is an AoS type of map,including a Duel Arena for PvP and many characteristics from ORPG's which i love.My purpose was to make a map both fascinating and with exciting like AoS's with the the Classical style of the ORPG's.:gg:

So...Here is the story of the map
You choose your race either Blood Elves Survivors which are fighting for the sake of good and peace,or Fel Orc Legion whose main purpose is to destroy all existence and bring Chaos to the world.Each race has her own base,with creeps spawning.You pick a hero,and try to destroy the towers protecting your enemies base,in order to destroy its Main Building and win.You will have to fight your way through a vast ammount of creeps and a some determent heroes,to stop you.If you want to explore the amazing countryside feel free to do so.There are many places you can visit,and fight with with Neutral Creeps.There are villages,some of them raided by bandits,other peacefull.There are Gnoll Camps,satyr's nests,wolves regions and of course the 2 legendary bosses.Kill them and you get gold and an random item.Also,every few minutes the Duel Arena system picks a random hero from each team to fight to the death with his opponent.The winner's team get stronger creeps spawn until the next arena fight!

I think i've described the most part of the map,so i will leave the rest to be found out by you.

1.3 -->No major changes made, just a few bugs fixed, improved terrain a bit, and added a new mini-quest as well as a few more commands.

Credits are given in Map Info(F9).

Fight,Battle,Eternal,Eternal Battle,Blood Elves,Fel Orc,AoS,Epic Battle,reason

The Eternal Battle v1.3 (Map)

23:20, 7th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated) You can definitely do better :/ For the terrain, I suggest exporting everything (triggers, imported files, objects), clicking on "new map", importing everything again and creating the terrain.




23:20, 7th Dec 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)

You can definitely do better :/
For the terrain, I suggest exporting everything (triggers, imported files, objects), clicking on "new map", importing everything again and creating the terrain.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
I never said i finished it :D.Actually this is the 3rd version of it...But i'm gonna take a break of map making and though to upload it,so i see what people think of it.
In my opinion,it would require about 3 months more or have it finished.Right now,terrain needs improving,we need more heroes,more items,better spells,Trigger fixes/leaks,maybe optimize some of the importent staff and of course balancing.
This could do as a Beta test.
i don't see any reasons

Erm, arent you the reason?:xxd:

Anyways the terrain looks kinda bad, but will download and try it out.


Okay, tested the map and sorry, it wasnt that funny.
I was playing with the blood elf mage and here is my small review:

Terrain: Your terrain really sucks. No tile variation, no doodads and when you place doodads you just mass some flowers, no heightvariation. 1/5
Heroes: The heroes i saw, had a nice look and also some okay icons. The spells wasnt that cool and their descriptions was really undetailed. Some of the spells didnt even have any description. 2/5
Gameplay: Classic AoS, with some new features but it needs something that makes the user play the map again. 1/5
Balance: The units was well balanced, but the hero was really weak, and its spells wasnt that useful. I had a spell that increased my damage and i was an intelligence hero. 2/5
Items: Nothing special, just some standard items. 2/5
Overall: The map needs alot more work but it have potential to be good if you just do something with the things i wrote above. 8/25
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Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Funny :p

I guess you tried the Phoenix Guard hero...this hero is unfinished,so do me a favour and try another one?Maybe Varimathras?(i love him:p)

Yeah i know this isn't anything new...and it needs much more work.I never had planned to upload the map so fast to the public...but for my personal reasons i will take a break from map making,and until i start editing it again,i thought that uploading and getting some ratings would be good.
Thanks to all,and +rep!
Level 7
Aug 20, 2005
Quick review

Ok here's my mini review of the map so far.

Very polished for such an early release, I really like the multi-board and the event announcements. Custom Models are a good inclusion too.

However, The Terrain is 'bite the back of my hand off' BORING. DULL DULL DULL.. Ahem. Tileset variation would be nice, and less straight lines. Height variation and custom doodads would be nice.

The Heroes used mostly blizzard abilities, and as result were extremely boring. Nothing that cant be fixed though. Same goes for the Items , they were generic and boring.

I also noticed that you use damage detection system. Keep in mind that these ALL leak, and if you are using a gui one you have 1 event leak for every unit on your map. Atm it appears that you have set this to Heroes only, which could keep leaks down, but be careful.

Not a bad beta, i have seen much worse. 2/5.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Ok here's my mini review of the map so far.

Very polished for such an early release, I really like the multi-board and the event announcements. Custom Models are a good inclusion too.

However, The Terrain is 'bite the back of my hand off' BORING. DULL DULL DULL.. Ahem. Tileset variation would be nice, and less straight lines. Height variation and custom doodads would be nice.

The Heroes used mostly blizzard abilities, and as result were extremely boring. Nothing that cant be fixed though. Same goes for the Items , they were generic and boring.

I also noticed that you use damage detection system. Keep in mind that these ALL leak, and if you are using a gui one you have 1 event leak for every unit on your map. Atm it appears that you have set this to Heroes only, which could keep leaks down, but be careful.

Not a bad beta, i have seen much worse. 2/5.

Thanks:)Yeah it is a GUI one,and a very simple one.I knew that it could leak,that's why it is only for heroes.About terrain sorry guys,i'm not that good there.I am more like "programmer"...So i mostly work on triggers.
Heroes indeed have many blizzard default abilities and i plan on chaning them.
Items are boring too,i plan on adding a recipe system and much more unique items in future.
Thanks for review and +rep.
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Sorry about double-post.I post this to upload some more photos of the map.I tried to improve the terrain a bit,i also want you people to know that i will release the 1.2c in the coming week.I found some bugs that gonna be fixed in the upcoming version.No major changes...
*I will also try do decrease file size by optimizing imported staff.
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Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Thx for your offer Boneknight,but i think i can manage it.
1.2c will be soon out with a part of the terrain re-made.I think you people will like it.Wait and you will see :):smile:
Made a Custom Tile :p

EDIT: 1.2c is out improving terrain a bit,fixing a few bugs found,adding game tips and improving some of the triggers.
More updates are about to come...
Vote/rate :)
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Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
I noticed a few couple of things when playing this.

First of all, I never new that you could repick before it was to late, suddenly it just came to me that I couldn't repick anymore :(

Abilities ... cmon you are a triggerer for goodness sake, you know how to import spells, just look in our section, got tons of them. If you don't wanna create them by yourself ofc :)

The towers are well hidden in the trees + for that BUT the orcs have a tower which is very close to drakthul village which have some neutral guards and I think the tower can attack them.

Right where in hell is drakthul ... schiesse was a blood elf and I couldn't find him so had to pop iseedeadpeople and even then it was hard to find him (A)

2 legendary bosses which drops WTF medallion of courage! :p

Make a single player mode which detects single player and removes the arena because else you win very easy in single mod.

It's a bit plain in the bases, I know it's hard to fill but in my opinion they are way to big

Is it some kind of random number of spawns? cause to me in the beginning it always seemed that the other team had alot more creeps than I had

You should mention in the description that this map is protected else the map mods will be crazy

Is there any teleport item in this? Cause it takes ALOT of time to travel here ...

The circle of powers are unneeded after repick is off so remove them please :)

And also because there are two towers, you cant really push in the very beginning of the game because the towers slaughters everything that comes neear them. But I don't say you should remove them but maybe just slow the attack speed by 0.1 or something :D

I would rate this a 2/5 cause this map got potential but got loads of stuff to change but please fix spells! :)
Level 15
Aug 11, 2009
Yeah thx for commenting :) definetely +rep!
I know that i need to edit more staff if i want the map to become sort of popular but meh...
This is the first map i made, and when i started making this i didn't have a clue about map making, terrain was designed completely wrong and i think its too late to re-make it.
I just updated it cause i found a few bugs.
I don't if i will continue editing this, i plan on making another map.Who knows..

No there is no random modifier Creep Spawn triggers are completely the same.