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The Derby v1.9

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Reactions: Garfield1337
The Derby!

Description: A fun game with friends or with public. Play as a better or a racer! Save up your gold, buy new racers!

- 4 Race Tracks (Oval, Straight, Figure of 8, Farm, more to come!)
- 15 Different Racers to choose from! (Wizard, Raider, Bandit, Huntress, Warlord, Kodo, Undead, Natural, Seer, Priestess, Archmage, FelRaider, BanditLord, FelKodo and Chieftain)
- An intricate betting system (The more a player wins, the less you'll win from him, odds basically!)
- 3rd Person Speedy Racing
- Jumps, Obstacles and Sheep!

Version: v1.9
Version 1.3:
- First public release!
Version 1.4:
- 5 new racers! (kinda)
- Some stat changes
- Some bug fixes
- Chance for bonus boost at start
- Some options
- Stables to change back to old racers
- Choice of 'starter racer'
- Infomation in F9 Quests
Version 1.5:
- New 'Jungle' racetrack
Version 1.7:
- New Slide System
- New 'City' racetrack
Version 1.8;
- Smaller unit collisions
- Arrows in ambiguous areas
- Lowered Dye Cost
Version 1.9
- Tunnel Stuck Bug Fixed
- Jungle Hidden Jump now gives a boost









horse racing derby race fun mini game minigame racing

The Derby v1.9 (Map)

05:05, 2nd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Still a lot of room for improvement, but it's acceptable.

- The terrain could be better (the edges of the track for example, details can make the difference ^^).
- You should be able to check the current stats of your races, as I didn't know what the difference between kodo and fel kodo was for example.
- I was testing out sume stuff, and when I missed the other platform on the 8-track (in the jump) and then tried to go the wrong direction for the missed checkpoints, I had to redo all 3 laps >_<
- The only leaks I noticed were in "Unused slots", and that's really not a big deal either way.
- Add quests with information.
- I didn't really like the turning, the arrow keys would be smoother and better in my opinion, but that's your decision.

For the rest: good triggers, nice gameplay (although repetitive, if you can think of anything to solve that: add it).


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Better Terrain - I was thinking of adding maybe spectators for the 'event tracks', cus I didn't wanna change them much. Or did you mean like.. some extra plants in the in-between bits?
I'm also going to add 2 more themed tracks like the farm one.

Ooer also apoc, theres no checkpoints xP, it just checks which way you cross the finish line. (And going back and forth across the line won't work)
Also where are the leaks exactly?
Quests... mhhm ok.
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Aw nice, I started making my own racing map, but never got around to finishing it. It was going to be a jungle/forest type, but using a lot of similar parts from Azeroth Grand Prix, such as the starting area/pit-stop.

Anyways, nice job.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Very fun mini-game it's really another good map by The-Spoon.
The gameplay was fun (needs more players to get everything from the map)
The idea is very nice. Betting system is nice.
Only the terran wasn't perfect but still.
I think the map deserves 5/5

Keep up the good work :thumbs_up:
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
Excellent map! I really enjoyed it.
Movement could use some polish though,it just looks somewhat unnatural,also there should be option that lets player who is running a race alone to quit immediately since sometimes i start race and all others didn't sign up for it so we just waste time.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I don't know this is a kind of bug or not?

Sometimes when the games ended, warcraft.exe become not responding.

Not only me, some ppl in my rooms also said it.


To make the game more fun. Why don't u makes . . . . some event or items that can shoot each with any abnormally effect.

Example for event:
Fog , make a vision in the racecource become white. [50% percent transparency]
Raining, make a knockback when u turn left or right , more worse.
Meteor fall[drop from sky], anyone who touch it. Make them stun for 0.1s and knockback for 150 range.
Wind, everytime u click "w" , u need 2 "w" for increase 1 speed.
Thunder [drop from sky], who touch it will make them slow ms xx% with x seconds. and their size become smaller
Snow , some water patter become freeze and u couldn't change any direction after u ride it until it crushed the wall or units..

Just example.
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Nice but . . .

Man i will say seriously, i loved your map, but the are a few things that you should correct:

1- when a unit enters a region, put to appear in the screen : go right, go left
To the people know where to go, i got confused and i lost 2 races because of this.

2- My friends has crashed nearly to a jump and then he went into the jump, it failed, he stay stucked in the water because it bugged.

3- in the city track, in the first tunnel you going in, i entered by the left cornet and i have been teleported to the middle of the rocks (in the left of the track)

4- In the map that is the florest (many plants and etc.) put a better information i crashed the plants so many times that i have losted my self ^^ (it can be fixed by putting the number 1 suggestion)

5- Only this :D, the rest is perfect, really cool cameras and etc ^^

6- if i were you, i would put the upgrades for each rider in those shops i mean, the first rider (green rune) could be a better upgrade than the rider of orange runer (because he is better than the rider of green rune) so it would keep the game balanced ^^
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Another 2 bugs

Hey man, i've found 2 others bugs:

1- I bet everthing i had in a friend and i losted everything and it wasnt any way to i win money again for i bet or run, put at least 1 of income or something like this.

2- When the game end for some reason when you press ok the screen keeps all black and you must put your computer in logoff mode and then turn it on again. Try to fix it please :D

Edit: Sorry i put 2 posts =\

Edit 2: try to prolong the game a little bit because with a little time you already reach to the purple rider and you've competed all the tracks ^^

Edit 3: im not saying your game is bad even because i liked it very much lol im playing it since 8 am :D
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Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Nice fixes

Nice fixes but i think that you should correct:

1- when a player dont have more money he cant do anything to win money. Only asking for other persons. You should put 1gold income every round or something for the ones that didnt raced or dont have more money.

2- remember, the black screen ^^

Edit: Is this 'wall stuck fixed bug' the fix of the city map?
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Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Oh nice, i saw that this version doesnt have the black screen problem :D

Nice fix!

You should correct - - - - - -

1: You're right, it's good to run alone in a track but you shouldnt win money for that yes?

That happened when i was playing with 2 friends and i've started alone and i've won money for that u.u, that isnt correct

2: If a player doesnt have money anymore what will he do? ask for other players?

3: At the f11 (resources) put to give to another player just 2 coins or 1

4: More tracks maybe?

5: The normal game camera but locked.

I give you 9/10 for the map (nice creativity and game system)

Just need to work on the details :D


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007

"1: You're right, it's good to run alone in a track but you shouldnt win money for that yes?"
You win 20g yes, but thats actually the amount you payed to enter the race.
You do make a gradual profit from racing alone if you pay for groups of races you may notice, but I like it like this, allows people to play in single player and gradually afford a new horse.

"2: If a player doesnt have money anymore what will he do? ask for other players?"
At the moment yes, or they can quit. I don't want to be too generous on those that've betted all their money away, or there'd be no risk!
However I was considering putting in a job to work in the stables. You just buy a contract from a person in the stables, your peasant disappears for a few races, and you return with 20g!

"3: At the f11 (resources) put to give to another player just 2 coins or 1"
If you hold CTRL while clicking you can send a 1g at a time.

"4: More tracks maybe?"
When I have time I was planning on maybe adding 2 more. Perhaps a mine themed one and something else, I'm a bit busy at the moment to do a lot.

"5: The normal game camera but locked."
Theres a problem with the camera?
Oh! I think I get what you mean, one of the camera settings to be the regular Wc3 one. Yes I guess I could do that. Should it rotate with the racer's direction?
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
You mean rotate to racers direction like the dramatic camera? if it's that, no please because it's confuse to play like that ^^.

Its because i have friends who dont like neither the top down, 3rd person or 1rd person because they say that they can't ''see'' anything with those camera except for the top down that they say that it's too strange ^^.

Yes i mean, the normal war 3 camera but locked because then it wouldnt have complainings about the cameras, if you agree ^^

And you're right, i didnt think about the 20gold ^^

Yes, you could do the work because if people leave you need to rehost and that's boring =\ :D
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Yeah, you could do like that..

Hey the spoon, i'm sorry but u havent fixed the city bug, when the race starts, the first tunnel sometimes leads you to the rox beside of it =\

And the secret jump in the nature track isn't worked, it's kinda bugged
Level 3
Jul 22, 2010
Nice, i'll test it now spoon and when i test
i will be editing this post ^^

EDit: you've made a really good job on the jump because not always you get the jump right :D

The bug in the city its ok too :D

Suggestion: maybe you could put to press ESC (escape) and delete the vote? to vote again and etc am i being boring? ^^
Level 3
Dec 7, 2009
well I have to say it was fun, but! the race start timer is too fast, and what is the item for the bandit for it to morph?, and give more skills in the race track to make it more "fun"



Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
"race start timer is too fast" - Maybe, but most times I play we are very impatient! x3
"what is the item for the bandit for it to morph?" - Its heroes imbue, it says on the Item description and in Quests.
"give more skills in the race track" - I don't understand.

So far I have decided not to put 'weapons' or 'powerups' on the race track as I think it would turn into a typical mario-kart copy.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
If u don't put anything that make game more interesting. It will seem like something missing in your maps. Because i can't play your maps many times with same stage and style. It likes only running and running and so on in everytimes that i play your maps.