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The Dark Tide

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is about the aftermath of the invasion of the Burning Legion.

It contains 10 playable levels and 4 cinematic levels. All four races are playable.

This is my first campaign, I hope you enjoy it. Any tips for improvements would be welcome.


Sargeras, Campaign, Dark Tide

The Dark Tide (Campaign)

22:42, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze Pretty boring, bad terrain, no custom anything, bad presentation, memory leaks and boring, bad cinematics, Rejected




22:42, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze
Pretty boring, bad terrain, no custom anything, bad presentation, memory leaks and boring, bad cinematics, Rejected
Level 3
May 26, 2009
didnt like it
unfinished buisness is the only one with a -good- terrain but u have to fix the missing of heros sometimes
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
The Dark Tide (TDT) is a single player campaign that takes place after the last campaign of the Frozen Throne. The story begins when the heroes from the "previous" campaigns are needed once more to destroy several demonical portals that have been constructed in the corrupted woods of the night elven lands, little do they know at this time though, that their quest has only just begun.

About the gameplay of this campaign, it is basically like Blizzard's own campaigns where you need to construct a base with the use of your workers. Afterwards you need to harvest resources (gold and lumber), and when you got enough resources you are to train different kind of soldier units that are needed to guard your own base and destroy the enemy base. This type of gameplay is a bit old nowadays, since every melee map and most blizzards campaigns has a gameplay that's pretty much just like this. I think it would be fun to see some sort of new gameplay element(s) to make this feel more refreshing than playing, rather than something people have played for years.

The terrain of TDT is average and it wouldn't hurt to add some environmental doodads such as flowers, bushes, shrubs (etc.) here and there, especially in the forest areas. Another terraining element that TDT lacks is height variation, and a lot of places were completely or almost completely flat. Another thing that I noted was the lack of tile-variation at certain places. I also noticed the Lordaeron Summer was used, which I suggest replacing with the Village tileset, which looks a lot better but has the same kind of tiles. Apart from those already-mentioned things, the terrain is approvable.

There isn't really much to say about the music and sounds used in the campaigns. They were the same ones that comes with Warcraft 3. Whilst this mustn't be a bad thing, nowadays, it usually is as people have heard this music in different maps for years now, and as this is a campaign and there isn't really a maximum file size I suggest importing some custom music (basically everything that has been said about music goes for sound effects as well).

The Object Editor work was the worst part of this campaign, in my opinion. The units, buildings, abilities, upgrades etc. were all the same as blizzard uses in their campaigns, which makes this feel even less custom from playing one of blizzard's campaigns or just playing regular melee. I suggest adding new units to the races, ditching some of the old units, giving the heroes new spells, basically adding more custom stuff to, as mentioned above, make this feel like something new instead of like something old.

About the cinematic's of the campaign, they were lacking overall and the camera work nor the dialogs weren't that good. The music wasn't that fitting either. Some of the cinematic's were also bugged like the end cinematic of the first chapter where you could see that there were two sets of the same heroes on the map at the same time. My only suggestion regarding cinematic's would be to watch other cinematic's to get the hang of how you should make your own.

All in all, it didn't feel as though I wrote much positive in my review, and because of minor flaws in basically all areas and because of the fact that this campaign neither had custom units, buildings or anything custom at all and felt very much like a worse version of blizzard's campaigns, I don't think this is ready for approval in it's current state.

2/5 (Lacking) and voted for disapproval.
Last edited:
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Since Linaze already mention quite a problem at terrain, object editor and cinematic. I would just mention the scripting/triggering.

The scripting/triggering was poorly develop. Even though it is for single player, this map was generally ment for playing and not for watch.

Thus, memory leak and ineffective triggering could cause a serious lag after a period of time. To top up with, a partial amount of scripting isn't necessary or could be optimize for better performance.

One of the leaky trigger was spawn trigger where it spawn an unit when a unit has dies. For a computer with low ram, this would greatly effect the entire performance.

Apart from that, the map lack of proper polishing from almost every aspect which have been partially explain by Linaze. I suggest you to make a drastic improvement as the quality was far too low to be accepted into hive database at this moment.

1/5 (Unacceptable) and vote for disapproval.
Level 5
Jun 14, 2009
Well, I'd like to say that I'm surprised that so many people have already downloaded this campaign, I just uploaded it this morning!

About the comments below, Linaze, I'd be much obliged if you could tell me where to find new appropriate sound tracks for campaigns, especially music because I don't know where to find them.

I'd also like to add that when I made this campaign, I didn't know about hiveworkshop so I didn't know about custom models and effects. I also had a slight problem, the AI editor stopped working after I made chapter 2 (don't know why) and I had to trigger the other AIs. I'd be very happy if someone could tell me why or at least how to make better triggers for computer player AI.

But I can take criticism on the chin and I agree some levels, especially the first levels could be improved.
Level 4
Jan 10, 2009
Weel you had a relativly good idea but this is easyer saed than done. The main problem appart the terrain is that you just putted units randomly in places and there are houndreds of useless things! I meen units are putted in places they shouldn't be and there is too many of them. You should not rush when making a campaing or a map,it's a very complexd work! For a bigginer it is great but not good enoutgh for avarage people to play. The terrain in chapter three is horrible! I hope that you fix this,upgrade it and make it more fun,I didn't play the whole campaing but I will. Let Blizzard campaings be your guide and I don't know what to say but follow you heart,just follow your stupid heart!
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
I was to make a review of this campaign but... I just couldn't finish the campaign, I got bored at the level 7. Really the maps are incredible huge, there's no point on that, and there are some weird things, like the magic field in some part... it is supposed to do damage? It does nothing, it just stays there and does nothing, also in the same part, the towers are so high and so far from the bases that they do no damage at all, they just don't attack.

There are many issues like that, must of them Septimus and Linaze already mentioned them, but I have to agree, that you improve in each level, the dialogs and the essence of the characters are there, I think... xD but you can improve it, if you need help go to the forums, there will be many people that will help you with your campaign.

As for my rating, well, I'll give it a 2, just for the effort, but it really deserves a 1.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
I'd also like to add that when I made this campaign, I didn't know about hiveworkshop so I didn't know about custom models and effects. I also had a slight problem, the AI editor stopped working after I made chapter 2 (don't know why) and I had to trigger the other AIs. I'd be very happy if someone could tell me why or at least how to make better triggers for computer player AI.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-and-scripts-269/ Place this request here. There is higher chances of the question beng answered there.

You can ask other questions here. But remember to read the rules (one of STICKY threads on top have them) before posting.